Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 142 Master Rorschach, I want to criticize you

Professors and temporary faculty and researchers walked side by side in the hallway, talking as they went. Rorschach was too embarrassed to stop Master Poincaré from eating.

After listening to Rorschach's brief description, Poincaré concluded: "So now you have a conflict between the effects of the two magic circles?"

"Yes, I hope to continue the idea of ​​the lag circle and find a similar method that can absorb and reduce the energy of transmutation dust. Subsequent high-level magic will be included in the forbidden book area. I hope you can sign a permission for me."

"Okay." Archmage Poincaré nodded: "You can pay attention to high-level protection and transformation spells. Although your current spell casting ability should not be enough to support the casting, the idea of ​​learning them is also instructive. "

After the professor finished speaking, he added: "Master Rorschach, out of my preliminary understanding of you, I must point out one point."

These words are quite serious, and coming from the professor's mouth may be equivalent to "I want to criticize you." Rorschach was stunned. After all, his mentor, Master Kano, had never said such a thing to him. Rorschach sincerely wanted to know what the shortcomings were: "You tell me."

"Your research on magic lacks abstract thinking." Poincaré didn't want to directly say that your math is a mess: "Now your thinking is still stuck in the application of magic circles to the application of magic circles. But I can't blame you. "

Who can you blame? Rorschach felt that Professor Poincaré often said things that made Master Carnot sneeze.

The two of them walked to the restaurant. "Rorschach bread, and add a portion of broth." Poincare ordered for himself, but Rorschach was confused. When did the restaurant have a dish named after him? Or is it that one of the new chefs has the same name as himself?

"Cut the bread in half and put ham slices on it, add leaf lettuce and white sauce. And a bowl of beef broth." The boy wanted to order to see what "Rorschach bread" was, but he felt a little embarrassed to order by his own name.

Then the meal was served, and the two of them got the exact same dishes.


"This is a good way to eat." Regardless of the grand master's style, Poincaré grabbed the bread and ate it like the apprentice. Before finishing his mouthful, he did not forget to praise the person who brought the bread with meat and vegetables to Valouana.

With the professor's permission, Rorschach borrowed the contents of the restricted book section. Most of the books on the banned bookshelf are ancient books. They do not follow the gradually perfected academic article format, but are more like a collection of manuscripts. You can even see large diaries written on expensive paper at the time, and you can read between the lines that the author's mental state was generally not very stable.

Rorschach found a tome from the first bookshelf. Its cover could no longer be identified as to what animal it came from. Judging from the wear and tear, it had been read many times.

Is this a frequently borrowed book? Rorschach felt the need to watch. Unfortunately, as soon as I opened it, I found that the signature of the book had been torn off.

"Grand Duke Anyu sent a pike today. This hateful-looking water beast stumped me. It is so big that even my largest pot cannot fry it at once, but its integrity is destroyed during the cooking stage. You will lose your spirituality and damage my practice. I have received your humiliation! I curse you."

Rorschach was speechless for a while, what kind of chaotic evil person the author was.

Then the text records a summoning array that is said to be bound to the "devil", and also writes the talisman pointing to the spirit body of the great noble in reverse position. This evil method must have ceased to function after the "Great Extinction of the Symbolic Realm", but it did not prevent Rorschach from coming to the conclusion that the person who wrote the diary was indeed not a serious mage.

Flipping further, a piece of magic accidentally recorded caught Rorschach's attention: "These mediocre people can't understand what the most fundamental driving force of magic is! Order! Direction! Time! Ordinary people who don't know magic can't reverse these iron laws. Hey, I conceived it." A miraculous spell, but a fool will never understand that it deserves to be recorded."

The second law of thermodynamics? Rorschach felt that the author had touched upon something. He pointed out that a world without magical intervention cannot reverse the passage of time, and things always tend to develop towards chaos. It is a pity that the mage who wrote the book later changed his original concept of worship and began to preach that "chaos is the end of the world", "everything will return to disorder" and other statements that are contrary to the Church of Light and Order.

The magic he envisioned was to use "the directionality of the development of reality without magical interference" to fictionalize a "reality" without magical interference. Extract its "essence" when other spells take effect, consume this part of the "essence" and return it to the non-magical "fictional reality". The result is to reverse the effects of other spells.

What is the "essence" of this extracted part? Rorschach repeatedly studied the crazy words of the evil author of Chaos, and finally managed to grasp it. First of all, it is not simply ether, ether is just the carrier that presents it. Secondly, it will not be "spell frequency". Sure enough, predecessors who have reached the realm of archmage can find that each spell has a corresponding "melody", but the author dismisses it and declares that "melody" is still just an appearance.

What exactly is that? Rorschach read on.

"Even the most stupid apprentices know that casting spells consumes the magic power in the body. Unfortunately, even if these mediocre people become mages, they can't figure out where the consumed magic power is used. They think that mages are just as valuable as those illiterate professionals. The magic power inside the body is used like the magic power of the environment."

The author's next words have a religious or anti-religious connotation. Words like "sacrifice" appear frequently. The general meaning is that the thinking organ of the spellcaster or the benefactor consumes the magic power in the body to construct something meaningful. Order, the process of development from order to disorder is eliminated through "magic". When the order unfolds, it will receive a response from the ether in the environment, spreading the order into the real world.

Both spellcasters and divine benefactors can produce this kind of orderliness. The author regards the process of "expanding-receiving response-dispersing" as a sacrifice to the great existence and gaining the ability to change reality. The object of sacrifice for the benefactor is of course God, while the mage sacrifices to the God of Magic or some other entity. The author does not care about this.

The author believes that casting spells does not increase the orderliness of the real plane, but extracts the "essence" of the symbolic world and releases it into reality while making sacrifices. Therefore, the results of "unfolding" will be rich and diverse, and such a thing can be born. Many spells. In fact, the whole process has accelerated the entire world's decline into chaos.

From this, the principle of the spell is finally revealed. If the "orderliness" that has not been diverged is extracted and the previous influence is compensated, a "reality that has not been affected by magic" must be retroactively constructed and returned to the world. The basis for the construction is reality. The direction of development toward disorder.

"Entropy increase? Information entropy?" Rorschach only had a rough understanding of it in his previous life. In fact, for "entropy", not many people can completely understand this concept without calculating it. In the original world, "information entropy" would be named this way. It was just an analogy due to similar properties. It does not mean that "information entropy" is a type of "entropy".

But in this world of divine arts and magic, it is obvious that "symbol" and "reality" can be transformed into each other, so "information" as counter-entropy may really have the ability to directly reverse the entropy increase of reality, and its expression can be a spell. . The caster seems to be creating the impossible, but in fact he is making the possibility of the symbolic world come and transform it into the certainty of reality.

Rorschach related what he saw when he was promoted to the astral plane by Dryarsk, and he had new ideas about the realization of spells, or in the words of the author, "the way in which orderliness unfolds":

There was a hypothesis in the past life: if a monkey kept typing on a typewriter for infinite time, then a complete work of Shakespeare might appear in the random endless arrangement of letters. Now the caster already knows that there is a "book" that exists in endless arrays of combinations, and the original "book" is in the symbolic world. Then the caster produces "orderliness", just like reporting the title of the book in the symbolic world. Find the original and temporarily replace "Monkey" on the typewriter named "Reality" to type out the complete works of Shakespeare.

It's just that it's impossible for a spell caster to type exactly every word, so there are differences every time the same spell is cast. The gods and powerful wizards can upload their "works" to the symbolic world and leave the "original" behind.

However, according to the description in the book, it is obvious that producing "information" that can directly affect reality requires a greater price. The entire world including the "symbolic world" is still inevitably slipping into a system with increasing disorder.

It's a pity that the author's thoughts were blinded by the bizarre "worship of chaos". The long paragraphs of "sacrifice" and "praise of chaos" made future generations directly skip his fantasies. After the introduction of "Reversal Spell", there was a row of small characters that read "For future generations" Note: "No other records of this spell have been found, and it cannot be reproduced. Do not pray to the concept of 'chaos'."

"Taling, I want to reserve a practice room." Rorschach copied these crazy words on the spot, transformed them into his own language, and used this idea to try to construct new spells.

This chapter makes my head hurt when I write it, so I have been typing it for a long time. There is still another update, and the acknowledgments are also scheduled for the third update.

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