Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 734 You bastard, lost your mind

At first, the wound was bleeding along the cotton ball.

But gradually, as Zhang Yuan inserted the needle, in just half a minute, the wound stopped bleeding.

Zhang Yuan took down the cotton ball, but Jia Er wanted to block it with his hands at first.

But when Zhang Yuan took away the cotton ball, Jia Er was surprised to find that his wound stopped bleeding!

Although Zhang Yuan's attack was so ruthless just now, in fact, when he used the knife, he avoided Jia Erlunzi's internal organs and intestines and did not injure any vital parts at all.

As long as the bleeding is stopped in time, Jia Erluzi doesn't even need to go to the hospital to treat the wound!

After stopping Jia Er's bleeding, Zhang Yuan looked at him with a half-smile.

"Looking at your posture, are you healed? Do you want me to continue to operate on you?"

Jia Er was stunned and shook his head like a rattle. "It's not cured! It's not curable! I just remembered that the doctor called me before and said he had misdiagnosed! I was drunk at the time and didn't think about it! I'm not actually sick, no need to Treat! No need to treat!"

When he said this, Jia Sanbiaozi and Lin Zhongfei outside the clinic became anxious.

Jia Er was stunned, so wouldn't their plan for today be completely ruined?

"Second brother, what are you talking about? When did the doctor call you? You must have remembered it wrong!" Jia Sanbiaozi said hurriedly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Jia Er suddenly jumped up from the stretcher, glaring at Jia San Biaozi with anger on his face.

"Third brother, you bastard! I am your second brother! Just for a bad business! You actually want to exchange my brother's life for money. Do you still have humanity?"

As soon as Jia Erluzi's words came out, everyone present was in an uproar.

What's going on?

Er Lengzi and San Biaozi still had a falling out?

And what kind of business is that Jia Erluzi is talking about?

Jia Sanbiao

Zi's ​​face changed drastically.

Their plans cannot be told in public.

He quickly interrupted Jia Er's words with a forced smile.

"Second brother, what nonsense are you talking about? What business! Aren't we here to treat you?"

Lin Zhongfei's expression in the crowd also changed drastically.

He didn't expect Jia Er to be so stunned and want to betray him in public. He was really an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Lin Zhongfei never thought that it was precisely because he told Jia Sanbiaozi to "do nothing to save him" that he led to Jia Erluozi's betrayal.

If Jia Er is a white-eyed wolf, then Lin Zhongfei is definitely a black-hearted wolf!

Jia Er's face was livid at this time: "Seeing a doctor? What a fart! Now that the matter is over, I'll just tell the whole thing!"

He shouted loudly, "Everyone, listen up! I believe you all know who San Biaozi and I are! Frankly speaking, a group of us came here today because we were paid to make trouble for Doctor Zhang." !”

"This..." After hearing this, everyone was shocked and started talking.

"I didn't expect it to be like this! I just said it! Jia Sanbiao and his gang definitely didn't come to our village to do anything good!"

"That's right! Now Jia Erluzi has admitted it himself! They came to cause trouble on purpose!"

"Tsk, tsk! I really didn't expect that stupid Jia Er would take the initiative to tell their story!"

"What's unexpected about this? He must have been frightened by Brother Yuan's knife just now!"

"Brother Yuan is really amazing! Just one cut and a few needles were enough to stop Jia Er's bleeding! This medical skill is really good!"


Of course! Otherwise, why are people outside saying that we have Dr. Zhang in Xiawan Village? "

"Compared to Zhang Yuan's medical skills, I'm more concerned about who paid Jia Sanbiaozi and his gang to cause trouble!"


Some villagers were shocked and angry that Jia Sanbiaozi and his group came to cause destruction.

Some were shocked by Zhang Yuan's medical skills.

Others were curious about who the person behind Jia Sanbiaozi was.

This person is obviously here for Zhang Yuan!

And maybe they are people from Xiawan Village!

The old couple and those who cared about Zhang Yuan all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that Jia Er's wound had stopped bleeding.

Just now Zhang Yuan stabbed Jia Er in the stomach.

They thought Zhang Yuan had lost his mind because he was too angry.

Now it seems that Zhang Yuan did not lose his mind because of anger, but was more sober than anyone else, and made the most correct decision at the critical moment!

Lin Zhongfei in the crowd saw that Jia Er was going to expose himself at any time, so he quickly lowered his head and turned around, trying to leave as quickly as possible.

But the speed of his turning could not keep up with the speed of Jia Er's speech.

Jia Er also noticed that Lin Zhongfei wanted to run away, so he couldn't help but shouted loudly

"You all should know the person who hired us!"

Jia Sanbiaozi's face changed drastically, "Second brother, you are crazy! You can't tell the employer! If you tell the employer, who will be willing to work with our brothers in the future?"

Jia Er stared blankly at Jia Sanbiao, "Brother? Why do you think of me as your brother? When you asked Doctor Zhang to stab me several times just now, why didn't you see me as your brother?"

Immediately, he continued, "The person who hires us is you.

The richest man in our village, Lin Zhongfei! "

When Jia Erluzi said this, Lin Zhongfei was quietly trying to escape from the crowd.

After hearing what Jia Erluzi said, his whole body seemed to be frozen and froze in place.

The surrounding villagers also looked at him, and for a moment everyone's eyes fell on Lin Zhongfei.

"It turns out to be Lin Zhongfei! I really didn't expect it to be him!"

"That's right! Fortunately, he is still from Xiawan Village! He actually let people from other villages come to our Xiawan Village to show off their power! He really doesn't have the consciousness of the people in Xiawan Village at all!"

"Hmph! You treat me as a fellow villager, when did they treat you as a fellow villager? Maybe the richest man in the village doesn't regard us as members of the same village at all!"

"It's so shameless! Brother Yuan opened the clinic for the benefit of the whole village! Lin Zhongfei actually sent people to cause trouble on the opening day, and still used such a shameless method. It's really shameful!"


Everyone started talking again. Lin Zhongfei's actions could be said to have completely aroused public outrage.

In the past, Lin Zhongfei led a group of people to the clinic to catch a rapist, and later he went to Zhang Yuan's house to cause trouble. Although the villagers thought he was overbearing, they didn't say anything.

After all, from beginning to end, Lin Zhongfei led the villagers to cause trouble, which was regarded as a matter within the village.

But this time, Lin Zhongfei attracted people from other villages and let Jia Sanbiaozi and his group show off their power in Xiawan Village.

This made the villagers feel unhappy, and even felt like they were betrayed!

Rural people have a strong sense of belonging to their own villages. Even if conflicts within the village turn upside down, everyone doesn't think much of it.

But if people from other villages get involved, the concept will change!

Why were Xiawan Village and Shangwan Village so fiercely fighting in the first place?

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