Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 149 You are a bit too extreme

Luo Xia still has ninety-five shares in his hand. According to the current market price of 611 gold francs, it is a huge sum of nearly 60,000 francs. But having said that, the depreciation rate of Jinlang is now slowly increasing. It is difficult to say how much Rorschach's money has increased from the first time he cashed out to now.

Rorschach's real major asset now is the "Hercules" beverage factory. Mr. Pierre's marketing is quite successful. Purple products can be seen in bars and restaurants in the streets and on the tables and restaurants of ordinary people and princes and nobles, especially I don’t know who invented the method of squeezing lemon juice into the drink, which ushered in a new round of growth for soda.

Rorschach originally planned to sell the shares of the mining company and free up the funds to invest in the construction of the empire's new factory. Based on the exchange ratio, it would be worth about 30,000 Golden Eagle coins.

The difficulty lies in the exchange. If you only have banknotes, there will be another discount if you exchange them for the metal currency of the empire. What Rorschach wants is that after the investment, the money will be used for domestic purchases in the Holy Kingdom, and the materials will be transported to the empire by airship, especially It is a device designed by him.

Rorschach couldn't act too eager. He took a sip of wine and said, "The Grand Duke wants to invest recently? With all due respect, it seems too late to enter the market now."

"Master Rorschach, you may not know that the rules of the game in the financial market are rich and varied. In short, I will accept as many shares as you have. Don't worry about pressure from the palace, we have many ways to avoid Necker's attention."

"Okay, it's a pleasure to work with you." This old guy definitely has his own conspiracy, but as an imperial man and a magician, Rorschach is indifferent to the Duke's little tricks. Kano said nothing, as if he didn't hear the conversation just now.

Rorschach reserved a large training room, and it was difficult for Kano's team to gather together to watch Rorschach's "divine power dissipation technique" experiment.

Master Kano, Paulina, Pascal, four junior brothers and sisters. Why are you feeling a little stressed? Luo Xia also lamented that when he first came to the Tower of Stars, the dignified chief professor only had problem students and senior sisters as the mainstay, but now he can be considered "prosperous".

"The first is to verify Rorschach's spell casting, and the second is to verify the effect after making it into a scroll." Kano used the [Mage's Hand] to hold up the arrow shining with holy light, and the gilded prayer on it shone brightly: "I think with the You should be able to see the difference with the naked eye.”

"It's rare to get church weapons. Wouldn't it be a pity to destroy them directly? Why not give them a try?" Unexpectedly, Paul proposed to test the power of these weapons first.

Luo Xia was also very interested: "I think what my junior brother said makes sense. Anyway, there is enough material, so we can do a blank comparison first."

As soon as Paul heard this, he immediately opened the package he had brought. Everyone saw that this man had come well prepared. The package contained a shaft without an arrow, a short handle, and a dagger in a sheath. Plus the bow he was carrying from the beginning.

"Why do you have so many weapons and equipment?"

"What's so strange? The people of Garsiconia are like this. We advocate force to defend our rights." Young man, do you want to become a demon warrior? Rorschach felt that his painting style seemed different from other people in the Tower of Stars.

After fixing the arrow and loading it into the hand crossbow, Paul volunteered to be responsible for aiming and firing. With his feet shoulder-width apart, he aimed sideways at the target with his bow drawn, and finally slightly raised the launch angle.

With a whoosh, the arrow flew out and quickly sank into the wooden target. The golden light exploded when the arrow was inserted, and the target was evenly divided into six equal parts under a sacred aura.

The reason for the equal division is that firstly, Paul is good at hitting the target, and secondly, because the "God of Light and Order" seems to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the weapons he has blessed scatter damage very evenly when releasing damage.

If it were injected into the human body, the wound would be quite large.

Then he tried the Evil-Breaking Blade. Paul skillfully attached a short handle to the blade, played with it a few times, then charged up his force and smashed it. The second target was cut like butter.

"It seems that it has no other effect except being sharper." Paul first checked the flat cut surface, and then looked at the blade surface with both hands. The golden light seemed to be dimmed a little.

"As its name suggests, of course it has special attack power against evil forces, but now that the evil gods and their servants can't be seen, it really doesn't mean much." In the eyes of Kano and Rorschach, this melee weapon is nothing. Value, of course Master Fa wants to play long-range.

Philip, on the other hand, admired Paul with great admiration, as if he wanted to take this brave Calsiconian as his follower. He asked for a short knife, tried it out using the training he received in his family, and swung it at the No. 2 target, which had been cut in half.

Embarrassingly, he failed to achieve the effect of Paul's hot knife cutting through butter, and the blade got stuck in the wood.

Paul didn't take it seriously. He pulled out the knife and looked at it again: "Maybe the enchantment on it has been consumed and it's not so sharp. This knife does not consider blessing, and its manufacturing process is quite average."

Paulina thought: "There is a problem with the arrows. The tested spells have an effective time, and the range should be limited. It would be terrible if the arrows were fired and missed. We should still experiment with the static effects."

After watching the effect, Rorschach also realized the shortcomings of his spell. The casting time of the spell was about the same as that of the magic circle, and both had a charge of about one second. And if it was a spell, it would be more difficult to hit an arrow flying at high speed than It's worse to catch a sword with bare hands.

But there is a way. Rorschach imitated Kano's operation. Instead of using it, he used the [Mage's Hand] to hold the Arrow of Judgment and pick it up.

After being enchanted, it could still be picked up by magic. Rorschach had already made a preliminary judgment. Then he let go and the arrow slowly fell. [Rorschach's hysteresis] took effect, just like it was effective against transmutation dust containing mixed divine power. After being careful to catch it, there was no burst of golden light. It seems that the prerequisite for triggering is that there is enough momentum to be instantly changed.

Okay, this gives me confidence.

"How is it done?" Kano discovered an interesting point in Rorschach's operation: "[Featherfall Technique] and [Levitation Technique] should be ineffective against such items." Other mages and apprentices may not realize that for the above The two spells are based on enchanting the target, and will conflict with the holy light on the arrow and become ineffective.

"Do not add, do subtract, and reduce its momentum. The inspiration comes from [Ice Ray]." Rorschach's words made others confused. What does it have to do with freezing? Only the Archmage immediately understood the principle and nodded, leaving others more confused than ever.

"Paul, you can directly aim at me and shoot, just use the Judgment Arrow." Rorschach no longer verifies whether his [God Expulsion Technique] is effective in the static state. Even if the experiment fails, he can rest assured with [Hysteresis Technique]. . Of course Rorschach himself had read the article "Analysis of the Optimal Form when the Force Wall Technique is Deployed" carefully. Inspired by the good article, he became more confident in the interception of [Hysteresis Technique].

"It's too dangerous!" "Junior brother, it's just an experiment, don't risk your life." Paulina and Pascal still felt that something was wrong. They should at least experiment in a static state first. Even Philip felt that Rorschach deviated from his usual rational image and seemed a bit too extreme. Is he so confident in his magic?

Rorschach and Paul distanced themselves to prepare: "Since it is a test of spells, of course we must simulate actual combat situations as much as possible, right?"

"Rorschach is right, you can just give it a try." After Kano spoke, the others agreed. The brothers and sisters did it out of their trust in the teacher, while Kano had confidence in Rorschach. As for Paul, he was already eager to try and had his arrow in his bow.

Rorschach and Paul stood at opposite ends of the practice room. At Paulina's strong request, Cano stood beside Rorschach to prevent accidents.

Then Cano shouted: "Paul, shoot accurately, don't hurt me by mistake!"

Are there such teachers? Rorschach was trembling with anger.

"Don't worry, trust Gaisicone's marksman!"

Why do you want to be a mage with so many martial arts skills?

call out! There was a rapid and short sound of breaking through the air, and the arrow passed through the distance of thirty steps in just an instant, but it slowed down when it went straight to Luo Xia's face. The boy raised his hand, making the target feel like it was plunged into an invisible muddy swamp. The speed and height gradually decreased, but the change in momentum would not be so fast that it would trigger the effect.

The second hand was raised, and its execution could be simpler, but this was his first attempt after all, and Rorschach needed auxiliary movements to help him imagine the [Exile Technique] focusing on the arrow.

Everyone except Paul clearly saw the golden light on the arrow fluctuate violently. Just when they were worried about the explosion of power, the light collapsed in the fluctuation, without any harm, but dissipated feebly.

In fact, in Rorschach's perception, it was the "orderliness" of the God of Light and Order that was expelled from the material world and returned to an infinite place, while the restored ether was washed away by the [Hysteresis Technique], leaving only Fan Tie's arrow fell to the ground, and the runes became blurry as if rusted.

Applause broke out in the practice room. This scene made Rorschach feel that it was very similar to the magic show in his previous life, but now the audience was mages and magic apprentices.

How amazing.

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