Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 141 It’s so bald

Rorschach did not go to class or the laboratory today. He was rummaging for something in a crowded small room. Ahem. Hundreds of books, files and pamphlets were stacked on the shelves, and the dust raised caused the concentration of respirable particulate matter in this small data room to seriously exceed the standard.

"Master Rorschach, I suggest you go to the library to look for it."

"Of course the library doesn't have what I need." Rorschach wanted other magic with "energy deprivation" spell elements. When it comes to this level, the basic content open to apprentices in the library is certainly not enough.

However, the lack of good organization in this data room may be intentional by the managers, or it may be that the knowledge in it is simply accumulated over time.

Since it is a collection of materials that are circulated and published in magic guilds over time, these publications and books can also give a glimpse of what these mages have been studying since modern times.

For example, "The Analysis of Light and the Reconstruction of Illusion Magic", this book has very little dust, and the gilt on the hardcover cover has been touched, which proves that the "citation count" of this book should be quite high.

On the nearest bookshelf was "Analysis of the Optimal Form of the Force Wall Technique during Expansion", which was also a new book. When Rorschach opened it, the corresponding author clearly wrote "Master Poincaré". As a five-ring evocation spell with protective effects, [Power Wall Technique] is mastered by not many people - mastering it requires a threshold, at least an intermediate mage, but its protective effect should only be better than Rorschach's "Blue Light" "Barrier" is weaker, and there are not a few intermediate mages who are willing to learn.

More importantly, its standard spell-casting teaching materials are mastered by the magic guild. Intermediate and above mages can apply to the guild in exchange for contributions or money.

However, in this relatively systematic volume of papers, the first author, who is a student of Poincaré, explains in detail the protective principles and deployment strategies of [Force Wall Technique]. It itself is an invisible "order field" of ether running in a fixed space area, also known as the "force wall", which is resistant to incoming object throws and some magic.

The author discusses how to construct this field to extend the effective range as much as possible, and another strategy: how to concentrate and fix this field to improve the defensive effect, especially against attack spells of the same level or even higher.

It’s not just about imagining a piece of dough. If you want a large area, roll it out thinly, and if you want strong defense, fold it thickly. Instead, it is based on the characteristics of the edge divergence of the “etheric order field” and the targeted flow design in the form of spell projectiles and rays. shape, pursuing the optimal solution under specific conditions and requirements.

"Very useful." The idea is that Rorschach can also be used to deal with the "blue light barrier" and other magic circles in the collector. Materials in the data room can also be borrowed. Rorschach has already borrowed and returned them. Whenever you take out the text in this room and walk out, a secret deed will naturally appear on the cover of the text. After ten days, you can either go to the tower. If you apply for a delayed borrowing of the spirit, you must either put it back in its original place, otherwise the secret contract will be converted into a restriction and you will no longer be allowed to see the contents inside.

He started looking for the next piece of information that might be useful, especially one related to "energy deprivation." Rorschach discovered an interesting trend in the layout of the data room: among the research results collected by the Tower of Stars or the Magic Guild, the more recent ones are more integrated with mathematical principles, and the more inclined they are to study protective magic and spells. In terms of mechanism research, the older the materials, the easier it is to find offensive spell research.

Three large bookshelves are filled with works from the past thirty years. The time span of the last large bookshelf is about fifty years. It is only on the fourth bookshelf that you can see records of killing spells - data from actual combat and bloody and bloody spells. The illustrations have a certain sense of beauty, but only in-depth research and discussion of [Fireball Technique] can be seen in works written one hundred and eighty years ago.

"Is this progress or regression?" Rorschach got a glimpse from the title of the book and the booklet. The mages are researching the mechanism of magic more and more deeply, constructing new spells and developing the effects of old spells more and more sophisticatedly, but It seems that it is gradually becoming "mild" and "harmless" in published publications. But at least the Tower of Stars is in the peaceful city of Valuvana. Rorschach has not released [Fireball] for a long time except for the time when he verified the new function of the panel.

If it continues to develop in peace, there may be two trends. The direct power of spells will become more and more restrained, and the complexity and pertinence will become stronger and stronger, especially for other spell casters. In this case, an "instant death curse" and a "disarm" It is not impossible to have a tragic future where the curse comes and goes.

The premise is that peace can last - peace between kingdoms and empires on the mainland, peace between mages and secular kings, peace between guilds and churches. When thinking about it, can the guild show the force of the strongest mage organization on the mainland?

Rorschach diverged his thoughts and went deep into the reference room. Although the space was occupied by bookshelves and seemed closed, the actual size of the reference room was quite large. But what Rorschach is facing now is a blocked area. The books on the bookshelf are entangled with flowing red runes. The color is like blood, which is a warning, as if to say: "Boy, don't touch it!"

Rorschach wanted to pick it up, but a burning sensation immediately penetrated his brain from his skin, and the book wrapped in runes was like hot coals. There were no traces of burns. Rorschach examined his hands, and it seemed that they were just mentally attacked. I don't believe it! Since there was no actual harm, he gritted his teeth and wanted to pick it up.

Hiss. Forget it, if it continues to develop, strange attributes may awaken. Rorschach waved his hands and thought of his [Small Splitting Technique]. It may hurt the book. Remove the word "dissociation" to prohibit the birth of the meaning of being cracked!

"Master Rorschach, we have detected that you are in the forbidden book area. Since this type of information involves a large number of advanced spells of the seventh level and above, you need the permission of a professor of the following archmage level." As if sensing that Rorschach was about to cause trouble, the Tower Spirit Machine The voice on the ground sounded again to remind.

After permission, there is still permission! Rorschach was able to enter this room with faculty permission, but to get inside, he had to obtain higher-level permission. Of course, the acquisition of this knowledge is much easier than in the "pre-magic guild era". At least the mages are willing to publicly distribute and circulate the knowledge in a limited manner and communicate with other mages of similar level.

Master Kano is in the research building. No, it's still morning, maybe he's still eating. Of course, Rorschach didn't want to waste time on the way to the Star Torch Tower. He had another option: "Tower Spirit, check today's class schedule."

In a classroom, there are not many apprentices in this course. They are members of the advanced class, and most of the students who lack talent have lost the qualification to continue taking this course.

"So we can infer that for the above mapping, it has non-negativity, non-degeneracy and very good, Miss Charlotte is right, symmetry. The above properties are true in all elements of the array, In fact it can be expanded."

Poincaré was lecturing. During his pauses, he was writing on the blackboard and expecting students to pick up his train of thought.

Out of the corner of his eye, Poincaré saw an auditor at the door. This auditor's spellcasting intuition, ability to construct spells and the application of magic circles are all good, but his math skills are very poor, just like his tutor.

"Okay, that's it for today." The apprentices filed out of the classroom with over-full brains and empty stomachs.

"Professor, do you have time?"

"If I hadn't, I would have ignored you and left directly instead of packing up my things slowly. Tell me, what's the matter?" Master Poincaré looked at Rorschach.

First update of the new year! There are two more updates tonight. I wish all my book friends good luck and good health in 2024!

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