Another person came into the box. Rorschach saw that the old man was wearing a black plain robe, and the only decoration on his body was a purple belt. In his hand he held a gray pointed hooded cloak.

"Joseph of the Order of Priests." The old man saluted Kano and Rorschach, and Rorschach followed the teacher and returned the salute:

"Tower of Stars, Kano. Hello, Monsignor Joseph."

"Hello Rorschach from Tower of Stars."

While Rorschach returned the gift, Carno heard that it turned out that Priest Joseph was Du Plessi's most capable assistant and the actual head of St. Miller's Cathedral when the cardinal had no time to take care of the affairs of the kingdom and the church.

"In the name of maintaining order, serve the country first, and then serve the gods." With such a creed, Joseph was destined to be responsible for most of the church affairs of the Holy Kingdom. After he was recommended by the red prime minister to the Eternal City, he was awarded the title by the Holy See. The honor of “Mgr. At this point, except for his actual duties, Joseph's status and power are no different from those of ordinary bishops.

However, Monsignor Joseph is a monk of the Order of Priests. He lives a frugal life and wears a gray peaked cloak with a plain monk's robe all year round. Therefore, he is known privately as "Gray Bishop" in the palace and the church. The gray coat not only refers to the color of his regular clothes, but also metaphors that Priest Joseph is the shadow of the cardinal.

"You must be careful with your mouth in front of the old man. He is a true believer in gods." Kano finally reminded in [Messaging Technique].

What do you mean? Rorschach discovered that an adult was being complained about by Kano through the air.

As the first discoverer, Rorschach talked about how he saw the magical aura, how he eliminated the danger with the Archmage Kano, and briefly mentioned the activities of the "Return to the Virgin" order in the empire.

After listening to the affairs of the order, the priest snorted: "blasphemous insect!" Then he changed his face to a gentle one: "Thank you, Master Rorschach and Master Kano, for successfully preventing a terrible attack. The Lamb of the Lord who saves many.”

Why do you say this and make me feel less accomplished?

Kano showed off the fragments and vine samples collected in the box on the right. The captain of the guard looked over and over again but couldn't figure out the reason. He kept pacing in the box with his chest raised like a rooster that couldn't find a bug. He didn't know whether he wanted to think or to vent his anger.

"Since we have a sample, restoring the appearance of this unfortunate man will be more conducive to the investigation of the captain of the guard and the rest of this lady." The priest prayed quietly for a moment, waved it in the air, and all the curtains of the box closed by themselves.

The ether began to flow, and Monsignor Joseph's prayer included both a chant to activate divine magic and a eulogy for the victims:

"You walk in light and order,

A temporary shadow hangs over you, bringing misfortune.

Everything you do must leave traces

In the name of our great father, may you rest in peace! May you rest in peace! "

As his chanting became louder and louder, the golden light continued to gather in the ice, and shadows emerged one after another, first the rotting corpse before being frozen, then the appearance of the deceased before being contaminated by evil forces, and finally The holy light shone on her body, and when it dissipated, the ice disappeared, leaving only a sleeping woman.

If Priest Joseph had not drawn the curtains of the box in advance, the miracle just now would have been seen by ordinary people in the theater, which would have been a big event.

"You shall not perform any miracles in front of others, and you shall not cause them to believe in me because of my miracles." This is the ancient oracle of the God of Light and Order. It was also the first time for Rorschach to witness the monks of the church performing magical arts, if not eavesdropping on other people's private chats.

"Chief Guard, the investigation of this lady's identity and the follow-up matters will be left to you." The priest turned to Rooster and said, and Kano also handed over the collected pieces of clothes of the male corpse to this adult.

Next, it is the security team under the guard captain's turn to have a headache, but if supernatural evil forces are involved, the church will also help. Of course the vine sample Kano remains. The guards endured nausea and carried the body out of the box.

"My lords, what is going on?" Valan also came, followed by Snow and a pair of young people. Rorschach felt that Pascal looked a bit familiar. Paulina?

The side box was not big to begin with, but now it was even more crowded. After understanding the situation, Mr. Valan hesitated. He hoped that the final party of the charity performance could continue, so he looked at the captain of the guard and said: "Then what happens next?"

Varan's father had a good relationship with the chief of the guard, and he had to take into account the face of Finance Minister Necker. The chief of the guard responded: "I will strengthen the security here." This was his tacit approval that the event could continue. No one else objected, so the "interlude" would not interrupt this well-organized social gathering.

"Is anyone interested in backstage? We can talk to actors and screenwriters."

"The Monsignor and I won't go," the guard chief said, and Joseph nodded.

"Well, after the statistics of the funds raised by this performance are completed, we will notify the two adults to attend the charity dinner."

The guard captain looked around: "It depends on the situation."

As a result, only the four "idle people" from the Tower of Stars were left to follow Valan to the back of the stage to express condolences to the performers. Snow, who had been discussing the beverage factory in detail with Mr. Pierre, did not follow.

In the corridor of the theater, Rorschach used [Messaging Technique] to communicate with Kano: "Will the subsequent investigation of the attack be handed over to the security forces and the church?"

"Isn't this the biggest positive role they have played in Valuauna and the entire Holy Kingdom? What powers do we have to investigate and enforce the law?" Kano acted like he was a good citizen.

Rorschach thought this was an excuse, but since the mentor had spoken, that was the end of it.

Kano continued: "We mages and guilds have our own investigation methods. In fact, even if the poisonous mist spreads today, it will not hurt us at all or threaten us. The samples of the vines have been retained and I will submit them to the guild later. The Senate will make a report to sound the alarm."

The sect, perhaps not necessarily the sect but other Mother Earth believers, actually spread to the Holy Kingdom, which also surprised Rorschach. Will there be a follow-up? Come on, the captain of the guard and the old man of the church! Luo Xia never thought that there would be a day when he would sincerely wish the above two parties.

Backstage at the theater, the actors took off their makeup in front of the mirror, numerous costumes were hung on the wall, and many people drank drinks sponsored by "Hercules".

"Mr. Valan! It's my honor to have you here!" The troupe leader was very enthusiastic about the sponsor. This was not the first time he met Valan, but the down-and-out young nobleman had been following Necker before.

Necker, the cunning old fox, asking for funds from him is as difficult as fighting for food from jackals, tigers and leopards!

The actors and screenwriters also came forward, and the troupe leader hugged the thin, melancholic young man: "Karon, the screenwriter of this wonderful show! You must have never imagined that a month ago he was His Majesty the King's favorite watchmaker!"

Hearing "watchmaker", the young man's originally awkward smile twitched, but soon his face showed unconcealable surprise.

"This is the first time we have met, remember." Pascal warned the former club members using [Messaging Technique].

I went to see Mingke Little Black Fish in the afternoon. The update in the evening will be postponed, sorry!

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