Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 162 The umbrella of gray production is actually Kano

Rorschach is no longer a newbie now. He already knows that the minor levels of mage are just "virtual titles". Only the ratings of junior, intermediate and archmage are really linked to strength.

But this is the first time I heard about this "Moon-Bearing Ibis" medal.

The ibis is not very common in the empire. It is native to the riverside of the land of quicksand and is regarded as a sacred bird by the locals. When Rorschach checked the information, he saw that this guy has a long beak, and its white wings have a circle of black feathers after spreading its wings.

"As the wisdom incarnation of the god Thoth, he is often made into mummies or skulls and used as magic tools." No, do these people have opinions on Thoth? This god has far-reaching influence even in the continent of Feralon, especially in the magic world, such as the most common "Thoth Alchemy Ink".

I always feel that this medal is not very auspicious.

But Rorschach accepted it, and two days later he and Kano came to the Magic Guild Building together. The building itself was the same as when he first arrived, but now there were a lot more people coming and going. There were no temporary workers sleeping at work at the front desk, but busy front desk receptionists.

"The guild's mail delivery system has received many more customers recently." Kano came in and explained. With the popularity of stock market transactions, the speed of news circulation has become a key factor in winning or losing, and the guild's information transmission network based on the transmission array has become very popular.

But is the guild accessible to everyone? Unlike in the past when there were only so many people available, due to the heavy burden, the branch in the Holy Kingdom has recently stopped opening summonses to clients who are not registered mages/non-apprentices.

However, regulations are introduced to allow people to take advantage of loopholes, especially when it is profitable. Many apprentices and even low-level mages act as middlemen, sending and receiving messages on behalf of traders and securities companies.

As the chief professor, Kano personally issued a ban on in-service teachers and apprentices in the Tower of Stars not to be scalpers after receiving feedback from the guild staff, so he knew a little about the situation here.

"Senior brother wasn't involved, was he?" Luo Xia suddenly felt that it was something he could do.

But the answer was beyond Rorschach's expectation: "He didn't." Cano twitched his lips when he said this. Pascal was a middleman's middleman. He built an industrial chain of chambers of commerce-apprentices-guilds and took money from every transaction. . It was only when Kano interviewed other apprentices that he realized there was a big fish right under his nose.

The business genius Pascal is famous for his ability. First, his experience of working in the guild allowed him to hook up with the staff, and second, he hinted to others that he was a student of the chief professor of the Tower of Stars. Customers and apprentices who want to make extra money see that there are people in this master's guild and there are also people above him. The senior brother is invincible!

Kano, who unknowingly became the shield of a gray product and had not received a single coin, was furious. This was one of the factors that made the Alchemy Department and Rorschach irritate him that night - the anger bar was filled up again before it was cleared. .

Luo Xia has been too busy recently and didn't notice that his senior brother was locked in the data room by the Archmage to copy and organize documents. Today is already the fourth day of confinement.

"Send letters, please give me priority. Tips!" All the apprentices in the hall were in a hurry, and the sealed envelopes would be poked in the faces of the staff, but when they saw the Archmage coming in wearing a red robe, they all fell silent.

Kano glanced over, and the apprentices lowered their heads or turned their faces away, and the receptionist hurriedly trotted out of the front desk.

"We'll go upstairs by ourselves, and you can get busy."

Kano waved his hand and led Rorschach to the lobby on the top floor.

The stairs spiraled up, and Rorschach couldn't help but ask as he walked on the road: "Why not increase the price of mailing? This will not only increase the income, but also limit the number of letters sent."

Kano replied: "The guild has also studied countermeasures before. If all prices are raised, the burden on mages, especially apprentices, will be too great. If the price is only high for ordinary people, the phenomenon of finding apprentices as intermediaries will still exist. The guild itself The consideration is not to make a profit, but to ensure that the postal system operates stably and does not exceed the load."

"Perhaps some trading companies will try to build their own transmission networks." Efficient communication has always been the core need of the whole society.

"It's not difficult to just solidify the two-way teleportation circle, but it's not easy to find qualified staff to operate and maintain it. If a trading company can play with this system, it's impossible for the magic guild to stand across the continent for hundreds of years. "

If you hire a mage who is proficient in teleportation magic and magic circles, the cost will be frighteningly high. The entire system has been perfected for hundreds of years and is supported by a large number of trained apprentices who have not become mages. People are crucial.

But the guild may not be able to monopolize this business in the future. Kano thought about the ecology of mages in the empire and the current high master of Valuvana, and there were many things he had not said to Rorschach.

"Master Kano, you've been waiting for a long time!" They were greeted by a mage. He was obviously just a low-level mage in blue robes, but his robes were far more gorgeous than Rorschach or even Kano. You must know that the two of them had gone to the ceremony to attend the ceremony. It's considered a formal occasion.

The golden tassels and velvet fabrics also show large dark patterns under the light. If they are all handmade products, then the craftsmanship of the king's clothes is no more than this.

Rorschach secretly sighed, focusing on the other person's clothes first, and then focused on the other person's face the second time. A flattering horse face was smiling at Kano Dui, and a gold-framed monocle was placed on the bridge of his nose.

Although he was smiling in a flattering way, Rorschach just felt disgusted for no reason. Perhaps the receiving mage had overexerted himself.

"The protagonist waiting for you is not me, it's him, Master Rorschach." Cano introduced Rorschach to the other party, and then introduced him sideways to Rorschach: "Morrel, the guild director of Valois."

Since the guilds in the capitals of the three major countries do not have presidents or branch presidents and are directly led by the Senate, how can the senators take over these secular affairs? So the guild director was born, with a title similar to a secretary to manage all affairs of the guild and manage other branch presidents.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally by the Senate, all the previous directors were low-level mages without exception.

"I am responsible for the whole kingdom's guild, but I am not even given the title of guild leader! And I have no time to practice magic!" Morel often complained to his subordinates, but when it came to Kano, he could not be more respectful. .

"Master Rorschach! I have long admired your name!" The chairman held Rorschach's hand tightly. His hands were soft and had delicate skin. They were also unstrained. Unlike the lady's hands, they had a thick frame, which caused Rorschach pain. .

This man's expression, words and body movements were all so exaggerated that Rorschach didn't even listen to his lavish praise for himself. He subconsciously focused on the feeling of physical contact, and then thought about when to withdraw his hand, and this Keep distance from annoying people.

The Archmage was also fed up with this gesture: "Let's go in without wasting time."

"Of course, please." Even when he opened the door for the two of them, Morel bowed and opened the door, as if he were Carnot's jester.

As soon as he entered the door, countless eyes turned to Rorschach, looking at him from head to toe. The main body of the building also has a vault, and below is the real hall of the guild where Rorschach is located, where only mages can come.

There are only a few wizards sitting on the circular stairs, and there are more owls, glaring eyes like copper bells, reflecting the figure of the young man.

They and they were very quiet, making the scene somewhat eerie.

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