Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 139 The explosive reply

This is the second time Kano has mentioned this. To be honest, the project in Rorschach's hands has not made much progress yet. The guild and other mages are all paying attention to their own blue light shield. My teacher frequently mentions what happened after the project, which seems to be like discussing the year-end bonus at the beginning of the year.

Luo Xia put down the tea cup and said a little suspiciously: "Dear teacher, you seem to be in a hurry to send me out?"

"How could it be? I just care about my students. Don't imitate your senior brother and just live on me for free."

"No, when we first brought it up, we also discussed the possibility of a war between the Holy Kingdom and the Empire." Rorschach stood up and paced around the office while thinking: "But you said that the guild is willing to support me in the southern part of the Empire. Build a magic tower. There’s something wrong with that, very problematic.”

"Don't think too much. Since you want to return to the empire, I will also support my students. But if it is built in the south of the empire, the branch of the Holy Kingdom will not be able to communicate with you, and the distance for transporting supplies will be short." Kano unconsciously rubbed it. Rubbing his nose.

Rorschach observed Kano's expression. There was nothing special about the Archmage. Rorschach finally replied: "Okay, I still have to think about it and finish my task first. Suppose I really want to build a magic tower. , then we should conduct an on-site inspection first."

If the cooperation between "Hercules" and the Baldorom Chamber of Commerce goes smoothly, the Bian Kingdom will build a beverage factory, and Rorschach will consider whether the location of his magic tower can be compatible with his old classmates and the industry in which he has a stake.

After the conversation, Rorschach left Kano's office, but still did not return to the Tower of Stars. Now that he was in the research building, Rorschach simply continued his project.

In the laboratory, the brass shell is as bright as new, but the ceramic liner inside has not yet been loaded. In order to study the transformation process, Rorschach needs to design a new plan, but he doesn't have a clue yet.

The most intuitive idea is of course to increase the number of blue light barrier arrays, but obviously this has a limit. First of all, the height of the brass shell is limited. In addition, after increasing to a certain value, the proportion of blue crystals in the decay products is not proportional. rise.

In Rorschach's experiment, after installing the fifth blue light barrier and starting the device, the blue flowing fireflies were so rich that they seemed to be piled up in the tower and were about to overflow. However, when the transmutation dust was ejected, the quality of the blue crystals On the contrary, it is less than when four sections are installed.

In the original design, there were two sections of blue light barrier arrays at one end and one end of the inner tank. After debugging, the flowing fireflies just covered the entire inner wall to form a protective layer when activated. After more magic circles are installed, the fluorescent layer will thicken and melt together. Looking in from the top opening of the tower will look like a deep luminous well, and the magic circuits and structures on the inner wall cannot be seen clearly.

Rorschach stared at the data, compared multiple experiments, and found that as the number of tower segments of the barrier array increased, the time for the transformed dust to reach the bottom after the eruption shortened. During test runs and subsequent attempts with the original design, the products of the decay of transmutation dust took 17 seconds to pass through the entire tower. Now, after installing more blue light barriers, it only takes 12 seconds.

Is this more of a protection circle that interferes with the delay circle? After the hysteresis effect is weakened, the residence time of the transmutation dust transformation is reduced. Therefore, increasing the protective array not only directly promotes the transformation process, but also has a negative effect on the transformation process because of the reduced residence time.

It seems that without changing the hysteresis array, Dryarts' blue light barrier has both positive and negative effects on transformation. When it is installed to five boards, the negative effect prevails, making the transformation efficiency higher than the previous group. Worse.

When the hysteresis effect becomes weaker, add the tower section of the hysteresis circle. This idea of ​​"adding noodles if there is too much water, and adding water if there is too much noodles" will definitely not work. First of all, the height of the prototype itself is limited, and the conversion rate is only about 10% when it is basically fully loaded. Under ideal circumstances, if it is built as high as possible, it may not be necessary to build a second Starlight Torch Tower.

Furthermore, the concentration of ether that alchemical ink can carry is still limited. As the number of magic arrays increases, the individual output power will decrease. Whether it is still cost-effective after the energy consumption and efficiency are reduced is a question.

"Then it is necessary to improve the hysteresis array, design a circuit specifically for the passivation of transmutation dust based on the idea of ​​​​the blue light barrier array, and change the structural design of the device to increase the residence time of transmutation dust." Luo Xia thought about many ideas, and finally decided We need to start with the design of the magic circle.

This was also the original intention of designing a segmented, ceramic liner at that time. It was very convenient to change the magic circuit. Quantitative calculations are also needed. However, Rorschach is very troubled when it comes to mathematics. If the amount of calculations increases, it will be impossible for him to complete it alone. The panel does not have a calculation function, and constructing the magic circle still consumes one's own mental energy.

Mechanical calculators and apprentices, Rorschach's laboratory really needs help from both now. Without them the Rorschach would be spending a lot of time and sacrificing his hairline.

It was better to improve the delay circle first. He opened the panel and stared at [Rorschach's delay technique].

"Energy deprivation" is an entry with great potential, but it is currently limited to physical quantities, and with Rorschach's current level of spellcasting and transformation into a magic circle, its power is not high. Another question is whether it can absorb ether directly? Can the deprived energy be directed to a designated target?

If it could be realized, it would be a very incredible spell, such as a heating engine and a cooling engine. The important link is the transfer of heat. Furthermore, if ether can be absorbed, not only can the use of transmutation dust point out the first technical route - directly obtaining ether energy without passivation, it is also very useful in actual combat.

"Magic control" is already an entry that gives the ether directionality, but it is not enough. Now there is [Rorschach's small cracking technique] as the basis, coupled with "energy deprivation". Rorschach's ideas are scattered. He felt that he needed to learn and refer to other magic research. I'll go to the reference room and library tomorrow.

Dong Dong Dong. There was a knock on the door of the laboratory: "Master Rorschach, according to safety regulations, the door cannot be fully closed."

"Sorry." Luo Xia opened the door. It was the brother from the Alchemy Department. He should be on duty in the research building.

This old man looks familiar. He may have participated in the installation of the laboratory. He glanced inside: "Do you still need to continue the experiment? The steam engine in the power engine room will be shut down for maintenance."

"Okay, thank you for reminding me." Is it already this point? Rorschach took out his pocket watch. After finishing the class, he talked with Master Kano again, did another two sets of experiments and thought about it, and before he knew it, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

I haven’t eaten yet, and the ones that still provide meals at this point are either the tavern or the canteen of the Tower of Stars: “I’ll pack up and go back.”

"Okay." The guy from the Alchemy Department walked to the next laboratory. Rorschach packed up the data and drafts and turned off the magic lamp.

There are many apprentices coming and going in the Tower of Stars at night. They occupy the restaurant and library, and the classrooms are also open for self-study. As soon as Rorschach passed through the garden-magic tower's portal, the tower spirit sent a reminder:

"Master Rorschach, I have your letter."

Bart's reply? He got it from the mail room. It was a very gorgeous letter. The envelope was written in cursive letters, "From Master Rorschach", and there was a gilded Byrne Kingdom logo printed on the upper right corner. Rorschach was not born into a noble family and did not know much about heraldry. He only roughly knew that the lion wearing the crown and the interlaced rhombus pattern were related to Byrne. The envelope also has the initials "Bardorom" in the paint.

Rorschach bought "Rorschach bread" and took it back to the dormitory, intending to eat it and watch it.

After opening it, a smell of alcohol and floral fragrance hit my nostrils: "Oh, I also sprayed perfume." "Although Bart was a bit exaggerated when he was a student, he shouldn't have reached this point yet, right?

The content was even more exciting, and Rorschach almost choked to death while eating and watching——

To my dear friend Rorschach:

The most important news must be written at the front, I am getting married, and the wedding will be held on the first day of May this year.

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