Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 180 Rorschach’s Special Teaching

The mage tower had guest rooms and a warehouse for basic alchemy materials, so Rorschach took residence there as a matter of course. During the day today, he had been preparing the scroll of [Resuscitation Technique].

The goal is to first teach Bart the ordinary version of this spell, and then try to teach him to add "mapping" to the original basis of this spell to exert his will on the spell target.

This trick was first demonstrated to others when Rorschach changed the color of flowers at Granol's family dinner. Accelerating the growth of grapevines is also the result of the joint action of "activation" and "mapping". Rorschach roughly remembers the plant before the fire, and tries to restore its previous appearance as much as possible when stimulating growth.

If I know enough about the human body and can complete the activation of cells, can I further improve the therapeutic effect of [Druyatz's Forest]? Rorschach seems to have touched on the principles of natural recovery spells. If I study further, I can Can't you bring back someone who just died?

However, Rorschach has no demand or opportunity to experiment for the time being.

There was a knock on the door of the guest room, and after receiving permission, Bart poked his head in: "Milly asked me if we could have dinner together." It's off-duty time in the Mage Tower. Bart has his servants, similar to apprentices, but Rorschach has not been seen in the past few days. Bart said that all the errands are done by the servants.

"Didn't we meet during the day when we were discussing the wedding? This is no reason!" Now Bart is facing a selfless instructor. There is no friendship or bond anymore, only magic and sweat!

Rorschach drew another learning scroll. He was now very good at this kind of thing, because he was drawing his own adapted magic. He knew very well how the ether circulated and why it was driven in this way. And there is enough knowledge to transform it into the pattern that is flattened in the scroll.

In the kingdom of sand, the invisible god does not allow believers to worship statues, so the art of complex combinations of lines, words, and patterns has been developed. The learning scroll Rorschach is now making may be as pleasing to the eye as such works.

"The scroll you drew? Even if you can rely on this craft to live and feed well." Bart was surprised by the young man's craftsmanship when he picked it up. He just glanced at it and understood that there was never any shortage of goods on the shelves of the guild. The popular products are different, the magic circuits are exquisitely connected, and the core patterns are surrounded by many standard graphics. Bart's temples feel slightly swollen and painful just by looking at them.

It’s a familiar feeling from the academy, and it’s going to take a long time to read it again.

Rorschach's attention was still focused on the scroll and he did not reply in time. He finished outlining the last curve, allowing the pattern on the scroll to form a perfect closed loop. At this moment, due to the completion of the symbolic runes of Dryats, a very subtle blue light flowed through without being activated.

It’s done.

It wasn't until he put down his quill and covered the added alchemy ink that Rorschach finally came up with his thoughts: "I drew three scrolls of [Resuscitation]. You can try to see if you can learn it."

Bartleby looked at the freshly baked scroll and the one he just held: "Why are the three different? Is it a spell?"

"I adjusted the shape of the circuit and the concentration of the resist in the ink to make the magic flow in the scrolls at different speeds. According to the numbers in the upper right corner, the demonstration process of the three learning scrolls is from slow to fast."

"It can still be like this." The learning scrolls provided in academies and guilds are often low-level spells with standardized drawings. Bart called them high-level when he saw them for the first time.

"Scroll No. 1 can be activated." Rorschach ordered. Originally, he could teach by demonstrating and guiding Bart by himself, but now he can observe and record the operation of the scroll and Bart's learning status under [Arcane Vision] and "Magic Control".

Bart finally became serious. He mobilized the magic power to inject the starting point of the scroll. Gradually, the magic power in the environment began to fluctuate. Rorschach, who was familiar with spells, could even sense which step was going on.

Condensation, activation and rejuvenation.

"Is it over?" Bart scratched his head, and Rorschach instructed him: "Stop talking, and quickly try to see if you can imitate it."

"How can it be possible to succeed in the first scroll?" Bart himself spent a lot of money on learning scrolls in the academy. He tried to imitate, while Rorschach felt it.

Bart's own movements are not much faster than the scroll. This casting speed must have failed, but Rorschach can still feel his ether frequency oscillating in the environment.

Now Rorschach can interrupt the opponent's magic whenever he wants.

He slapped his cane on the floor, and the movement startled Bart, who was concentrating on casting spells. Rorschach judged: "The magic power of the second step has shifted, and the rhythm should be faster."

"You also know this?" Bart shrugged, took out the second scroll, and looked at it carefully before being excited.

Soon the release of the second learning scroll ended, and Rorschach asked Bart to try again.

"Not everyone is suitable for natural magic, right?" Bart didn't succeed in his second try, and now he's a little frustrated.

But is it really necessary to have "nature affinity" to cast such spells? Rorschach didn't think so. He admitted that there was indeed such a thing as affinity, as evidenced by Tasia's existence, but whether it was affinity with nature or affinity with spells was up for debate.

In Rorschach's view, inheriting the "Druid" practice method can better learn and perform natural spells. It is more likely that they can have a deep understanding of nature during practice, understand the habits and physiological structures of animals and plants, and then deepen their understanding. It is easier to understand and perform related magic on the basis of.

Of course, this understanding is not limited to scientific understanding. You must have a biology degree or something. Forest priests and druids can weave natural phenomena and creatures into their own belief systems. It is also an understanding that may start from mystical testing. Cognition also facilitates spellcasting.

On the other hand, Rorschach's knowledge of middle school biology and geography also allows him to complete some natural spells.

"Our current goal is not to perform some kind of resurrection from the dead and transform into a living person, but the simplest thing is to use [Resuscitation Technique] to activate the seeds."

Rorschach took out the seeds he dug out from the warehouse. The round ones should be some kind of beans. He confirmed that they were just dried and not ripe:

"Seeds that have matured and separated from the mother plant will generally enter a dormant state and begin to germinate when encountering suitable water and heat conditions."

He began the "activation" step. Under his control, the ether attached to and entered the seeds. In Rorschach's imaginary picture, every cell began to operate. The magic acted as nutrients and plant pheromones, urging and supporting the cells to spread. The blueprint carried in genes continues to differentiate and replicate

But there is no need to impose these concepts on Bart: "First, the magic power is condensed to penetrate the entire seed. Imagine that the bean is soaked in water, and now it is soaked in your magic power. At the same time, you should learn what is shown in the scroll, and let the magic power enter the living body. At the same time, it transforms into 'vitality' or 'vitality'."

What is vitality? This general, ambiguous energy between the soul and the body is widely believed to exist, whether in the past life or another world, and in a world with magic and gods, it should indeed exist.

"Then it sprouted?" Under Bart's witness, the seed was awakened and swelled in Rorschach's hands. First, the radicle pushed out the seed coat, and then the embryo.

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