Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 161 There is a joy of harvest

The Alchemy Department, unaware of the approaching danger, was still celebrating.

Especially the instigator, Master Rorschach, who is now immersed in the joy of the harvest.

As the large collector is turned on and continues to operate, the proficiency of [Rorschach's Exile of Gods] on the panel is continuing to increase.

It will increase a little in about five minutes. If the proficiency record on the panel has animation, it will probably move slowly like a water meter. Rorschach calculated in his mind that if the machine can keep running, he will be able to unlock the next level in about three months. stage.

If more second and third units are manufactured, the progress can be accelerated. However, the cost was too high, which at least temporarily gave up the idea of ​​installing equipment of the same specifications for his future magic tower.

The progress of the entire project was frighteningly smooth, and the Alchemy Department made great efforts and invested a lot of resources in the final implementation. Rorschach has also considered issues like "intellectual copyright" and "patent" before, but first of all, his research is based on Kano's research results, plus there is no support from the Tower of Stars and the Guild in front of the "reactor" It is impossible to be born.

That's good. I have accumulated a mature plan. If it can be promoted, it will not only increase my proficiency in strange spells, but also change.

"This will change the whole world!" By coincidence, Snow stole the line of Rorschach's inner drama. He held up the concentrated purple potion, as if it were some kind of nectar. Many people also raised their glasses together: "I propose, please Intermediate Mage Rorschach, the inventor and designer of this great creation and an honorary member of the Alchemy Department, would like to tell you a few words!"

After drinking the potion with his head raised, Snow took the lead in applauding. Rorschach discovered that he also had special qualities to serve as the head of the Alchemy Department, such as his almost neurotic passion for creation and his ability to lead his old buddies to create Unit 1 in twenty days. I wouldn’t dare think of it at this speed in my previous life.

"Since Secretary Snow asked me to say a few words, I will say it."

Rorschach hasn't thought of words yet. Thank you all for increasing my proficiency? He was about to cough to calm down, but he felt the ether in the environment fluctuating.

Is there something wrong with the machine? No, there are still spatial fluctuations

"Invasion! There is an invasion!" Snow yelled, and the others also felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Some mages hurriedly ran to the door to hide, while others stayed at their posts for fear that the operation of the device would be affected.

A rift in space was torn open, and a dark-faced archmage walked out of it: "I said no one could be found in the research building, but they are all hiding underground!"

"Master Kano, how did you locate us? Who did you put the mark on? This is an invasion of privacy! An invasion!" Snow was still shouting.

"You didn't cover it well. This place has become an ether node. You can tell it at a glance with [Arcane Vision]." Kano walked towards Rorschach and Snow step by step angrily. In the panic in the basement, he suddenly came from afar. The sound of armor's footsteps could be heard nearby.

A metal-helmeted head poked into the door, saw the glaring Kano and then retreated back to the underground of the Star Torch Tower.

"Remote control. You guys are quite willing to cut the materials. The skeleton inside uses a lot of mithril, right?"

Luo Xia felt that he should step forward to help everyone in the Alchemy Department at the critical moment, and calmly greeted the Archmage: "Teacher, you are here."

"You also know that you are my student, but you don't report the progress when you are busy, and no one can see it!"

"We are all underground for safety." Rorschach winked at Snow and asked in [Messaging Technique]: "You didn't tell Kano?"

"You are his student, I thought you would say."

"I thought you had reported it." The co-author of the Alchemy Department was digging in the ground without reporting it to the leader.

Kano's anger subsided a little now, and he walked to the operating unit and looked at it: "Is this the finished product?"

"Unit 1 can now fully support the ether demand of the research building and the Star Torch Tower."

The archmage nodded: "It's progressing very quickly. You've worked hard." His eyes first turned to Luo Xia, and then to everyone in the Alchemy Department. He patted the railing: "As the chief mage of the Tower of Stars, I promise you that next month The starting salary will be increased by 10%.”

"Thank you, boss!" "Okay, okay!" "You can change the carriage." The applause was much warmer than the previous times.

Kano pressed his hands slightly: "But whose idea was it to light up the outer wall of the Star Torch Tower? That guy doesn't want a salary increase!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, calling Rorschach out before leaving.

In the corridor leading back to the research building, Kano asked carefully about the status of the Rorschach device. "Regarding the research on 'divine power dissipation', the Senate finally decided not to publish it, but we will remember your contribution and the relevant information will be sealed according to the highest authority of the guild."

Rorschach thought that the device also used related technologies: "But the magic circle of 'divine power dissipation' is the prerequisite for the collection and utilization of transmutation dust."

"It's not that easy to analyze the magic circle. Even if you are an archmage, if you are not proficient in knowledge such as symbology and magic circle configuration, your runes will be a black box."

If it were really that easy to know at a glance, then there would be no need to learn the scroll. And this spell already involves pointing to the Rorschach symbol, making it even more difficult to decipher.

"So there is still no big obstacle to the promotion of transmutation dust collection technology. Of course, it is up to you whether you want to open it up or not."

"I still need to think carefully"

"Okay, this matter is not urgent."

They returned to the research building, and at Kano's signal, Rorschach took him to his own research room. At this time, the prototype had completed its historical mission, the cauldron was open, and the mithril receiving components inside had long been recovered.

The most valuable thing now is the finished product drawings and design instructions hand-drawn by Rorschach in the research room.

Archmage Kano pulled up a chair for himself and sat down: "So, the project you are working on has been completed, and you have left a lot of things in the Tower of Stars, so what are your plans for the future?"

Before Rorschach could answer, he added: "I'm not chasing you away, but reminding you that building a personal magic tower cannot be completed at sunset and sunrise. You must make plans early. The guild and us among the stars. The tower is also easy to prepare for the preliminary work.”

This is exactly what Rorschach wants to discuss with Kano: "My classmate is holding a wedding in Bain in May, and I plan to go to Bain Kingdom in advance to inspect the location of the future magic tower."

"Have you made up your mind?"

"We'll talk about it after the on-site inspection in Bain first," Rorschach said without hesitation: "I plan to leave after finishing the finishing work. During this period, can I ask Senior Brother Pascal to take over the teaching at the Normal University?"

"Okay, but you have a lot of finishing work. The day after tomorrow, you will go with me to the guild's headquarters in the capital."

"What's the matter?" It's been a while since I stepped into the place where my senior brother worked.

"What I just said that the guild will remember your contribution is not empty talk. Based on the quality of the results, our Senate and Council jointly decided to award you the title of fifth-level mage and the Order of the Ibis with the Moon."

The ibis holding the moon in its mouth is the highest symbolic totem of art, wisdom and magic in the desert. According to legend, the ibis bird flies to the underworld and brings the secrets of alchemy and death to the world. The crescent moon in its mouth symbolizes the starting point of magical power.

I have to post it before 12 o'clock. I don't have a time code to thank you, so I will postpone it until tomorrow's update.

The exam is over, and the update time will return to normal starting tomorrow! Thank you book friends for reading.

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