Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 527 The So-Called Root

After discovering the power of the root, Gu Shang was full of infinite confidence.

He continued to follow his original idea and began to constantly comprehend the various wonderful uses of the root.

The most important thing is how to absorb the root and use it.

In this process, he spent a lot of time and energy. In order to speed up, he evolved countless sub-bodies and went to more virtual worlds.

In this way, another 50,000 years passed.

After spending countless energy, Gu Shang was finally able to touch the root with his own hands.

The green grass that stretched to the horizon.

Gu Shang stretched out his hand to control a ball of white light.

"This is the root, this is the starting point of the world."

Even at this point, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

The white light kept shining in his hands, sometimes shining through his palms on the grass under his feet, and sometimes turning into a ball of light, shining with strange arcs, constantly turning in his hands.

Just looking at this power, Gu Shang had countless insights.

He closed his eyes silently, greedily absorbing all the gains he had gained in this moment.

Half a second later, he understood everything.

In this short half second.

He already knew all his limitations, and understood the problems he faced in the vast amount of information.

His consciousness enveloped the entire world, covering all the small worlds of the immortals, and all the empty universes.

Billions of creatures were invisible under his observation.

"In this world, the thirty realms are the real limit."

"I don't need to go to many worlds, and there is no way to absorb any power in this world."

With his head down, he focused his consciousness on the light that kept spinning in his hand.

"The only way is to go outside the world."

"Absorb the roots outside the world to continuously strengthen yourself and strengthen this world."

The limit of the world is the thirty realms. If he wants to improve, he must drive himself and the world to improve together.

This has a lot in common with many worlds he has visited before.

After finding the answer, Gu Shang began to study and explore frantically again.

Another fifty thousand years passed.

In this process, Gu Shang absorbed all the roots of his world together.

And in the process, he went to countless worlds and learned a lot of knowledge in these worlds.

In an ordinary ancient world.

Gu Shang was wearing a green robe and sitting by the window on the first floor of an inn.

Listening to the random conversations of the people around him, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Waiter, serve the wine."

He knocked on the table and said.

Not long after, the waiter wearing a towel hurried up and put a jar of wine and several small teacups on his table.

Gu Shang poured himself a glass and drank it in one gulp.

"Sometimes we have to face some uncertain choices."

"Among these choices, once we make the wrong choice, the rest of our lives will be filled with endless darkness and torture."

He poured another glass of wine, looked at the calm cup, and said to himself.

"People are so helpless in many cases."

"If I want to continue to improve, I must take risks, but if the risk fails, everything I have will disappear."

Gu Shang continued to look at the wine on the glass.

"Go or not?"

After whispering these words, a naked man walked up to him.

"What are you wasting time on? A man should act like a man, dare to act, dare to try, and dare to bear all the consequences of failure."

"People like you who are always struggling about whether to do it or not are really lame."

"Thinking about what will happen if you fail and what will happen if you succeed before you even start, it's really boring."

The man looked at Gu Shang with disdain, then snatched the wine glass on the table and drank it in one gulp.

"Stinky boy, I'll teach you a lesson today. Life is only a few decades long, do whatever you want, what if you fail? What if you regret it, anyway, it's already been done, just do it."

After saying that, he smiled heartily and turned to leave the inn.

Gu Shang was stunned. At this moment, the whole inn stopped making noise, and everyone stopped, keeping their original movements, motionless.

Next to the stable outside the inn, a wisp of black smoke suddenly appeared on the dry weeds on the ground. The smoke spread quickly and burned everything around.

The area spread by the smoke also turned into nothingness with unclear color and shape.

This large piece of nothingness is slowly spreading towards the inn and the whole world.

Gu Shang quietly watched everything around him slowly disappear, and also quietly watched himself disappearing.

He closed his eyes, and opened them quickly. The next moment, he had come to his own little world.

The world just now was created by him using the power of the source. The world created was naturally based on his consciousness and his thinking.

The words of the strong man were also the actual thoughts in Gu Shang's heart.

"If that's the case, then do it."

After 50,000 years of exploration and research.

Gu Shang found a way that was not a way.

Consume all the root power of his world and go to another world.

After absorbing enough roots from that world through your own methods, you can give back to your own world, if you get enough roots.

The world he lives in will also begin to evolve and upgrade with the overflowing energy.

When he understood what the so-called root was, he was completely bound to this world, and the improvement of the world would also bring his own improvement.

Everything is complementary to each other.

Put on a brand new white suit for yourself.

Gu Shang's eyes passed over these people he knew well one by one.

After a few seconds, he quietly stretched out a finger, a middle finger.

"I am a monk and fearless in the pursuit of truth."

As soon as he finished speaking, the countless roots in his other hand instantly turned into pure power, crushing and impacting the surrounding space crazily.

It was as if I suddenly felt myself falling downwards while sleeping.

Gu Shang's right leg trembled, and he woke up with a start.

He looked at everything in front of him.

His eyes were deep, like looking into an abyss with no end.

"You brat, what are you looking at??"

Suddenly, a hand suddenly appeared and patted his shoulder hard.

"You are eating, why are you dazed?"

The other party said something again.

Gu Shang came back to his senses, twisted the hand holding the chopsticks, and forced a smile: "It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of the future..."

Shaking his head, he stretched out his chopsticks and continued eating the food on the table.

In the end, he succeeded.

He jumped out of his own world and came to other worlds.

Just when Gu Shang was eating.

A hand appeared from behind and patted his back.

"Hello, I'm your roommate, my name is Li An."

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