Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 209 Practice according to Rorschach’s standards

Rorschach didn't know that such a mess was still going on, and he was filled with joy. Although the placement in night school was only a temporary measure, it meant that at least students from poor family backgrounds would not be completely out of school.

So that day, as agreed, he returned to Valuauna Normal University again. Sure enough, Andre came this time and brought two classmates with him.

Rorschach gave them the paper-and-pencil handouts, and also told them about the evening classes at the textile factory. "If you want to go, you can first count the classmates you can contact, collect their addresses and living conditions, and then Andre will compile it."

For these teenagers, the first thing to consider when attending night classes is safety, and it is best to leave these to experienced organizers. Andre agreed, but looked evasive. The other two classmates left happily, leaving him alone. It took him a long time to say: "Teacher Luo Xia, I'm sorry I can't go to night school."

"Is it because of your late shift?"

"Now my father is still looking for a job. If I give up my job, it will be too hard for my mother. She now cleans, washes clothes and has her younger siblings."

If he had a good family background, not only would he not have to worry about food and clothing, he would also be able to become a mage or other professional with his magical talent, and continue to earn high incomes, but now going to school has become a problem. Rorschach also didn’t understand why Andre didn’t show any talent in the church’s grammar school, as he would have definitely been absorbed into becoming a divine benefactor.

There is no way of knowing now, and he is not the only one in a similar situation. "If I have a new job here, would you like to come? In the mage's research building."

"Ah?" Andre didn't expect it, nor could he understand or imagine it. Rorschach could only tell him about the Alchemy Department and the job he found for him.

"You can write and do calculations now. Someone recommended that you can definitely find a job that is much better than now. In the Alchemy Department, there is a lot of writing and calculation work." The most typical one is drawing drawings, a set of hundreds of them. Just writing the headers was a huge undertaking, as well as checking various labels and serial numbers, as well as organizing documents. Snow complained more than once about the chaos of the documents.

Rorschach feels that Andre is fully qualified for the above job: "We are all mages in the Alchemy Department. Although they are a little weird, they are all good people and can learn simple spells while you are at work."

Considering the time of Andre's awakening, it is expected that his spell-casting ability will not be very strong without training since childhood, but it is possible to master practical tricks and low-level spells as long as the old buddies are willing to teach them and Andre is willing to learn them: "So, If you go to the Alchemy Department of Tower of Stars, you can work and rest normally, but if you work part-time and study part-time, I can only offer you three gold per month. Can you accept it?"

This salary is very low, equivalent to the difference between banknotes and gold coins, which is approximately equivalent to one-fifth of the subsidy Kano originally provided to Rorschach. But even this price surprised Andrei. At this time, farmers' annual income was about 150 livres, while those engaged in industry were slightly higher, about 300 livres.

And Sanjinlang! This income is so unbelievable that Andre couldn't even imagine it. Not only is it more than his current night shift salary, it's even higher than his father's original job income. "You are so generous, thank you. I am willing to accept your help, but I don't know how to repay it."

"Don't think about the reward for calling me the wrong name. Let's go and have a look at the Alchemy Department today." Rorschach thought of the "interesting things" that Master Kano told him: the queen has a cockscomb-like hat, and each of the thorns on it is The feather is worth 2,000 livres. Carnot said it lightly at the time: "Because it looked so ugly and funny, our queen got so angry that she threw it out of the window while it was still spinning in the air like a bird."

Rorschach took Andre to the Alchemy Department, and Snow took him around the first floor. "Andre, we have heard about you and welcome you. But it is best not to go to the basement and second floor. I will arrange work and study plans for you."

Rorschach insisted on accompanying Andre through each room. Some of the guys from the alchemy department looked up and went about their business, while others greeted Snow and Rorschach, and Rorschach asked Andre to respond.

The young man's insistence on accompanying him was not unreasonable. He wanted to show others that Andre was brought by him to avoid being bullied. Although Rorschach believed that the old buddies in the Alchemy Department would not target his students, after all, the situation was special and it was better to keep an eye on him.

In order to test Andre's reading and writing skills, Snow first arranged simple tasks for him, and then talked with Rorschach alone in the office: "What are your plans for this student?"

"It would be best if he can adapt here and be qualified for the job. If it doesn't work, I have somewhere else to arrange it." If that doesn't work, ask him to go to work at "Hercules" and then attend night classes with other students at night.

Antoine Newingen is now in charge of the R\u0026D department in Valois and often discusses issues with Rorschach Communications. Being his assistant at Andre's level is more than enough.

Unexpectedly, Snow had other ideas: "Would you be happy if he was assigned to work in the ether unit?"

"I agree. As long as the training is good and safety can be guaranteed." Rorschach thought. If he accumulates experience in operating the unit here, he can "tie" Andre to Bain in the future. In the future, the ether unit under Bain's Master Tower will be able to Leave it to him.

Snow stretched out his hand: "So what about the plan that someone promised to replace the mithril rod? Hand it over quickly!"

Rorschach took out his notebook and explained to Snow the idea of ​​the energy-gathering array in the resident mage tower, and then asked whether the reversal of the inner and outer rings could replace the mithril rod.

"The efficiency will be lower, but the cost will be greatly reduced. Yes, at least it can greatly reduce the initial investment." Master Snow nodded in approval of the feasibility of applying this technology to collectors.

When the conversation in the office was almost done, Andre also finished the paperwork in his hand. He checked it twice and was more cautious about documents that could change his life than he was about exams in school.

No problem, Andre breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid of crumpling the paper, so he held it and knocked on the door: "Master Snow, I've finished it, please review it."

Snow opened the door and took it with a smile: "The only person in this building who can be called Master is Kano. You can call me Master Snow or Minister. Don't call me by mistake again."

In anxiety, Andre passed the trial, and then Snow asked him to show off his magic in the practice room. At that time, he set the textbook on fire.

"Since being interviewed, I have never tried it again." Andre became embarrassed. It should be said that he became cautious on the way from the research building. He tried more than once, but fortunately Rorschach and Snow were patient and gave him some tips on how to condense the fire element.

The last small flame was held in Andre's palm, and the boy who cast the spell couldn't help but be happy when it jumped.

"Congratulations." Snow clapped seriously, and then asked Rorschach to demonstrate the [Fireball Technique].


The protective magic on the first and second floors was directly shattered, and the magic lights in the room flickered a few times before stabilizing. The counterattacking heat wave hit the faces of the three people and warmed them.

"See, don't let down Teacher Rorschach's efforts for you. From now on, you will practice magic according to this standard! Take it." Snow took out a set of apprentice robes from the storage bag and threw it to Andre.


Don't distort other people's painting style! Rorschach protested vehemently.

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