Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 179 Double Act Performance

"Our vines!" Mammy's head became dizzy. She didn't expect that the mage and his assistant came just to burn all the precious vines.

She just didn't want to give up these plants, so she asked the mage for help.

Fortunately, the fire only burned for a moment, and countless blue streams of light burst out in front of Bart, falling on the burned dead branches.

Grandma couldn't believe her eyes. The burned dead plant sprouted new shoots, and then grew at an unimaginable speed. It didn't stop until it became the same as the surrounding plants.

Bart doesn't know how to do this series of operations. Rorschach is here as a "special effects artist". The rapid germination and growth of plants is of course the catalytic effect of "revival".

"Oh my god" Grandma wanted to step forward and touch the new grape leaves, but Rorschach stopped her.

"First add the alchemy potion." Rorschach added Bordeaux liquid to the grapevine that had no spots after rebirth.

After getting permission, Mammy touched the new plant from head to root. The burnt marks were still there, but new xylem had already formed on it.

"Mr. Bart and Mr. Assistant, these two are so amazing! I don't know how to thank you."

In fact, Bart was also shocked. He didn't expect Rorschach to be able to learn the natural spell that seemed to be the Tower of Forest. He was very proficient in it and the scene was very gorgeous.

Rorschach stepped forward and handed the remaining Bordeaux liquid to Mammy: "As long as you continue to pour the liquid on other grapevines, the devil who hates its taste will no longer kiss the grape leaves."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"But don't pour too much on the grape leaves, otherwise the plants will suffer the damage." Luo Xia was worried that grandma would soak the trees with the medicine out of the mentality of "the more the better".

After all, it is a heavy metal salt, and the leaves will turn black and necrotic if not properly trimmed.

"Okay. I remember, sir."


On the top floor of the resident mage's tower, the fireplace was burning brightly, and there were smoked sausages and sliced ​​crispy elbows in oil paper bags. Rorschach and Bart were enjoying the white wine from the Citizen Welfare Institute Winery.

"Tsk, the sourness is a bit strong." With the current storage technology, the shelf life of white wine is not as good as that of dry red wine, but the top-notch wine is already in the wine cellar, which was given to the resident mage as a thank-you gift.

Rorschach took advantage of the fact that the other party was still drunk and told Bart the formula and precautions for Bordeaux liquid.

Although only the "Citizen Welfare Institute Winery" reported this disease, spring wind and rain will help the spread of microorganisms. Plants in other places may also be infected, and the outbreak is likely to be concentrated in early summer.

Rorschach did not have time to vigorously promote Bordeaux mixture in Würzburg, and Barth could best do this to help him run for trade representative.

What the young man needs is to establish a good relationship with the brewing guild first.

As for Rorschach's understanding of grapes, he came from a retired elder in his previous life. The old man grew his own grapes and made wine. After drinking it, he realized he was poisoned, so he called 120 and completed the entire DIY process. Rorschach helped in the early stages, until the brewing was completed, the old man secretly drank while he was at school, which actually allowed Rorschach to escape.

"Thank you." Bart couldn't help but ask Rorschach: "How did you learn natural magic? And it's not the same as what I know."

Rorschach rolled his eyes: "If you pay attention to the academic exchange reports of the Magic Guild, you will see the public research on [Blue Light Barrier] and the analytical research on a series of elven runes in the Tower of Stars."

Bart picked up a piece of elbow skin with his [Mage Hand], pinched some fried pickled cabbage and ate it in one bite: "Am I too busy?"

Rorschach sighed and told Bart the story of his journey into the dark forest over wine and meat.

Of course, the reason for the departure was not detailed, only that it was a joint operation between the Tower of Stars and the Tower of Forest.

"Is there still such a thing? You have experienced a lot since going to the Tower of Stars, and I am wasting my life here." With the help of alcohol, Bart's eyes became blurred:

"I don't know where I love Emily. I'm afraid that deep down in my heart, I don't love Amalia, but I am pursuing the most beloved princess of the Byrne Kingdom."

Rorschach drank wine and looked out the window. The buildings in Würzburg were twinkling with lights. There is no electricity, only kerosene burns and releases heat, and the street lights on the main street flicker together with the wind on the spring night.

"Perhaps your fear comes from your true love for her." If you really want to make progress at any cost, you probably wouldn't be able to ask such a "childish" question.

"Really?" Bart took another sip of wine and tilted his head to look at Rorschach: "If I had chosen to study like you back then."

"Even in a magical world, there is no need to talk about what ifs."

"That's not what you said when you graduated. Rick and I should remember it."

"Speaking of Richard, haven't you contacted him yet?"

"I sent a letter to his family, but there was no reply. Let's leave it at that. He must be busy in the team, which is better than me busying myself with the citizens of this city. Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing, just think of something happy." In Rorschach's eyes, Bart was like the old father in the public service announcement, saying to Rick from a distance: Just be busy.

Bart wiped the corner of his mouth: "Humph, you think of something happy, and I think of a good idea!"

It turns out that Bart, the majestic resident mage of the empire, was inspired by the performance he gave to Grandma Abigail today and had a bad idea to have him and Rorschach perform a magic double act at the wedding.

"Tell me, do you have any special skills that are suitable for performing at a wedding? Let's arrange them." This shameless guy drew circles in the air with his wine glass.

I put in the effort and you get the limelight? Luo Xia's face darkened. She was just doing him a favor, but someone took advantage of her.

He put the wine glass on the table, opened the only closed window, and pointed at the palace from afar: "You guy, I think if you return the mage badge to the guild, you can become the son of some luxurious family!

"You also said you don't want to be a puppet, but I think you really do!"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry. I drank too much and I just said that casually."

"No, I'm serious!" Rorschach smiled, I want you to learn new magic!

He just had the idea, but he felt more and more necessary. One is that he can't bear the fall of his friend on the road to magic, and the other is that he wants to verify whether the magic he created through the panel can be taught to others. Bart should be a suitable candidate.

And it's just Dryac's spell, the plus version of [Blue Light Barrier] that has been released. Teaching Bart will not pose any threat to him.

Rorschach slapped the table and announced: "Starting from tomorrow, Rorschach, the gold medal substitute teacher of Valuana, will conduct special training for Bart, the unlearned and derelict resident mage, and let him prove at the wedding scene that the mage badge is not bought with money. It’s coming!”

"Rorschach, have you drunk too much?" Bart was half sober: "When you were in the academy, your spell practice was worse than mine! And I don't have time."

Rorschach summoned a blue forest for a while, and a shadowy mist for a while, and finally opened his hands: "The past was the past, and the present is the present. You guys, just practice more!"

"Dishes? How many dishes?" Bart was dizzy by Rorschach's trick, and did not understand the Internet slang that Rorschach uttered after being drunk.

Thanks to the book friend "Miao Ke Miao Ke I am Diga" for the reward! (I missed the thank you in the first tip on the 14th, so I apologize to this book friend)

Thanks to those who belong to "Steamed Little Bones", "Salted Fish and Cuckoo Bird", "Welwitschia of Holy Spear", "Book Friends 20220818192020489", "Dreams of Thousand Years", "Shen Bing" "Archier", "Book Friends 20210828105109342" and "Rattlesnake of Destiny" ""I am not targeting you" monthly ticket support!

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I was out this afternoon and evening, so there is no time code for the third update. I will continue the third update tomorrow.

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