Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 160 Magic Nuclear Power Plant Trial Operation

Rorschach is not particularly excited to say how happy he is, because after the prototype is completed, there are more things waiting for him.

If we really want to finalize the model and mass-produce it, the design instructions, various drawings and technical specifications. Just thinking about these things will make Rorschach's scalp numb.

Of course, in this society that has not completely broken away from the handicraft industry, Rorschach and the old buddies from the Alchemy Department can make a few sets of extraction machines and gain experience while building and using them.

"The original idea has been realized, so we can put it on the agenda to go to Bayern. We need to contact Mr. Pierre before leaving." Rorschach was so busy during this period that he didn't pay much attention to the "Hercules" beverage factory and As for the negotiations with the Bart family, we only know that the partner Hasay has not left Valuvana yet.

However, Rorschach still did not leave. He was dragged into the office by the alchemy department brother and they started drawing together. The final version does not require the modular design of the inner tank, but based on Rorschach's experience, it is recommended that they use porous materials to make the inner wall.

"This way the alchemical ink can penetrate from the outer wall to the inner wall."

"Why go to all the trouble? The finished product must be made of high-end products!" Snow waved his hand while holding up the purple potion, and directed the entire alchemy department to turn the warehouse upside down.

Want ether conductivity to be good? Use mixed alloy! Alchemical ink is a clear soup with little water, and the amount of ether carried per unit volume is too small, so it is filled with molten metal! After the integrated pouring, use magic plasticity!

The Alchemy Department used various materials and processing methods, and Rorschach did not expect to see a pedal-driven lathe and milling machine in this world.

"Why not use a steam engine to drive it?" Rorschach asked a stupid question consciously after he said it. If this obvious improvement has not been realized, there must be insurmountable factors hindering it.

"The output is difficult to control, and the screws and gears will break if the rotation speed is too fast." Alas, in the final analysis, the materials are still not enough.

A strong old man drank the concentrated violet liquid in one gulp and started working. He rolled up the sleeves of his robe and the pedals of the lathe whirred, but he was very careful during the process of turning the machine, inserting the knife bit by bit.

After calculations by the mages of the Alchemy Department, the mithril that receives ether should have a certain taper to be more efficient. Pure mithril has good ductility and is softer than alloys, allowing it to be processed by a pedal lathe. Compared with magic plasticity, controlling the tool path can reduce the size difference of repeated parts.

In the underground workshop of the research building, no one outside would have imagined that the mages, who symbolize wisdom, are busy working on machining. Even though March has not yet completely warmed up, the old guys here are already sweating profusely, swaying with sweat and heat. .

The operating machines are the same as the people at work. The lubricating grease is constantly evaporating under the action of frictional heat, filling the air with the subtle smell of metal, sweat, and engine oil.

I wonder if "Warrior Strange Craftsman" Singlev would shout "The King of the Dwarves!" when he saw this scene.

"Why didn't I know there was an underground factory before?"

"If anyone, any mage apprentice, came in, what would they think of our Alchemy Department?" Snow patted Rorschach on the shoulder: "The impact on our image would be immeasurable."

"Then me." Rorschach and Snow said as they walked. They passed a stamping machine. The force field wave array on it was activated instantly, and the preheated brass ingots were spread out into curved sheets. The Alchemy Department My brother used [Levitation Technique] and [Mage's Hand] to take it off, surround it, and weld it together to form the outer shell of the Transmutation Dust Collector.

"Master Rorschach, if you can step in here, you are one of our own in the Alchemy Department." Snow glanced at the stamping machine. The force field wave array was adjusted to punch out a specific shape. As long as there are enough raw materials, it can be punched out overnight. You can create hundreds of sets of armor.

Nowadays, manufacturing casings is overkill.

With Rorschach as the original designer, Snow personally as the chief engineer, and with the hard work of the old buddies in the alchemy department day and night, the first mass-produced machine of the "Transmutation Dust-Ether Collection and Transformation Device" was half machine-processed and half hand-made. It was assembled in two decades with a lot of magic technology.

It is several times thicker than the one Rorschach built in the laboratory, and the materials used and the technology used to engrave the magic circle are incomparable. It is simply the Ultra Pro Max version.

The luster of the brand-new brass shell is comparable to that of gold, and the shiny interior uses a lot of materials more precious than gold. Rorschach finally took a breath of cold air as he took the design parameter sheet and cost report. Mithril alone used sixteen Pounds, the total cost can cover all the working capital Rorschach has on hand.

Suddenly I felt that building my own mage tower was no longer a hurry.

"How much mithril reserves does the Alchemy Department have?"

"Haha, we just used leftover materials from the previous project. As for the project, it is kept secret."

What about the people you promised? Rorschach did not realize that he had experienced one of the fruits of the secret project.

In order to ensure maximum safety and prevent the device from turning into a transmutation dust bomb, the Alchemy Department used magic to quickly open up a new underground space, semi-immersed the entire machine in the alchemy liquid pool, and also arranged additional holes on the wall of the pool. Blue light barrier.

So during the power-on ceremony, Rorschach, Snow, and other old buddies were overlooking the unit. As the blue light barrier lit up during the pre-start, the transparent alchemy liquid pool shone brightly. Rorschach seemed to be looking at the nuclear power reactor in a trance. .

Generally speaking, the functions are similar, but the power is a little smaller. Once the transmutation dust erupts out of control, the transmission port to the bottom of the astral layer will be closed, so it is impossible to continue to leak in the event of an accident, and the transmutation dust itself will not cause radioactivity. Pollution.?

Rorschach shuddered.

Snow didn't notice anything unusual about the mid-level mage next to him. With piercing eyes, he grabbed the guardrail and gave the command: "Turn on the power!"

After a brief buzz, the entire basement darkened, leaving only the faint fluorescent light of the blue light barrier penetrating the liquid illumination device. But this is not an accident, but the energy source of the research building and underground space is switching.

The magic lamps lit up again one after another, and the man who was paying attention to the instrument shouted: "The output is stable, everything is normal!"

There were applause and cheers, and the sound of glasses clinking - of course, energy potions were clinking together.

However, there is another line leading to the opposite direction of the research building. This underground unit is located between the Star Torch Tower and the research building. There is also an output of ether rushing towards the base of the tower, and then the entire tower is lit up with magical light according to the alchemy department's preset.

It was night, and all pedestrians were attracted by the bright buildings.

Kano, who was eating, was having a drink while looking at the night view outside the window. It was rare for him not to socialize, so he came to the restaurant of the Star Torch Tower, enjoying the food while overlooking the living beings under the tower, enjoying himself.

Rorschach has not been in the laboratory in the past few days, and he doesn’t know what he is busy with. Don’t let Pascal lead you away. In front of the large floor-to-ceiling glass, he is a good teacher who cares about the future of his students.

Then the good teacher Kano was blinded by the sudden light from the tower. Although the outer walls are lit, the outward sloping glass reflects light pollution well.

"what's the situation?"

"It's better to turn off the lights of the Starlight Torch Tower. Who wants to do this? It's too arrogant." Suddenly, there was a chill behind Snow underground. He seemed to have sensed murderous intent and asked the person in charge of operation and maintenance to cut off the lights to the tower. Ether output.

Snapped! The entire building, including the restaurant, was dark.

"I'll go take a look at the research building." Kano, who probably guessed who was causing trouble, threw out a few light balls, which floated on the top of the restaurant and illuminated everyone.

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