Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 148 Dusk Sermon

In front of the almshouse, there were several times more people than usual gathered at the moment. They lined up to receive grain porridge. Under the warm spring sun, the aroma of cooked grains filled the air, which was reassuring.

Although there were many people, the process of giving out porridge was orderly. Otherwise, the Paladins of the Church of Order should always be good at maintaining order. The swords and flails that never left their hands would punish those who disrupted order.

At dusk, in order to appease people, the priest started a new action:

"The Lord said: Darkness and chaos accompany each other and breed sin and pain. Only light guides us not to lose our way, and only order protects us from harming each other. This is our faith as we believe in God.

Unfortunately, there are those who break faith due to temporary trials, succumb to suffering and inflict harm on others. Those who turn to the devil and evil spirits and serve darkness and chaos are no longer our brothers and sisters.

Please remember that for those who practice blasphemy, the light of holiness will no longer be a blessing but a judgment! "

A "square" in the eastern suburbs is actually an open space, and its center is a well, the water source for nearby residents. Now the open space has been requisitioned, and an open-air pulpit has been built, where the priest preaches to the people.

The chanter looked around, and the people who had received the porridge stood with their bowls in their hands, listening to his speech. The expressions of these listeners and believers were indifferent, and every face was covered with stains and plaster. Cleaning here was not an easy task.

The preacher took a deep breath: "We are standing next to the well at this moment. When our Lord walked in the world as an incarnation, he traveled in the barren land of sand, where there was a lack of water. Our Lord used His power to The village that believed in Him created a clear spring and agreed on the order for water collection.

People in neighboring villages who believed in paganism also prayed to their gods to grant clear springs. However, the people in neighboring villages fought over the water source. Brothers and sisters in the past hurt each other and shed blood. However, those who are willing to follow our Lord's order have always been favored by the Lord. , everyone in a village can drink water and live and work in peace and contentment.

Remember, remember, don’t be deceived by the temptation of evil spirits. Anyone who gains from betrayal, destruction of order, God will cause him to lose; anyone who sacrifices for the sake of light and order, God will bestow supreme glory and blessings. !

The covenant the Lord has made with us is not elsewhere, but here, not another day, but now.”

When the mission came to an end, some women and older people began to pray, and some craftsmen nodded repeatedly after hearing this. Most people were just numb after hearing the sermon. When the sermon was finished, they also finished eating and were hesitating whether they could add another bowl.

"You talk so much nonsense, how can anyone here understand? Why don't you give me some more porridge." In the back row of the crowd, two men began to talk. They wore flat felt hats that were so wide that they had the effect of hiding their faces. .

This kind of dress is not out of place. Workers who have a little money will wear it to keep out the cold, especially those who deal with lead, mercury and leather, which are prone to headaches. It seems that wearing a hat can prevent the cold wind from exacerbating this unknown disease.

"You should listen carefully. You might be able to use it one day." Another man wanted to take out the powder and smell it, but he remembered that there were people from the church and held back. He continued, "It's useless even if you talk in the mire. , that’s what the ladies wearing powder and the gentlemen wearing hair oil do.”

"Stop talking, you've finished eating, let's go." There are indeed remnants of the Mother Earth Order active here, and they are not without countermeasures in the face of the Paladin's blockade.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place. These rat-like figures in the gutter found a tunnel in the eastern suburbs, connecting to the catacombs of the Sacré-Coeur Cathedral!

The largest catacombs in Valuauna are unimaginable in scale and extend to the edge of the suburbs. The huge underground network can be used just right. As long as they borrow from the depths of the tomb that are rarely visited by normal people, the members of Mother Earth's cult can quietly escape from the encirclement.

After all, the Paladin's blockade is limited, especially since the underground tomb passages are layered and intertwined. They are not on one plane, and there are always omissions for these rats to pass through.

"I'll go to the shack and take Salamanda away."

"What are you taking him for? That bitch has no sincerity in serving my Lord."

"It all means 'elder'. Besides, there are still things left for him, so I will move them to the 'nest' together." The nest is the name they gave to the underground tomb group, and it seems to be developed into their base.

After discussing among the turbulent crowd, the two backbones of the cult began to move, carefully moving between people.

What they didn't notice was that every move they made was watched by the gray-robed knight.

"Split up and follow."

One of the members of the cult shuttled between the shabby houses built without any rules. He was very familiar with the road. He passed through the weird forks in the road without any hesitation, turning left and right to reach the target.

The rotten wooden door of the shack was pushed open, and Dusk and the mysterious man broke into Salamanda's territory.

"Why are you here so soon?" Salamanda was still lying on the bed. He sat up suddenly and asked nervously: "Did something happen?" After all, so many priests and paladins had worn off the medicine. He finally woke up and came back to his senses, but he was not too sober, otherwise how could he still lie down so peacefully?

"Stop talking nonsense, don't ask. Now carry a box with me." The mysterious man dragged two boxes out from under the dirty bed.

Salamanda was unwilling: "Aren't my hands and feet exposed? And where are they going?"

"I told you not to ask. The servants of the false god are serving porridge right now. No one is looking at you, you are a dead dog."

"Making porridge?" Salamanda's stomach growled when she heard this: "I'm hungry too! Come get something to eat, at least give me the powder first, I feel very uncomfortable."

The small backbone of the cult began to hesitate whether to bring this burden with them. He is a miner who came out of the secondary plane, and was the one designated by the "elder" to take care of. But now even though he has new hands and feet, he still looks like a useless scoundrel. If he was dealt with in an emergency, the elders should not hold him accountable. What.

boom! The shack was almost blown away. Four men in gray robes rushed into the hut and held the two of them tightly. Of course, it was impossible for four big men to get in at the same time through a door, and the fragile walls of the shack were also broken open. The mysterious man still wanted to struggle, but was covered with a piece of cloth soaked in anesthetic.

Damn it, isn’t this the “fascinating hood” of our Order? He wanted to curse, but immediately passed out.

The three supporting paladins arrived, and one of them stepped forward to check on the unconscious cultist: "How long does the effect last?"

"I don't know, we just look at the props for easy use." The gray-robed knight shook his head at his colleagues, and at the same time reached out to stop the rookie from unpacking and checking without permission: "Move them all to the church. We have countless ways to make these scum wake up and speak. . Don’t touch the box rashly, what if there is a mechanism or poisonous gas?"

The church's operations were in full swing, but that didn't stop some monks from sneaking out. The suburbs were not slums like the eastern suburbs, but a manor with lawns and woods. The fat monk felt honored to be in the Duke of Merovingian's house, even though it was just a villa of the Grand Duke.

"Ah, the full berry flavor and woody aroma. Time and good preservation have given it a wonderful flavor. Sir, you have such good taste." The dark red wine could still hang on the wall of the cup. The monk wanted to clink glasses with the Grand Duke. But the other party had no choice but to give up if he didn't make any move.

"Brother Bernardo, my butler should have made an agreement with you before."

"It's Bernardin, the respected Archduke." The fat monk stepped down from his seat and showed the goods he brought in his suitcase. One box contained glass bottles of grease fixed in a small grid, and the other box contained blades and arrowheads wrapped in silk. Every box opened blooms with holy brilliance:

"Ten bottles of consecrated anointing oil, six evil-breaking blades, and thirty-two arrows of judgment. You can decide whether to install it on a short handle or a long handle. To be honest, you can order a larger quantity. We will There are plenty of them left, enough for you to equip a whole one."

The Duke interrupted the monk's nonsense: "This is Valuana, I only plan to equip my personal bodyguards."

"Yes, yes, of course." They had already finalized the price. The Grand Duke motioned to the butler to bring the prepared box. The monk opened it and clicked his tongue: "I haven't seen such a scene for a long time. The banknotes really lack this charm. Ah, the luster of gold is no less than that of divine light!"

The monks still had to say evening prayers, and after hurriedly leaving, the Archduke finally allowed the real guest to appear.

Kano and Rorschach walked from Hou's living room to the dining room. All the tableware and food had been replaced. "Thank you for your help, Grand Duke."

"This is not my first time doing this small business." Melo Wenjia smiled and took the initiative to toast to the Archmage and his students: "The dog still relies on the guidance of these two people."

After talking about the Tower of Stars for a while, the Grand Duke suddenly looked at Rorschach: "Master Rorschach, how many shares of Shariana Mining do you still have? Are you interested in cashing them out?"

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