Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 181 Starting from the bud of life

"Let me try." Bart took the new seeds from Rorschach's hand and rubbed the shriveled outer skin. He saw how easily Rorschach made the seeds germinate, and he suddenly felt that he could do it too.

"Isn't it really a ripe seed? I heard a fable when I was a child. The king tested the honesty of the children and deliberately gave them to them."

"Hurry up and practice, there is so much nonsense! What am I trying to do to you?" Rorschach used [Flying Arrow Technique] to flick the beans onto Bart's head. This is the first step, and we will teach Bart the "mapping" skills later! This made Rorschach feel dizzy.

"It would be really scary if you go back to college and become a teacher." Bart touched his forehead and started to try.

no response.

"Think about the process of slowing down the spellcasting process of learning the scroll. You still have a useless scroll."

Bart used the last scroll. Because it cast the spell fast enough and there was a burst of blue light, it was just a step away from taking effect.

"Try the seed again. Inject it with magic power first, activate it with the transformed 'vitality', and then think about how it will grow into roots and leaves."

Starting from the bud of life, it will be dawn.

Rorschach didn't play any turn-based strategy games, but the mental consumption was almost the same. Even teaching him step by step was not an easy task.

"I didn't expect it took so long." Bart yawned. There was originally a bag of seeds, but now most of it was consumed. "How many levels does this 'Resuscitation Technique' have?"

"It should be the fourth ring?" Rorschach, a natural-type magician, didn't know much about the classification and could only remember a rough idea.

Bart perked up and said, "Then I mastered intermediate magic in one night, and it's still the natural type. It seems that I also have the talent of being friendly to nature!"

But Bart's results were put in a bowl. From the beginning it had no effect, to later it successfully sprouted, and the final result was a complete bean sprout, all inside.

The magic power of the spell itself is not large, especially since the target of the spell is only small beans. The seeds themselves store enough nutrients and vitality. It is not until the drawing stage that Bart needs to infuse the activated magic power.

Since Luo Xia insisted on starting from seeds every time, the reason was that "it can witness your progress", the two worked hard all night and got a large bowl of bean sprouts and bean sprouts.

"What to do with these?" Bart shook the bowl and thought about using it to feed the animals.

But Rorschach stopped him: "Pour it through boiling water, and then mix it into the salad."

"It's a good idea. It should be paired with a refreshing sauce." Bart said with a smile: "It makes me a little hungry. Is there anything to eat?" It was dawn and the city was not fully awake yet, so I asked Bart's chef to prepare It also takes a while to have breakfast.

Rorschach nodded and handed Bart the remaining half bag of beans in anticipation.

"Just kidding, I have some candy here." Seeing the other person's face suddenly collapse, Luo Xia quickly took out the brown sugar cubes he always kept.

"No, I want this." Bart got angry and grabbed a handful of beans angrily: "I'll show you the spells I studied during my time as a resident mage."

He held it with both hands and began to "work". Rorschach's perception kept condensing magic power, causing the transformation process of magic power to fire element to be at a critical stage. This was just a heating effect.

After a while, the beans were beeping and ripe, and of course he couldn't hold them with his hands now. He held them with [Mage's Hands], then grabbed a handful and threw them into his mouth, chewing them loudly.

Rorschach clapped and hid the bag with "Feed" written on it behind his back. But he was inspired and, like Bart, grabbed a handful of beans.

If the seal is maintained, he finds a tin cup, pours the beans in, and then seals the mouth of the cup with a magic ball with "repulsion" properties.

Heating needs to be fast enough and even. Rorschach thought about the conditions for the seeds to expand. There must be a certain amount of moisture inside, which should vaporize quickly and then open the lid. In this way, the pressure in the container suddenly changes from high pressure to low pressure, and the water vapor in the beans will expand it.

From Bart's perspective, Teacher Rorschach was casting a certain spell while shaking the tin cup. The beans inside collided, and then suddenly there was a series of crackling sounds, and the cup was filled with bursting beans.

Rorschach sprinkled the crushed brown sugar cubes into the cup, heated it, shook it and handed it to Bart: "Try it."

Bart picked up the beans, which had swelled a lot, and the syrup was still on his hands. His eyes lit up after he put it in his mouth: "This is great! Milly will definitely like it too. Teacher Rorschach, I want to learn this!"

Finally, Bart went to the office on the top floor where he was supposed to be on duty. He took out the hammock from the locker, set it up, and began to catch up on his sleep comfortably. As long as others are there, they are on duty!

Rorschach stayed in the guest room and yawned. He picked up the cooked beans that Bart had not finished and picked out one to look at.

Protein is dehydrated and denatured by heat. Reverse process. Vitality.

On impulse, Luo Xia pinched it with two fingers and stared at the browned seeds. Blue light slowly emitted from his fingertips.

A new bean sprout was born. Rorschach let it float in the air and continued to apply "activation" and "revival". Seeing the sprouting and blooming, Rorschach paused at this time, shook the plant, and then continued to catalyze it.

The flowers withered and fell to the ground, new seed pods grew and swelled, and Rorschach stretched out his hand to catch the fallen beans.

A reincarnation is completed under his magic.

The young man casually stirred it up again and added the bean sprouts into the bowl.

Now I also have the demeanor of a druid. Who dares to say that I am a barbarian of the evocation system, I will definitely blast his dog's head with a fireball. Rorschach thought about it and fell asleep with satisfaction.

The next night, Rorschach brought a writing board to the attic. Now it’s Bart’s one-on-one tutoring class,

"Teacher Luo Xia, I have learned the [Resuscitation Technique]!"

"This is just the basics. I went to Wirtz's Magic Guild and found public information on [Blue Light Barrier]." Although Rorschach wrote it under the guidance of Kano, rather than repeating it myself, I still started from The guild saves trouble by getting printed copies of the journal.

Bart flipped through the pamphlet, and the author clearly printed "Rorschach": "Did you write this?"


Last night, after Bart learned [Resuscitation], Rorschach talked about the technique of "mapping" to apply his thoughts to the target, but Bart's results were not obvious.

Trying to use "mapping" to change the color of bean sprouts, Rorschach performed a magic demonstration and got crystal clear pure white plants, while Bart only managed to get a disgusting white and green plant, as if he was infected, and he burned it all with fire. .

Bart's excuse was that he was too sleepy and tired to do it, but Rorschach suspected that there was no intervention of Dryarts' power.

His blue light seems to have many magical properties that are not found in Bart's spellcasting process.

Then teach another [Blue Light Barrier], and learning protective spells can give friends and important business partners another way to save their lives.

"Teacher Rorschach, I think your teaching method yesterday was very good." Now the temporary teacher was talking and writing on the blackboard. Bart was taking notes on the materials at his desk, which made Bart feel that he might as well use a study scroll.

"This scroll is too complicated. I would rather write it on the blackboard for you now. Understanding the excitation principle of blue light first will help you successfully cast the spell."

"I want to drop out of school. Teacher Rorschach."

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