Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 140 You are getting married

Chapter 140 You are getting married.

Bro, I'm getting married.

Sabins' bald head! This is as shocking as the head of the agency growing long hair overnight.

Rorschach's first reaction was to review the ages of the trio: Rorschach is the youngest, now seventeen years old, Richard is the oldest, an "old guy" who is eighteen years old this year, and the prospective groom, Bart, is between the two. .

In his previous life, let alone eighteen years old, Luo Xia and a group of young people in their twenties were innocent boys on campus, and their peers had no idea of ​​getting married.

There are also a large number of mages who do not get married. It should be said that this is the mainstream. Many descendants of great mages can be traced back to being the illegitimate children of the mages, their lovers, and their personal maids. Of course, female mages also have lovers, but they usually refuse to have children. I don't understand why Farosha refused.

Maybe some special magic?

However, Bart's ambition is not to be alone and seek defeat on the road of magic. It is probably a purposeful marriage. Rorschach made a judgment on the first sentence and continued reading. Bart introduced the vulgar story of how he met the "destined girl" and then fell in love.

"The first moment I met her in the back garden of His Majesty's palace, I knew that I must marry this elf under the moonlight and dedicate my life to her. Maybe you will laugh at my impulse, but please laugh as much as you want. You will be like me when you are hit by the one you are destined to be!”

Wait, "The back garden of His Majesty's palace." Rorschach grabbed the key words and read on quickly. Sure enough, he saw that this "elf under the moon" had an insignificant additional identity: the third youngest princess of His Majesty the King of Byrne Kingdom. Only fifteen years old.

Hiss. Although early marriage and early childbearing are very common in the mainland, especially in the empire, it does not prevent Rorschach from spitting out his old classmates: beasts!

The engagement ceremony was held in winter, when Rorschach was fighting life and death in the Black Forest. As for why the little resident mage from Würzburg, who was born in a merchant family, was able to offer royal cabbage, the letter did not say whether Rorschach was I believe that the great nobles of this era will engage in free love.

In short, he sighed and put down the fragrant letter. Bart also mentioned that he would urge the Chamber of Commerce to cooperate with the "Hercules" beverage factory. The location could be in Würzburg or other riverside cities in Bain. The details were left to partner Hasay Tan to invite Rorschach to Byrne for the wedding in May.

According to the folk traditions of the empire, especially in the south, May is the time of "giving birth to new life". May 1st can be regarded as the "Valentine's Day" in this world, and the queue for weddings will be long. It seems that Bart and his in-laws also followed the tradition.

"Okay, we can investigate the location where the magic tower is built." Rorschach didn't know much about Byrne. He had only been to the Imperial Capital and the Black Forest. He wanted to take this opportunity to think about it carefully.

It was such a tiring day. From the high blood pressure experimental class to the questioning meeting on higher blood pressure, to the research with little progress, and after coming back, I also received the news of the opening lightning strike. Rorschach finally washed up and went back to bed, exhausted both physically and mentally.

I wonder if Rick received the invitation and what his expression would be.

Richard, whom Rorschach missed before going to bed, was still awake.

On the vast shore, several heads suddenly appeared in the waves.

"Quick, quick, quick! The last ones to come out will give me extra training!" The instructor was already on the shore, holding his pocket watch to time the training team.

The seawater enveloped the young man, ruthlessly washing away his body temperature and physical strength. His blond hair clung to his carved face. Although his temperament had changed a lot, he was still the silent Richard.

This already qualified elite was the first to go ashore and walk out of the rocks. During the swimming training process, he did not use magic explicitly, but he mastered the technique of mobilizing endogenous ether to circulate in the body and stimulate muscle and blood circulation.

Other professionals, such as warriors and rangers, who have endogenous ether and cannot cast spells, will use this technique to release strength or speed that temporarily exceeds that of ordinary people. But Richard is a mage, and he has been stimulating his body while fighting the sea.

"Report, Richard applied to leave the team."

"It's 22:31 now, let's go." The instructor knew why Richard left the team and simply let the first place go.

"Teacher." Late at night, there were still lights in the military fortress, and Richard came to his teacher's office. This room didn't even have windows. The old man sitting at his desk was illuminated under the magic lamp. Behind him was a huge bookshelf, with a human skeleton and a writing board standing on the side.

There were specimens, and the various human tissues filled the other shelves along the walls. He is not a traditional, stereotyped necromancer. He also masters a variety of spells, including evocation, conjuration, and transmutation. Regardless of the scale of the spells he researches and develops, they generally have the same purpose— - They are all aimed at destroying the enemy, and they are all killing magic.

The latest display is a model, the main body of which is a sphere of unknown material. This is an exception, as it represents a technology that does not directly kill others, but is lethal enough to extraordinary powers.

After Richard came in, the chief garrison mage did not raise his head, but was still busy writing: "Is today's training over?"

"Yes." Richard changed his uniform, and now he was upright and resolute.

"Here are two letters from you. We have reviewed them according to the rules. I hope you understand." The chief's words were just a notification. At the same time, the two letters floated up and landed firmly in Richard's hands.

The fortress cannot be mailed through normal channels. Bart sent it to the residence of Richard's family, along with a letter from Richard's father. Being able to deliver it is a privilege brought by family status, but no one can avoid opening it for inspection. Maybe the chief mage's delivery method can work, only for him.

Without waiting for his students to answer, the chief's old voice said: "Your father hopes that you can participate in the palace hunting next month. Your classmate, the resident mage named Bart, is getting married in May."

The last sentence surprised Richard, and he opened Bart's letter. It was the same as the one Rorschach had received, but the perfume smell had dissipated.

"Do you accept your father's invitation?"

"No, I prefer to learn from the teacher." Richard planned to put down the annoying hunting. He hoped to see his friends in May. If you step back and step forward, there may be hope of getting permission.

"Okay, then you don't want to attend that wedding." There was no room for maneuver in the chief's tone: "His Majesty the Emperor and the resident mage appointed by the parliament dared to marry into the Byrne royal family and did not care about life or death. It is said that he was born in the south. Yeah, don’t have anything to do with this stupid local faction again.”

Richard's mouth opened, but he didn't say anything at first. After a while, he said: "...I will reply and refuse."

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" The chief mage suddenly said harshly: "No more correspondence! What kind of letter should I reply to?" Before he finished speaking, Bart's exaggerated letter ignited a blazing flame, and Richard seemed to feel no pain. It was burned clean along with the letter from my father.

Richard stared blankly at his hands. His palms were unharmed and there was a small handful of ashes in the palms.

The old mage felt Richard's state and encouraged him: "Train and study hard, and I think you can be promoted to an intermediate mage in as soon as two years."


Thanks to "book friend 20210203210341186" and "book friend 20210301106491604828" for the reward!

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The last update in 2023!

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