Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 106: After traveling through time, entering the factory is still unavoidable

The end of the sinkhole leads to the factory.

Even if Rorschach traveled to another world and became a spellcaster, he still couldn't escape the fate of being in a factory.

However, they all enter the factory as an "assistant operating engineer", which means working shifts in the dark, climbing a distillation tower dozens of meters high and shivering on the platform, and failing to tighten the valve to leak and leak money and deduct money/safety Deductions for failure to memorize all regulations/deductions for failure to hold handrails when going up and down stairs

Now, the intermediate mage Rorschach is stationed in the soon-to-be-launched industry-university-research cooperation project of the Alchemy Department - "Hercule" Alchemy Potion Workshop as the "Supervision and Management Specialist of the Magic Guild and Tower of Stars".

Hercules, the demigod hero who symbolizes strength, bravery and perseverance, implies that you can become him by drinking an "energy potion".

"Welcome, are you the new representative of Tower of Stars?" The manager in charge of greeting was waiting at the door of the factory early.

When Rorschach got off the carriage, he saw this short, fat man with oiled and slicked-back hair. He was wearing a bright orange-red coat. The ruffles on the collar were more exaggerated than the guests at the King's dinner. The jacket inside was bulging because of the His belly was tight.

There are two people following him, one who is weak should be the secretary, and the other who is strong and fierce should be the bodyguard.

When we got out of the car, the winter breeze was still a bit cold. Rorschach observed that the factory was surrounded by red brick walls for confidentiality reasons, and there were rusty nails with pointed ends on them. It would be much better if there was no wind inside the factory.

Rorschach looked at the manager, who was also looking at him. This mage didn't have a beard or a bald head, and was even younger than the confused apprentice a few days ago. He was wearing a mage's robe with purple edges, and the clothes underneath were very simple. The color was neither fancy fabric nor the current fashionable corduroy.

A mid-level mage about the same age as his own son! What kind of guy is this? Arrogant genius?

"Rorschach, a student of Master Kano, is here on behalf of the guild and the Tower of Stars." Rorschach politely extended his hand.

The manager quickly held his hand: "Pierre Neusingen, the joint venture representative and the current head of the workshop. Nice to meet you! You are so young. Master Snow and Mr. Pascal have both mentioned you to me. , the youngest intermediate mage in Valuauna in recent years! Although I have known your name for a long time, I can’t help but be surprised to see this young talent like you with my own eyes."

Can you please let me go in? Don't you think the wind on the shore is very cold? The factory needed water power and was naturally built along the river. Rorschach felt that his face was stiff because of the flattery.

He forced a smile: "I'm sorry for complimenting Mr. Newsingen, let's go in."

"Okay, okay. Just call me Pierre, please come with me. With your presence and guidance, our workshop will flourish and our business will develop smoothly." Rorschach remained calm. Although Rorschach responded with a smile , but Mr. Pierre's sharp and seasoned eyes could see that the other party was smiling, and his flattery didn't bother him at all. He was worthy of being the youngest intermediate mage, and he didn't have the mentality of a teenager at all.

If I catch a cold because of this fat guy, can it be considered a work-related injury? The manager didn't know that Rorschach was thinking about whether the Holy Kingdom had an "Employees' Insurance Law" similar to the Empire's.

There is a storage area as soon as you enter the door. There are trailers and shuttle buses under the big tent. Next door is the large stable, which is very convenient for loading and unloading.

A little further inside is the semi-open-air production room. The three-story cast iron vault support is covered with waterproof canvas to protect the concentration kettle and mixing pot below from wind and rain. The color of the ground was the same as the soil outside, but it was much firmer and smoother. Rorschach seriously suspected that it was the work of [Soil Shaping].

The factories that started construction at the same time are often still in the same state as Rorschach saw from the viewing window of Skyport. They are still in the construction period in full swing. As long as they are as close to being put into operation as the "Hercules" Alchemy and Pharmacy Workshop, it is basically certain that it is a magic industry. society’s assets.

If there is magic, it is amazing.

The construction is one step faster than others, the channels sell well in the mainland, and there are preferential tax rates in the Holy Kingdom and Istani. These are the huge advantages of the magic guild's trading company, so Mr. Pierre used his savings and tried every means to get involved in alchemy through an apprentice. On the front line of the department, as the general manager, he had no complaints and was very happy to cater to Master Rorschach in every possible way.

"This is our refining section. The original equipment has been installed. It will be put into trial operation this afternoon soon. The new equipment is not yet fully in place." Pierre introduced to Rorschach.

The production line that was just deployed yesterday has not been put into production. At this time, there are workers in twos and threes doing taloch in the factory. They are skilled workers who were there when the production line was still in the research building. They will become new employees when they arrive. Foreman.

"Can you tell me about the refining process?" Luo Xia did not become the elder brother of the Alchemy Department in this life, but he understood it before, so I understand!

"This... this is my nephew, let him introduce it." Manager Pierre is only responsible for sales and management, and knows nothing about these. After all, the technology belongs to the Alchemy Department. But my nephew was interested and learned a little bit about it from his old buddy while doing things.

The frail young man behind Manager Pierre stood up and introduced Rorschach.

"The main raw material of purple potion is the juice of ox bile grass, which is squeezed and filtered first." He pointed to the machine at the far end of the shed, which was probably an iron frame. The material was fed in from the upper port, passed through pieces of iron plates, and then came out from the lower port. material. Contacting the screw on the sheet structure, Rorschach guessed that it should be some kind of plate and frame filter press.

"The filtered juice is concentrated in the first kettle. Remove one-third of the volume in the first pot and let it cool. Then pour it into the next kettle and mix it with the water from the malva fruit. The color will turn purple. The rest of the process Just let it sit for a while to clarify, and then take the upper clear liquid and bottle it.”

By the way, he also asked about the temperature and other parameters of the concentration kettle, and the nephew was able to answer them. Luo Xia nodded, this young man is good at this job: "May I ask what your name is?"

"Antoine, my name is Antoine Newsingen." The young man answered the question and felt like he was being tested. This mage saw these devices for the first time on his first day here, but he seemed very familiar with them. He was completely an expert. Level, is it possible that uncle's information is wrong, Master Rorschach is actually from the Alchemy Department?

"Thank you for the introduction. Can you take me to the raw material processing workshop?"

"Okay, the pretreatment and filling workshops are fully enclosed workshops, come with me." The workshop is a two-story red brick building. The height of the first floor alone can reach the two floors of the residential building.

Why do I feel that Master Rorschach admires that boy very much. Pierre has become a follower walking behind the two young men. He is thinking that it is a pity that Antoine is too old and it is too late to become a magic apprentice.

Ox bile, also called "god's /gao/wan/" by ancient humans, has long been discovered to have the effect of improving energy and even aphrodisiac. It is a frequent visitor to the pots of alchemists in this world.

One of the secret recipes of the Alchemy Department is that they use alchemical water mixed with spiritual substances to water these plants before they mature, making the grass pods and stems extraordinarily fat, with deep purple lines bursting out among the green.

In preparation for the test run in the afternoon, a group of workers were pressing juice at this time. Like the rapeseed oil that Rorschach had seen in his previous life, they wrapped the picked grass in gauze and placed it in the trough one by one. Use wooden boards to separate them.

However, water power was used during squeezing. The thick screw rod was connected to the water wheel outside. Under the command of the foreman, the squeezing began. With a teeth-searing sound, the turbid brown-green juice flowed from the diversion trough. come out.

The air was filled with the smell of grass and earth, and an indescribable odor.

After the juicing is over, Rorschach wants to press the filtered cakes. He broke open the dregs and found that the juice had indeed dried up, but the smell in the dregs was still strong: "It seems that there are still a lot of ingredients left in the dregs."

"Yes, this ox bile grass is getting more and more expensive. We hope that the extraction rate of raw materials can be higher."

Kano let me come, it's really an advantage for you guys, you have to pay more for outside labor! Rorschach, who already had an idea, couldn't help but rub his hands.

Thanks to book friends "20180417145547941", "Expressive Poker Face", "Foggy Zjl", "Liu Jin 1995", "Xue Hai Shen Feng", "Nightlight Shines on the Butt" and "Q21Q21" for their monthly ticket support! Thanks to book friends such as "Unwilling Heart", "Riyue Yuanche", "Principal Coolie", "Lack of Quality", "Pippi Whale Kettle", "SEERS", "Wow, I'm so late that I don't even have a name" and other book friends for their recommendation votes. ! Thank you everyone for reading!

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