Longevity: Start with infinite blue bar

Chapter 528 Hexagonal Array

This voice is somewhat familiar.

Gu Shang instantly thought of something. He slowly turned around and looked at the other person directly.

As his head turned, the environment he was in changed rapidly, from the original restaurant to a small dormitory.

At this moment, he was in a four-person dormitory, sitting at the table below.

Opposite him, a young man was looking at him expectantly with his right hand extended.

"Li An!"

Gu Shang stood up.

Memories quickly surged.

When he just crossed over.

When he was reincarnated in the body of the first human, that human was called Li An.

In Li An's body, he spent a happy time. Even though he experienced various things and experienced various kinds of beauty later, he still felt that he was the happiest during that time.

Although the time when he became a dog was carefree and stress-free, the life of a dog was inconvenient after all, and naturally not as comfortable as that of a human.

At this moment, the young man in front of him was exactly the same as the Li An in his memory.

"Hello, I am..."

Gu Shang silently extended his right hand.

Before he finished speaking and before he shook hands with the other party, a ethereal voice came from behind him.

"Hello, new colleague, my name is Gu Fan. Our job is very simple. Just punch in on time every day. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. My workstation is next to you."

Hearing this voice, Gu Shang suddenly felt a strange sense of collapse.

The possibility that he gave up everything in exchange became like this.

His eyes became more and more gloomy, and Gu Shang turned around expressionlessly.

Just like before, after he completed the turn, he came to a magnificent office again. At the workstation next to him, there was a young man standing.

The young man looked at him with a smile, revealing two rows of white teeth, which made me look sunny and cheerful.

"Sure enough, it's Gu Fan's appearance."

After Li An, he entered Gu Fan's body.

He still had a good impression of this guy's appearance. After all, he was blessed by the Heavenly Snake Seal at that time, and his appearance was very high in every reincarnation afterwards.

The original Gu Fan was just an ordinary person.

Although he couldn't compare with him who had the Heavenly Snake Seal.

"Young man, what's wrong with my face? You keep staring at me."

"You kid, be careful, I have a family..."

Gu Fan patted his head and said playfully.

Like the last Li An, before he finished his actions and words, a familiar voice came from behind Gu Shang.

"Hello, I am..."

"Hello, I am..."

"Hello, I am..."

After experiencing three more scene changes, Gu Shang came to a dark space.

He stood in the center of the space in a daze.

"So, did I fail in the end?"

Sitting on the ground, Gu Shang was a little emotional.

All his power disappeared here, and the various golden fingers on his body could not respond to his words or give any answer.

At this moment, he was just an ordinary person.

An ordinary person with a long memory.

The deep space had no end in sight, and no one responded to Gu Shang's questions.

He tried his best to perceive his own state, trying to find a ray of light.

The root power was not in the perception.

The connection with many worlds also disappeared so abruptly.

Gu Shang just sat in the darkness and kept thinking.

He didn't know how much time had passed. In the endless thinking, he had no concept of time.

What made him feel special was that even if his current physical state was just that of an ordinary person, he could go without food or drink for a long time without even feeling tired.

"No, this feeling..."

In a trance, Gu Shang seemed to have grasped something.

"If I were an ordinary person, I might not be able to support such a long time."

"The reason why I haven't died yet is that the blue bar is infinite!!"

In the state of infinite blue bar, he has unlimited physical strength, does not need to eat, does not need to drink water, and can survive permanently.

After thinking of this, Gu Shang suddenly found a ray of light spreading in front of him, and turned into a white door in the blink of an eye.

The gorgeous light confused Gu Shang's eyes.

He stood up silently and walked to the side of the white door.

Without any hesitation, he stepped in.

After passing through the door, he came to a corridor filled with blue light.

The two sides of the corridor were filled with white doors like the ones in front of him. Through the glass frames above the doors, he could clearly see the figures inside these doors.

They were all himself.

Some Gu Shang were crying bitterly, some Gu Shang were fighting fiercely with the air, and some Gu Shang were lying on the ground, without any life.

Facing this scene, Gu Shang's heart was not moved at all.

He just walked forward silently.

The corridor was very long, as if there was no end.

Gu Shang concentrated his mind and wanted to count how many steps he had taken and how many years had passed.

But this number was infinite.

No matter what he did, he could not get an accurate answer.

In the end, he was too lazy to count and just walked forward.

After many years, Gu Shang finally reached the end of the corridor.

Here, the surrounding blue light became weaker and weaker, and in the center of those shallow blue lights, a gorgeous magic circle shone.

It was a hexagonal figure.

Every edge and every corner emitted colorful light.

When Gu Shang walked here, he naturally got all the information.

[The Place of Endless Sinking]

Everyone who wants to go further out of the world will experience all kinds of suspicion, suffering, illusion, time, and emotional infection here.

Only those who really abandon everything and move forward courageously can come here.

"Am I really this kind of protagonist?"

Gu Shang grinned, took a step forward, and stepped into the central area of ​​the hexagon.

Under the constant change of light and shadow, the world around him has undergone earth-shaking changes again.

A trace of weak root power was grasped in his hand.

And outside the hexagon, he saw countless worlds.

"Is this the outside of the world?"

In his eyes, those worlds were dots of light, they were scattered around, countless.

"This rule, this world, is quite interesting."

After looking for a while, Gu Shang fixed his eyes on the light on his chest.

"Let's start with you."

As soon as the words fell, the last root power in his hand completely dissipated, turning into a small black dot, swallowing him whole.

Accompanied by a trance of consciousness, Gu Shang's figure, which had shrunk countless times, fell towards the world of light.

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