Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 105 Remember a summary meeting

In the conference room, the fireplace has been lit, and the warm air rushes into the face when the door is opened.

There was a Pascal nestled on a sofa in the corner, looking like it was about to fall asleep. Normally, Paulina would have carried him to the conference table, but this time she ignored the young man on the sofa and walked straight over.

The summary meeting begins with analyzing the collected data and then drawing points and drawings.

"It seems that the configuration of this series is still not ideal." Master Kano examined it and finally concluded: "It's a bit interesting, but not much."

"Should we continue to penetrate or proceed to the next group?" The "penetration" Paulina mentioned is to constantly adjust the single configuration of the array to increase the target coordinate height and input power, which is what the research team is doing in the afternoon. .

"Continue to penetrate the handle. The amount of eruption of this transmutation dust is still considerable, which at least shows that the transmission channel of this configuration is relatively stable." Kano finalized the next task: "After all, we have now solved the input source. This is Luo Master Xia’s contribution.”

Speaking of himself, Rorschach also wanted to say a few words. Now that the analysis and discussion of the experimental results are over in the afternoon, he would like to ask a divergent question: "Is there a lot of energy in the transmutation dust?"

"Not only are there many, but they are also messy and violent. So it is not unreasonable for some scholars to call them fragments of the Kingdom of God. There are condensed ether in them, and occasionally there are other embodied energies, which we usually see in divine arts."

"Can this part of the energy be used?" Luo Xia felt that since the eruption of transmutation dust can be covered by the crystal protective cover, it is relatively controllable. It would be a waste to just offset it.

"Currently, the risk is relatively high. The crystal cover is also a temporary measure for us and requires constant maintenance. In addition, it only erupts briefly and is highly volatile."

Kano thought for a while: "But it is indeed an application direction. At least our phased results can be transformed into something useful, and it is better to fool those old guys into paying. I will make a note of it first and wait until the research laboratory recruits new people this semester. Let’s take some time to do it.” After that, he wrote down Rorschach’s thoughts in a small notebook.

As a rule, the research team should add new ones every year, but now it is the expansion period of the guild's trading company, which provides a large number of jobs, and both senior apprentices and low-level mages are very busy.

And a very important point is that Pascal's failure to graduate has had a very negative impact on Carnot's enrollment, causing many senior apprentices who can study closely with professors to go around Carnot.

Fortunately, the master always had the attitude of "it will be your loss if you don't come here to study" and never said anything to Pascal because of this.

Are there any other secrets, such as that Pascal is Carnot's illegitimate son, or that he is the son of the man whom Carnot loves, and was entrusted to Carnot at the end of a regretful and poignant love story? All the above rumors, Rorschach, who had just arrived in the tower, didn't know what was true or false.

Rorschach also had another idea, which came from Dryac's operation: "Can we first enter the original level through some means, and then enter the astral world from the symbolic world? Doesn't it mean that the symbolic world and the astral world have a one-to-one mapping? "

Kano replied angrily: "Why go to the star realm when you can reach the original level? Little Rorschach, you put it lightly, do you know what it means to enter the original level?"

"What does it mean?" Luo Xia had actually been there, so he wanted to know.

"Although I don't know what will happen after the Silent Age, in the Age of Gods, only gods can reach the Symbolic Realm! Even if mortals are lucky enough to get there without the protection of the true gods, they will immediately be impacted by the true nature of the gods, and their souls will There is not even a scum left! So Rorschach, the path you mentioned can be realized, but there is a small prerequisite——"

Kano pinched his fingers and gestured with the minor premise: "You just need to become a god first."

Teacher, it was actually very empty there. Rorschach felt that it was useless to say anything, so he nodded and shut up.

Cano looked at his pocket watch: "That's it for tonight. Rorschach will stay for a while. Paulina can go. Pascal comes here. Pascal?"

Pascal found a wool blanket from nowhere, wrapped it up in the sofa and slept soundly.

"Hmm, Bao? Have you finished the meeting?" As soon as he opened his eyes, Paulina put her hand on his shoulder, and he must have been shaken awake.

"Go over." As he said this, Pascal experienced the feeling of weightlessness. Rorschach witnessed him being lifted up by Paulina and thrown over the conference table. The Archmage waved his hand, and Pascal finally sat down safely on the chair.

boom! The conference room door was closed.

"Teacher, look, she looks like she has eaten gunpowder! It was so scary just now!"

"We are all spell casters. You should use magic to counter magic, rather than complaining to me." Kano rubbed his hands: "In the Alchemy Department, how is the progress today?"

"Everything is going well, the equipment is in place and can be put into production at any time. But there are still some small problems: the dealer said that the current product line is too single and the unit price is too expensive, which may not be easy to sell, and orders may be less than expected. There are also raw materials Prices are also rising, and costs need to come down again.”

"That's all after the production is put into production. Okay, Pascal, you did a good job this time. Rorschach, you and Pascal will swap. Tomorrow, Pascal will come to the research building, and Rorschach, you will go to the potion workshop."

"I'm not going!" Pascal seemed to jump up: "Look at Paulina's current state! We both will suffer if I come!"

"Fool, when you came here she felt relieved. It was precisely when you worked hard in the trading company that Paulina became sulky." Master Carnot taught Pascal with the style of a veteran:

"In the final analysis, if you can pass the assessment and become an official mage, everything will be solved. Regarding your old and difficult problem, I will start special training for you tomorrow."

Pascal was both afraid and looking forward to the "special training" from the Archmage: "Don't you need to continue the experiment?"

"Hasn't the equipment in the Alchemy Department been dismantled? Tomorrow let the construction team move the laboratory to a larger place, closer to the power machine room. Now there are three full floors of the building free, and other research groups are gearing up. Let's hurry up Circle the territory and come down."

Rorschach wanted to remind Master Kano that as the chief professor, it would be inappropriate for you to lead by example, right?

Luo Xia's task from tomorrow is to supervise and guide the new production workshop of "Energy Potion" to be put into production smoothly.

Originally, this was the plate of the Alchemy Department, but everyone despises the Alchemy Department, and the support of the Alchemy Department is needed everywhere. Therefore, in the current construction boom, a large number of brothers have gone out to work, and the Kano group who has good relations with them has been Invite to make extra money.

"The entire factory still needs to be kept secret, so we set up a wall to tinker inside." Pascal, the former person in charge, handed over the work:

"You look for it according to this map. When you enter, you will be told that it is the representative of the Magic Guild and Tower of Stars, sent by Master Kano. Regarding the two questions I mentioned before, junior brother, you can make suggestions, but please don't sign randomly. , you must be responsible for signing.”

Pascal also mentioned some precautions. In Rorschach's eyes, he really regarded the pharmacy workshop as his own business.

"Understood, understood." Senior brother, you are quite a nice person.

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