Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 147 Holy Action

Several days have passed, and Mr. Mike’s interview subject, a former miner who lost both his hands and feet due to the explosion and collapse, still has not come out of his small shack, at least in the eyes of others.

"Henry? Henry?" Another woman's hoarse cry came from outside the house. Her precious son Henry was missing. The fellow villagers around him searched all over the place for the poor man but couldn't find him.

"It's so noisy, what's there to do with this bitch?" It's not like people haven't looked for his little shack - Henry was active around here before he disappeared, and even ran errands and bought wine for him. But nothing was found, and others no longer doubted the incapacitated former miner.

This loser is just waiting to die. Everyone thought so, and after a quick inspection, they couldn't wait to exit the hut that smelled of stench and alcohol.

The man moved around in the drafty but unlit shack, moving his numb hands and feet. Yes, complete hands and feet! He is healthy again, but now his new limbs are not coordinated enough. If the sun shines through and hits his skin, he will see a disgusting pink color.

The pain started again. Before he could get used to it, the man fumbled for a packet of small powder in the dark, shook the powder out and put it into a wine bottle. There was only the bottom of the bottle left, and the lid was long gone. He pressed the mouth of the bottle with his thumb and shook it vigorously to let the medicinal powder stuck to the wall of the bottle fully dissolve in the wine.

"Pfft-ha!" He became happy. According to the mysterious man's agreement, he would get new medicinal powder tonight, so he drank all the stock and remaining wine.

A few days ago, a faceless and mysterious man appeared, bringing analgesic powder, a miracle of recovery and a new name for the former miner, Salamander, or Salamander.

In order to grow new limbs, he needed fresh flesh. The man tried his best to convince the greedy and stupid Henry that he still had money to buy wine, and completed the disgusting ritual with the help of the mysterious man.

Everything happened while the adults were at work, and the eastern suburbs had just quieted down for a while, which was also the best time for them to take action.

The smell of blood is covered up by excrement, wine, sweat and other vomiting smells. Even if someone does find out: "Sir, I have a sore, it is bleeding and pus is coming out. Do you want to see it?" Everyone will be there. He stopped before lifting up his ragged clothes and believed this rhetoric.

Everyone else is waiting for him to die and clear out the shack, so no one will bother the filthy dying man during this time. The mysterious man will hide something in Salamander's house in the following nights. The "cave" is sometimes taken out again.

Of course, medicinal powder is a must-have, and he will also bring wine and some food: "Hold on for a few more days, and when your hands and feet are fully grown, I will take you out of here and enjoy the warm embrace of the great mother."

Salamanda sneered, thinking that once he fully recovered, he would crawl back to his hometown, and to hell with Valuana and Mother Earth!

But the medicinal powder was really good. He tried to save some, but he couldn't help but eat it every time to overcome the pain of limb growth.

"What's going on?" He picked up a piece of paper, and the dazzling light made him squint his eyes. It took him a while to see clearly a group of majestic soldiers crossing the street. Behind the people on foot was a tall horse, Salaman. Da couldn't see the full picture of the knight.

The combination of the alternating footsteps of horses' hooves, heavy armor, and incomprehensible chanting, especially what the monk behind the horse's butt was chanting, caused severe pain in Salamanda's hands and feet.

Damn it! medicine! medicine! His mind was confused by the pain and chanting, leaving only regrets about why he didn't save some powder for use now.

Before he could wake up, the team was marching away.

The Cathedral of the Sacred Heart is the closest church to the eastern suburbs. It has the largest catacombs in Valouana, where more than one saint's coffins are parked.

At this moment, the "Gray Bishop" and other leaders of this operation are here. On the first floor of the catacombs, several gray robes surround Joseph.

There was a map spread out in front of him, which was a plan of the eastern suburbs, with many red marks on it. The entire huge suburb was divided into many blocks. As the Paladins moved in, church symbols were inserted on the map one by one.

"Priest Joseph, the first batch of paladins has settled in the Munger Almshouse. There are sixteen people in total and three chanting monks. The second and third batches are ready." The gray-robed monk reported the information to Joseph.

Joseph is both the "Shadow Bishop" of Du Plessis and the leader of the "Grey Knights" of Valouana. He comes to lead this operation to annihilate the remnants of the cult.

During the day, in the name of a pilgrimage, the Holy Knights walked openly and openly in the eastern suburbs of the royal capital. During this period, the evil induction was constantly searching for and locking targets. However, they did not take action immediately. Instead, they moved into almshouses and chapels in the eastern suburbs in batches.

In the plan, the Paladin's tour is scheduled to attract the full attention of the cultists. The rest of the paladins sealed off the entire eastern suburbs, and the gray-robed knights began to take action at night to eradicate the strongholds known from previous intelligence. If they had been moved, they would cooperate with the settled paladins to sweep them one by one.

The suburbs are too big and the population is too mixed. It is very abrupt for the church personnel to enter and it is impossible for them all to be in place with a thunderous strike. Therefore, they came up with this strategy, overtly and covertly, to clean up the entire place where filth is hidden.

It is also because the area is too large. In order to station and blockade it, paladins from other places must be dispatched to the royal capital. In accordance with the agreement with His Majesty the King, operations can only be carried out against the eastern suburbs.

In order to appease the residents here, huge amounts of grain were dispatched, which was also the result of Du Plessi's painstaking efforts and coordination with other parishes.

"The presence of the holy warriors will definitely trigger these rats to flee. The gray robe knights must eradicate all evils and not let go of any blasphemy and filth." The patrol during the day is about beating. Once the target panics and shows its feet, it is the gray robe in the dark. Opportunity to administer justice.

"Yes, sir!"

"Sir, if you don't let us work, we will starve to death!" On the edge of the slum, a majestic and tall warrior blocked everyone's way. His dirty and skinny hands wiped on the mirror-like armor, leaving a fingerprint. .

This made the pleading person extremely frightened, but the paladin just smiled gently: "Madam, we will deliver cereal porridge later. Please cooperate with this operation." When he said the last sentence, he smiled gently. Becoming serious: "A very serious blasphemy occurred here. In order to be saved, please cooperate with us!"

Some laborers took advantage of the large number of people and their relatively strong physiques to try to confront the samurai with their chests puffed out. "What you said is nice, can we distribute food to so many people here? What if we don't go to work today and the boss fires us?"

This statement was widely echoed, and one of the knights responsible for the blockade got off his horse. When he walked step by step in front of the laborer, he realized how tall the man was. The other paladins made way for him, obviously a big shot like a leader.

The paladin took off his helmet, and everyone saw his handsome face. His piercing eyes could tell them to be quiet just by scanning the crowd. Messenger of God! A loud voice sounded:

"Under the witness of the Lord, I swear to you on behalf of the Holy Knights: No innocent person will suffer from cold or starvation because of today's actions. We are here to wash away the sin and filth here!"

When the fourth group of paladins entered, they escorted the large carriage and drove in slowly, deliberately not covering it with linen to let all residents see the food loaded clearly.

The commotion subsided, and everyone stared at the grain truck slowly passing by, leaving only the faint sound of swallowing. Most of the people here are hungry without working or eating. After the monks at the end of the team also walked away, everyone rushed forward to find the food that had fallen to the ground.

Amidst the sacred chanting, people in the slums crawled and groped for every grain of grain, as if worshiping the team representing light and order.

Thanks to book friends "Riyueyuanche" and "Buchuangun" for the reward!

Thanks to "Book Friends 20190923215716709", "Ultramarine S1gn", "Scared of Thunder", "Three Fatty Fat Yanyan", "Werewolf Explosion", "Book Friends 20220816085912409" "UMOU" "Trip000000" "Book Friends 20220222233134167" "Cherish the Inverse" and "Don't Pass Roll" "Monthly ticket support!

Thanks to book friends such as "The Scared of Thunder", "There's a Bear in the World", "UMOU", "Little Fat Bee", "Pippi Whale Pot", "The Deficient One" and "SEERS" for their recommendation votes and encouragement!

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