Live: Grassland life, Reba went to the wrong door in the middle of the night

Live: Grassland life, Reba went to the wrong door in the middle of the night


106 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Yang, a top student in 985, was tired of the social life in the city, and decided to go home and graze...
When I returned to my hometown on the grassland, I began to gnaw leg of lamb when I was hungry, and sip kumiss when I was thirsty.


Chu Yang, a top student in 985, was tired of the social life in the city, and decided to go home and graze...
When I returned to my hometown on the grassland, I began to gnaw leg of lamb when I was hungry, and sip kumiss when I was thirsty.
There is no lack of various adjustments in the ordinary life.
Have a night date with the prairie wolf, ride a snow leopard to find the Tianshan snow lotus.
Hunt with golden eagles and seek honey with brown bears.
And when Reba brought the program te...


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