Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 178 Devil’s Kiss

Looking at Würzburg from a high position, there are three distinctive elements: palace, university, and vineyards.

In the Kingdom of Byrne, if you are interested in mathematical astronomy, you should go to Munich, the capital. The universities developed by guild schools are also concentrated there. If you major in poetry, art and literature, you should go to the University of Würzburg, whose history can be traced back to the old days. At the end of the Imperial era, the monastery school was expanded.

This place is also a white wine producing area. From the window on the top floor of the Master Tower, Rorschach looked far away, and the edges of the city were filled with manor fields planted with grapevines. Because the terrain is not particularly flat, Luo Xia can not only see scattered buildings, but also terraced fields developed along the mountains.

Bart took out a grape leaf with brown spots: "Now, some wineries have reported recently that the new grape buds and leaves after the spring are not quite right. Now is the time to bud, and the grape growers are nervous. They came to I wish I could fix it with magic.”

Is this also under the control of the resident mage? Rorschach looked shocked: "What does it have to do with you? Bart, you are not a graduate of the Tower of Forest, so just refuse."

Bart held the leaves with a despairing look on his face: "It's okay if it's normal. These cunning growers insisted that the grapevines were possessed by the devil and asked me to exorcise the evil spirits. The brewing guild knew that the supervisor came to evaluate the resident mage. This If they sue me in a few days, it will be over!"

Wow, this is really cunning! Rorschach was shocked by the growers' shameless behavior. However, he has never worked at the grassroots level of the church. If he were a priest, he would know that there are endless strange incidents in the parish. Some people are crazy because they are possessed by the devil. Some people's sheep are snatched away by something and it is the work of the devil. The crops are harvested. The bad thing is that the devil is passing by.

Anyway, the devil must have caused my family to be so miserable. Sir, you can't ignore it!

If it were a church of order, the priest would bring him a glass of holy water from the dark little room. He could drink it or sprinkle it. It would always be useful and send the unruly people away. If your heart is sincere, you will be spiritual. If you are not spiritual, the Lord is testing you. If you are good, then you are good.

After the church left, this trick was used on the resident mage again, causing Bart to suffer a lot. He couldn't bring up a placebo called holy water (which might have been really useful in the old empire), and the members of the brewing guild were not easy to fool. However, this guy planned to make rapid progress and participate in the trade representative election next year.

If you don't care about those who are within your responsibilities, then the mass base will have collapsed. Why do you still want to be elected? Report it to the circuit supervisor first!

Rorschach took the grape leaf sample, and the blue light suddenly appeared in his hand. The flowing fireflies merged into the wilted grape leaves, successfully making them full of life and green again.

"I knew you could do it! Great and wise Rorschach intermediate mage, I praise you!"

Rorschach unfolded the leaves and showed them to Bart: "Don't be too happy, see for yourself."

Only then did the impatient resident mage see clearly that in the center of the re-moisturized leaves, the brown spots had become more numerous and larger, and were tending to turn black. As Rorschach estimated, the cause of the disease should be some kind of microorganism. When "Susheng" is applied to the leaves, it also accelerates the development of the disease.

Anyone who has studied junior high school chemistry in their previous life will know about a blue pesticide, but no one in this world has accidentally discovered it. Of course, it is not something that can be solved once you know it. There are many things to pay attention to.

Rorschach made some calculations in his mind and patted Bart on the shoulder: "Let's go, take me to the scene to see."

The winery reported to Lord Bart was the Citizen Welfare Institute Winery, which was sponsored by the brewing guild and had a grape field in order to maintain operations.

"Master Bart, you are finally here. This person behind you is..." The nun from the orphanage came out and wiped her rough hands on her bib.

There were Bart and a young man on crutches.

"I am Master Bart's assistant Rorschach, Sister Abigail." Rorschach shook hands with her, her knuckles were rough and her palms rough: "You have to see everything with your own eyes to find out."

"Well said! It's a pity that Mr. Bart has been very busy." Mammy led them down to the field and between the grapevines.

"Look, there are more and more of them now, and most of the new shoots are black." Grandma broke off a rotten twig, and transparent viscous juice oozed from the wound.

"Is this also a symptom?" Bart dipped some juice into it, looked closely and smelled it. It was colorless and odorless.

Rorschach took the broken branch and said, "No, this is a normal phenomenon during spring budding. Now is the period of grape bleeding."

"Master Bart has found a knowledgeable assistant!" Grandma nodded and showed them other situations, mainly brown spots growing along the veins on the leaves.

"If it stays like this when the fruits fall in the fall, it will be over!"

"Sister Abigail, I think this is just some kind of disease."

"Some kind of disease!" The voice of the muscular woman with a barrel-shaped body suddenly rose, slightly frightening Bart: "Are you saying that I am just talking nonsense, or that this is just a small problem for you? But this is the livelihood of the entire orphanage! Please come with me and allow me to present the evidence to your lordship.”

Mammy took the two of them into the cellar, past the barrels of storage, until they reached the library at the end. Grandma opened the cast iron lock and found a pile of rags in the dust.

"This is."

"Records from four hundred and twenty years ago! Take a look."

This is a real cultural relic... Holding the rotten parchment in his hands, Rorschach struggled to identify the text on it, which was still in cursive style.


It seems that a similar disease broke out before, and then was really doused with holy water. At that time, the administrator of the welfare home was still a priest, and he left this cursive record.

The stick is named Devil's Kiss according to his own style. The vines he kisses will be cursed, and the fruits will be stained.

Not only must the kissed plants be disposed of, but the diseased soil must also be sprayed with holy water to completely purify it.

Rorschach became increasingly certain that the disease was caused by some kind of microorganism.

"Bart, I remember there was a dye house in Würzburg, right?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

“We need hydrated lime and azurite.”

Bart was carrying a wooden bucket, which contained azurite dissolved in a large amount of water. This beautiful pure blue crystal Rorschach preferred to call it copper sulfate.

Rorschach asked his grandma to help prepare the lime slurry, and mixed the lime slurry into the copper sulfate solution according to his instructions.

"Ouch, why is there such a big movement!"

"It's okay, keep your hand steady and continue." That was Rorschach's third hand stirring the barrel. It is much easier to use than any rotor, and the usage of [Mage's Hand] is even better.

The finished product is beautiful sky blue lotion. Rorschach carried the bucket and Bart went to the plant where the disease broke out.

Rorschach used [Messaging Technique] to command the resident mage: "Follow my instructions."

Seeing that Bart was getting serious, Aunty said to her seriously: "Aunty Abigail, my assistant and I will complete the exorcism ritual next, please watch it!"

Then Bart began to dance and mutter something. Grandma couldn't hear a word the adult said clearly, but she thought his posture was very professional.

"Ask my assistant to spread the alchemical potion!" Rorschach poured the prepared Bordeaux liquid evenly on the grapevines around the diseased plants, but not too much to prevent the plants from being harmed.

In the normal process, Bordeaux mixture should have a preventive effect, but if spots have already appeared, it is hopeless. But Rorschach and Bart can do magic!

"Ha!" Bart's eyes widened, and Grandma could feel the mage casting his magical spell.

A raging fire!

Bart's performance, oh not his wonderful spellcasting, all the grapes kissed by the devil were excommunicated. Grandma almost fainted when she saw the sudden and horrifying sight.

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