Little fairy doctor with holy hands

Chapter 735: Lost my mind, simply confused

It is because they want to protect the honor of the village and the villagers that they cause trouble again and again.

Lin Zhongfei's actions today really made everyone in Xiawan Village angry!

The old couple and Chu Xueqi glared at Lin Zhongfei.

Not to mention how angry they were when they learned that Jia Sanbiaozi and his group were hired by Lin Zhongfei.

Li Qiuju even said sarcastically, "You are the richest man in the village! You bring people from other villages to bully the people in this village. Isn't it true that you, the richest man in the village, are from another village?"

"That's right! We are all from the same village. What problem can't be solved internally? It's so shameless to find people from outside to bully the villagers!" Zhang Lin continued.

Shen Xiuyun and Zheng Qiuyue moved their mouths to say something. ??

But considering his identity, he still couldn't say it out in the end, and just glared at Lin Zhongfei along with him.

At this time, Liu Ruolan also walked up to Lin Zhongfei angrily and slapped him hard.

"Asshole! You can even do such a shameless thing, you are simply an asshole!"

Lin Zhongfei received a slap and looked at Liu Ruolan in front of him with disbelief.

He never imagined that Liu Ruolan would dare to slap him in front of so many people.

And it’s still for Zhang Yuan!

Could it be that she no longer intends to avoid people regarding the matter between her and Zhang Yuan?

After beating Lin Zhongfei, Liu Ruolan also recovered from her anger.

She realized that her actions just now might arouse the villagers' suspicion that she and Zhang Yuan had an affair.

Then, Liu Ruolan's heart moved and she said what she thought was the most witty thing she had ever said in her life.

"I feel ashamed to be married to someone like you! I slapped you on behalf of the whole village!"

After saying that, Liu Ruolan pretended to be angry and left.

Zhao Yan saw this and hurriedly followed. \u003c


The onlookers suddenly realized that Liu Ruolan wanted to kill her relatives out of justice!

They were previously wondering why Liu Ruolan slapped Lin Zhongfei on Zhang Yuan's behalf when Lin Zhongfei was causing trouble for Zhang Yuan.

The co-author is Liu Ruolan who wants to kill her relatives out of justice!

The villagers couldn't help but want to give Liu Ruolan a thumbs up for such a righteous act of exterminating relatives!

Traitors are always more hateful than enemies!

Therefore, whenever the traitor is mentioned, the Chinese people are filled with righteous indignation. They really want to eat the flesh of the traitor and drink the blood of the traitor!

Although Lin Zhongfei cannot be called a traitor, he can still be called a village traitor!

When a group of gangsters came to Liu Ruolan's clinic to cause trouble, everyone in the village felt that they could not stand it, and some even wanted to drive away the gangsters.

However, since the leader of the gangsters was Brother Bao, who was very powerful in the town, everyone did not dare to take action.

But that time it was just an invasion by foreign enemies, and there was no internal traitor to help.

The plot this time is even more serious. It was actually a traitor who brought in Jia Sanbiaozi and these second-rate scoundrels!

In the eyes of the villagers, Lin Zhongfei did not regard everyone in the village as a village at all!

Bringing people from other villages to bully people from this village is simply abominable.

If Lin Zhongfei wasn't the owner of the lumber factory, and the Lin family had a lot of influence in Xiawan Village, someone with a bad temper might have already rushed to give Lin Zhongfei a kick.

Lin Zhongfei was slapped by Liu Ruolan in public and stared at with unkind eyes by the villagers. He was shocked and angry.

He knew he had to leave quickly,

So he snorted, turned around and strode away.

After Lin Zhongfei left, everyone spat at his back and then turned to look at Jia Sanbiaozi and his group.

Jia Sanbiaozi was completely dumbfounded. How could the originally flawless plan turn into this?

Moreover, his second brother Jia Erluzi was dissatisfied with him, saying that he did not respect brotherhood. .??.

Jia Sanbiaozi does not think that he has no brotherhood.

Jia Er stood up first, then turned around and took the money. At worst, he could give him a little more!

After making money, everyone can spend it together!

But he forgot that if Jia Erluzi was really seriously injured or died, no matter how much money he gave Erluzi, he would have nothing to spend!

"Second brother, how could you say that just now? Look, you made Boss Lin angry! We are here to hang out, so we have to be loyal. How could you betray Boss Lin?" Jia Sanbiaozi couldn't help complaining.

Hearing this, Jia Er stupefied and sneered, "Speak of loyalty? Are you here to argue with me? When you asked Dr. Zhang to stab me a few times, why didn't you show loyalty to me, your biological brother? I can see it, you bunch of second-rates , as long as his fucking words can do it!"

"When it comes to interests, your true nature is exposed one by one! You simply don't recognize your relatives, and you can even push your own brother out for money! I tell you Jia Sanbiao, from now on, I don't have a brother like you! Don't do it anymore!" Call me second brother! I will go to the city to work tomorrow!"

After saying that, Jia Er turned around and cupped his hands towards Zhang Yuanyi.

"Doctor Zhang, I'm sorry for what happened today! I was blind and didn't see the true nature of these people, so I joined them to cause trouble for you, Doctor Zhang! I'm so sorry!"

Zhang Yuan waved his hand and said, "It's okay. It's not scary if you go the wrong way. As long as you step back from the cliff in time, it'll be fine! I hope you can go."

After entering the city, I can live a decent life from now on! "

"Thank you, Doctor Zhang, for your kind words!" Jia Er stunned and handed over his hand again.

After saying that, he turned around and strode away without even looking at Jia Sanbiaozi.

Although Jia Er was stabbed by Zhang Yuan before, after Zhang Yuan's treatment, the wound stopped bleeding at all.

The onlookers couldn't help but marveled when they saw it.

But what surprised them even more was that Zhang Yuan was able to persuade Jia Er Biaozi to stop being a second-rate man and break up with Jia San Biaozi.

In fact, for a moment just now, Zhang Yuan wanted to take the prodigal son Jia Er Lunzi under his control and let him work for him.

But then I thought that if Jia Erluzi stayed in Qinghe County, Jia Sanbiaozi would definitely find ways to make him continue to be a second-rate son.

Only by letting Jia Erlunzi leave Qinghe County and avoid Jia Sanbiaozi from a distance can Jia Erluzi be truly reborn.

After Jia Er Lunzi left, Jia San Biaozi finally recovered from his sluggishness.

He yelled at Zhang Yuan angrily

"Zhang Yuan! You bastard, you dare to seduce my second brother with your sweet words! I can't forgive you!"

Zhang Yuan curled his lips, "Am I flattering? Am I bewitching your second brother? San Biaozi, I have reminded you before, which is more important, money or your second brother's body and life. The result! You gave Lin Zhongfei a beating Phone call and then money was chosen!”

"If you hadn't even risked your second brother's life for money, how could your second brother be so disheartened and completely give up on you second-rate guys? In the final analysis, you still want money rather than brotherhood! No wonder others! "

Jia Sanbiaozi was suddenly speechless.

Zhang Yuan was right. He was indeed beguiled by the money promised by Lin Zhongfei at that time.

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