Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 112 On and off the stage

After Rorschach informed Kano, he left the box immediately. At this time, he and Kano were on the third floor, and the target box was on the second floor.

He has a concern. The unexpected appearance of a suspected mage is certainly suspicious, but there is another possibility. It would be embarrassing if it were Brother Xiao or Brother Falcon.

After walking through the corridor, turning, going downstairs, and walking down another corridor. After constantly using [Arcane Vision] and getting closer at the same time, Rorschach saw a standing still figure. At this time, a ball of fire has condensed on his hand, which can be stabbed out in the form of a ray at any time.

This is? No matter whether it is a mage or a special person equipped with magic alchemy tools, it is impossible for the whole body to shine with magic aura, or even to outline the entire human form.

And it was obvious that before there was only a light spot and a hazy area, now the aura has strengthened.

At this point Rorschach slowed down and waited for Kano's arrival.

Arriving at the suspicious box, Kano raised his hand, and Rorschach felt a warm current in his body. It might be some kind of protection. He looked at the Archmage. Kano nodded in response, indicating that he could open the door. Rorschach walked to the door step by step and pressed the door handle.


Rorschach cast a spell directly on his hand, and the door lock turned into pieces under the influence of [Decomposition Technique].

He turned around and kicked it open. When the door opened, he saw a man facing the stage, holding on to the railing of the box. The other party sensed the arrival and slowly turned his head without moving his body, revealing a face that was completely corrupt and covered in gray-green pus.

"Help, help, help" the light became brighter and brighter, and suddenly his head split open. The victim's face was broken open by a vine, but the plant stabbed straight at Rorschach like a poisonous snake.

A ray of red light passed by, and the heat ray prepared by Rorschach cut the vine into several sections, and at the same time separated the broken head from the head.

"Poisonous fog!" Rorschach was aware of the possible attack from the moment the vines appeared, based on the battle with Leopold in the river valley and the attacks on the Imperial Palace and the Parliament Building. So when the humanoid evil thing launched its attack, Rorschach alerted Kano behind him.

Sure enough, thick dark green smoke spewed out from the neckline, cuffs and even the whole body of the dress. Its density should be heavier than air. After it spewed out, it sank and flowed towards the seats in the hall below.

【Air Cannon】? Although it can be blown away, it means that the poisonous mist will spread to the auditorium below at an accelerated rate. Rorschach chose to condense water mist, hoping that water would absorb and block its spread. A large number of water droplets would almost converge into a water curtain to wrap the mist.

Suddenly the wind picked up, and Rorschach felt that all the air whizzed away with the evil corpse as the center, and the dark green smoke and the water summoned by Rorschach were all swept in.

After the fog disappeared, Rorschach saw clearly that the body of the evil object had turned into a space-time tunnel, and the gray clouds and mist on the other side were constantly surging. This portal had huge suction power, constantly tearing apart the stubborn monster. At this time, its clothes were broken, and it continued to There were vines bursting out and waving, trying to cling to something.

Rorschach summoned [Burning Hand], grabbed these plants with flames, and burned them all.

Snapped! The passage was broken, and Kano finished casting the spell. Floating in front of him was a specially preserved section of vines and fragments of the corpse's clothes.

"The one on the other side of the teleportation window is"

"The high altitude of the air element plane has negative pressure compared to the ground of the main plane." Kano explained: "Sometimes it is convenient to clean something."

This is not environmentally friendly. Rorschach thinks that Kano may not throw garbage into the elemental plane.

After the brief confrontation, the intermission was also over. The battle was noisy enough that no one paid attention to what happened on the right side of the second floor. Even at the end, someone felt the strange wind. When they looked up, the man's body had been exiled. When you go to other planes, you can't see the situation behind the railings at all.

Rorschach suddenly thought of something: "The theater should be symmetrical, right?"

Kano's face darkened. Sure enough, under the two people's [Arcane Vision], there was also a humanoid aura in the second floor box directly opposite.

Rorschach checked other places, but the VIP boxes on the third floor did not have the same reaction. It was obvious that the attack was aimed at the audience in the hall.

At the beginning of the third act, as the first symphony died down, warm applause greeted the opening of the curtain.

Applause, applause. The whole hall was making similar sounds. Under the stimulation, the standing corpse of a woman in a complicated dress in the left box began to break.

Puss and waving vines broke out of the body. At the last moment when the poisonous mist was about to erupt, two mages suddenly appeared in the box. The time and space around them briefly distorted for a moment, and then immediately calmed down.

This is the fifth level performance of [Any Door]. Kano grabbed Rorschach and crossed the entire theater.

Kano and Rorschach adopted different strategies to deal with the male corpse. A large amount of water wrapped the female corpse. This was Kano casting a spell. At the same time, an extremely cold ray erupted from Rorschach's hand, quickly freezing the target.

The two of them cooperated tacitly, and thus successfully preserved the complete "evidence", which was also an evil object.

"Observe the situation here, and if there is a new problem, activate this gem." Kano took out a gem with constant magic from his space ring: "As long as you inject ether, it will break and appear the same as just now." The same portal sent this dirty thing to other planes. But now it remains frozen."

"Okay." Kano left immediately after Rorschach agreed, and he went to notify more people to formally handle the follow-up.

This is a three-act performance, with the third chapter being slightly longer than the first two. The play finally reaches an exciting climax:

The beautiful Catherine and the lawyer brother relied on their wisdom, integrity and bravery to collect evidence of the frame-up by the nobles and the priest. At this time, the two sides stood in the highest court in the area to sue. All the characters who appeared in the play were present to watch and serve as a jury.

After her speech, Catherine’s powerful recitative echoed in the theater:

"Because you are a great noble, you think you are great! Lineage, wealth, titles, positions, all these things that make you proud! What have you done for these? You just came out of your mother's womb and used them A little strength, nothing else! No, in terms of bravery and honesty, everyone on the dock is nobler than you!"

On the stage, inside and outside the courtroom, a chorus of voices representing the public echoed.

The lawyer urged the judge to make the final ruling: "My fair lord, please make a decision in front of everyone! Declare which side the victory belongs to! I must remind you on behalf of everyone's will: one side of the struggle is simplicity, the other is indulgence; One is honesty, one is fraud; one is glory, the other is despicable; one is restraint, the other is greed. Please make your decision! Declare to everyone who defeats whom!"

It is as if the audience has become a member of the jury, focusing nervously on the judge. When he pronounced the nobles and priests guilty of false accusations and Edmund not guilty, cheers and applause resounded from the stage to the audience.

However, the nobleman fell into madness: "You succeeded today, and I will repay you twice as much! You fishy bitch, never want to see your fiancé again! He will become a withered skeleton and a pile of dung in my dungeon!"

The nobleman laughed triumphantly in the face of the gnashing of teeth from others, including the audience.

But the laughter ended, the music suddenly stopped, and the lights went dark. When the light returned, the hero miraculously stood on the stage and embraced his fiancée, triggering even greater cheers.

Rorschach emerged from the wooden board at the moment when the lights were turned off. Rorschach had already mastered [Dark Vision]. In order to observe possible changes on the stage, he turned it on together with [Arcane Vision], but it made him lose a bit of fun watching the show. .

Carnot, the chief of the palace guard, and a group of guards broke into the box. Rorschach has been releasing [Ice Ray] to Bing Tuo Tuo, and now his arms are sore and stiff: "You are finally back."

The captain of the guard looked at the disgusting-looking evil corpse and put his hand on his sword: "Who can tell me what is going on?"

Thanks to the book friends "Saka Saka Bamban Jiayu" "bokklubb" "Book friends 20200425132356567" "Tai Shang 10086" "Archier" "The world does not quarrel" "Book friends 20180529083643098" "Book friends 161016104914210" "How worthy" Book friend 20190923215716709" monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friends such as "SEERS", "Rabbit Luojie", "Zhizhong" and "Gu Yunqing" for their recommendation votes!

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