Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 146 Friend, do you want to kill the authentic holy object?

I can hold back a mid-term report. Rorschach is not satisfied with the current results. After all, there are subtle problems in writing the paper:

If you directly disclose your results, especially the core magic circle, it will allow the guild to master the manufacturing technology. The advantage is that your spell proficiency can grow gradually, but Rorschach believes that even if it is disclosed, it should be used as a bargaining chip. Compete for more benefits.

Except for Istani, the patent laws of various countries in the mainland are not very complete, and for mages, what kind of patent? Can you control me if I secretly use you?

Therefore, Rorschach has three ways to deal with the current results:

One is to hold it all in, tinker with it and make it for your own use, but this makes it difficult to communicate with the magic guild that allocates funds, and in order to gain proficiency and improve levels, you still need to promote your own magic circles and runes.

Option two is to disclose the design of the device but not the array design. Even if the prototype is made, the inner tank must be packaged and delivered. This is not impossible. Currently, Rorschach's [Blue Light Barrier] is licensed to the Alchemy Workshop for packaging and manufacturing. Crystal cores can be purchased instead of scrolls, mass production and limited publicity, and claiming related rights and interests is highly dependent on the guild;

The third is the opposite of the second. Only the spells and magic circles of [Expulsion Spell] are publicly announced. As long as it is proved that it can also work on the church's divine magic, it will definitely attract the attention of the mages - no one will give up. A chance for magic. Theoretically, every time the guild and its affiliated workshops produce a scroll and draw a magic circle, Rorschach can gain profits.

Anyway, the project has already digressed from the beginning, so I simply ran all the way in the direction of the digression. As for the development of "magic version of oil", such a significant thing, since these mages who have not experienced industrial society cannot see its significant value, Then I will prove it to you in my own magic tower.

Therefore, Rorschach himself preferred the third option, but he still planned to discuss it with his mentor Kano. After all, research would be impossible without the support of the Tower of Stars. More importantly, as the chief professor and archmage, Kano is more certain about the direction of the guild. Perhaps he can come up with a plan to maximize benefits. So far, Rorschach has verified the character of his mentor, and he should not cheat him.

Probably not?

"As the basis of our research, we need to first learn the structure of the [Blue Light Barrier] array, and then study and optimize it." Luo Xia showed the crystal core before encapsulation to the two apprentices. A qualified crystal core should be able to fully load After being stimulated twelve times, if the number of working times exceeds, the small cracks around the circuit will greatly reduce the effect or even collapse.

Simon asked: "Can't we just learn spells?"

"If you can take good care of the environment and plant more trees, you may be able to learn the corresponding spell one day." What Rorschach said confused the two of them: "No, it won't work anyway. From the beginning, it was based on the talisman passed down by the elves in the Black Forest. Wen developed.”

In fact, Rorschach can. In the final analysis, it is a variant of [Forest of Dryatz]. It just changes the form of "mapping" and fine-tunes the effects of other entries, but it is just like the resurrection of others in "The Girl in the Wood" In the past, using it required blood sacrifice, and Rorschach could release it directly. Now others can only activate the magic circle, and only Rorschach can directly use the corresponding "spell".

I don’t know if the wizards of the Forest Tower can use this spell. Rorschach now vaguely feels that every time the [Blue Light Barrier] is released, Dryats will definitely get feedback, just like his [Exile Spell] can be activated on the device. Same as gaining proficiency.

"Yes, this circuit has a similar structure in the standard circuit model of [Power Wall Technique]. Their functions are to unfold the barrier. If you want to buy [Power Wall Technique] learning scrolls, you can ask me or Master Kano for reimbursement. , but no more than two," Rorschach explained to Simon and Philip.

Fortunately, both of them had taken Professor Poincaré's class, and they were a little confused but not completely confused.

"So you have two tasks next. The first is to study this paper and chew it thoroughly. The second is to learn [Force Wall Technique] and compare it with how to draw the magic circuit for dismantling [Blue Light Barrier]. Wait for it. Once you understand it, you can adjust its unfolding method and find the optimal solution for specific needs.

If you encounter a problem, go to the library to check the information first. You need to add more knowledge about the magic circle and the energy evocation system. Although they are used for protection, they are actually the use of energy bodies. "

"Okay, thank you for your guidance." Philip was finally convinced. At least this young man from the empire had a clear mind and did not talk to him about mysterious things, but directly pointed out how to carry out research.

The somewhat impatient Melo Wenjia quite likes this straightforward style, which is contrary to his father who likes to act strategically and is involved in calculations with every pore.

The next morning, Rorschach found his teacher at the Tower of Star Torch.

"You haven't been here for a while." Kano enjoyed his brunch at a high-end restaurant as usual. Rorschach had already had breakfast in the cafeteria of the Magic Tower and only asked the waiter for a cup of tea.

"If you don't treat me, I won't be able to spend money here often." Luo Xia reported the current results to Kano last night and expressed his thoughts.

"Alas, it is not always possible to get what you want. It is good if it can produce results. As for the use of transmutation dust. If you are willing to do it, continue to do it. The guild may indeed be more interested in the 'divine power dissipation technique', provided that it is really useful."

When Rorschach reported to Kano, he did not use the overly bluffing name on the panel. At least it was named "Divine Power Dissipation" based on the current effect. He shook his head and admitted: "It has only been confirmed to be effective for the mixed divine power in the transformation dust. We can't really ask for verification from the Church of Order, right?" I'm afraid it will make the benefactor anxious.

"If it is verified quietly, there is really no chance. Do you know that a large number of paladins have gathered in Valuvana recently?"

"It was mentioned in the report you gave me when you were admitted to hospital." Are you trying to make fun of the paladin?

Kano divided the omelette on the plate into several pieces and took out the edge of the largest piece: "The largest slum in the eastern suburbs of Valuauna is still expanding due to the recent increase in the number of people from other provinces looking for work. He poured creamy pesto sauce on the omelette: "The church suspects that evil god worship is growing in dirty places, and it wants to gather strength to promote the 'glory of the Lord.'"

"Isn't it too risky for us to directly use the paladin to test?" People are trying to suppress the evil cult forces. The mage hides in the dark and makes your equipment and magical blessings invalid. If you are discovered, you can't be fooled.

Kano shook the fried egg with his fork: "Where did you think of it? By then, the mass-produced consecrated military equipment by the church will definitely flow into the black market. This has been the practice since the first holy expedition. Those low-level servants , even priests who are short of money will take the opportunity to make a fortune. How about we buy a few? If you are lucky, you can even buy holy objects, of course the price is high. "

The buyers of these gadgets are generally only nobles. During the Holy Crusade, in order to arm secular forces against the invisible god, the church turned a blind eye. Although the original intention was good, it could not close the hole after it was opened. . Kano was confident that he could find a channel and get some shiny golden things to play with.

"How dare you resell blessed armor?" There have also been accusations from messengers of justice within the church.

The moths will retort: ​​"The bishop also sold it when he was a monk, but I can't if he sells it? Do you know who is taking the commission? You'd better not know!" It's so powerful that it's hindering the abbot's ability to make money, so don't even think about running away. .

"The church is also degenerating in the age when the gods are silent." Luo Xia couldn't help but sigh while drinking tea.

"Hi," Kano waved his hand: "It's so similar to those gods. They are the same without them."

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