Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 210 Come to the door

After settling Andre, Rorschach temporarily settled one thing on his mind. This was the best he could do at the moment. He didn't know or understand the other students who had awakened their magic.

To cure the root cause, we need to build a whole school, a school that will not be "allergic" or even "shocked" just because it teaches spellcasters.

"Why do you value this knowledge so much? There are only a few people who are talented. It seems that something will happen if there are more people who can cast spells." Rorschach was still resentful. Snow listened without comment, but talked about Rorschach. teacher.

The teacher here refers not only to Kano, but also to Caroline: "Master Kano and his favorite disciple, Master Caroline, had a big quarrel in the past, probably because of similar things."

He drank the energy potion and recalled: "Carolyn once hoped to promote the process of testing magic talents throughout Valuauna, including the slums. She hoped that everyone with talent could receive magic education. This church is more open than us. , at least grammar schools are willing to accept farmers’ children.

She gathered several colleagues who agreed with the ideal and formed a group similar to a church's itinerant preaching. She wanted to try to explore it in cities and suburbs, and she wanted to compile a set of teaching materials suitable for low-power spellcasters.

"Kano told her that it was unrealistic, and finally stopped his own students. Especially when he criticized the teaching materials, his original words were, 'Can you call yourself a mage if you know a few tricks and low-level spells?' This is true."

Uh. Rorschach was sweating a little.

Snow was so caught up in his memories that he didn't notice the unnatural expression on Rorschach's face: "Then the angry Caroline gave up her engagement with the big family, stayed away from Kano and left the Holy Kingdom until you showed up."

It turns out there is such a thing. When Rorschach met Kano for the first time, he was still curious about why Kano was so obsessed with his origin and why he wanted to discuss the number of mages with him. Rather than chatting with him, it was more likely that the master wanted to get to know his student Caroline again. idea.

Although he talks about Caroline's ideals and Rorschach's ideas being childish and ridiculous, Kano has been the most relaxed person since he became chief. He cooperates closely with the trading company and is willing to accept apprentices who are merchants.

Of course, those "aristocratic factions" are not just like the "pure bloods" in the island country's children's books who go crazy with bloodline theories. They are more like those aristocratic families in previous lives, who deeply realize the preciousness of knowledge, especially the knowledge that can be embodied by the ether. knowledge of magic.

They want to control the right to education!

Businessmen bring money and wealth and provide material security and enjoyment for those who are at a high level, that is, they spend a high price to redeem some study places. Therefore, when a noble-born mage sees a businessman's child coming to study, he can tolerate it for a while.

Just being patient and not showing discrimination on the outside doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. For example, in the Alchemy Department, which is at the bottom of the contempt chain and second only to the Magic Guild, the middle names of the old friends rarely have "De" or "Feng" in them. Even if they do, they are definitely far away from the "aristocratic faction".

However, now that those poor people and weak-legged people can make a comeback, and even have the opportunity and possibility to surpass themselves in magical attainments, these people can't bear it. This kind of dissatisfaction and uneasiness is what happened at the Valuana Normal University. This farce broke out in the last episode and was instigated by others.

Fortunately, most people only knew that Rorschach was from the empire, but they didn't know that the young intermediate mage and recipient of the "Moon-Bearing Ibis" medal was actually the son of a farmer.

Snow kindly reminded: "You and your senior brother Pascal should be careful. I am not the only one who feels that the investigation team is coming with bad intentions and is very targeted. It is best not to return to the Tower of Stars during this period."

"Then I can't make a bed here, right?"

"Okay, I'll let everyone make room for me."

"No, no, no, I'd better forget it, I can't disturb your work, and there are still research needs to be consulted in the data room of the Tower of Stars."

"Okay, I'm just reminding you, I believe you can handle it."

Rorschach revealed the matter with a witticism: "Thank you very much. If I am really caught by the guild, I promise not to reveal my friend and associate Master Snow."

"Yes, you should confess him before Pascal does, otherwise you will be betrayed by that unreliable guy first." Snow laughed and cursed, punching Rorschach on the shoulder in return.

Although Rorschach is unwilling to accept stupid questions anymore, it does not mean that he will be frightened by the news. As long as Kano is still supporting him behind his back, there is no reason to pack up and hide in the research building or run back to the empire.

When he returned to the Tower of Stars and walked all the way to the dormitory, an apprentice stared at him, and this uncomfortable feeling came inexplicably.

Arriving at the faculty and staff dormitory area, Rorschach found a man at the door of his room. He was holding a writing board and many questionnaires. As long as he was passing by the corridor, he would stop and ask questions.

Rorschach turned around and ran to the "commissary" in the tower as quickly as possible. "A scroll of disguise!"

"You need to register your name and use it in front of me. Please understand that before and after the exam, there will be students who will use this scroll to disguise themselves as teachers, steal test papers, pretend to be invigilators and visit the exam room, and change the papers to score points."

Why is it so troublesome to buy a scroll in the Tower of Stars? Rorschach paid to change his appearance in front of the clerk, then borrowed an apprentice robe and hurried to the investigator again.

"This apprentice! Please cooperate with the investigation. Have you ever heard of or seen Master Rorschach?" As he spoke, he handed over a sketch, and his facial features were indeed somewhat similar to Rorschach himself.

"Shouldn't you explain your identity and what you want to do before asking me to provide personal information?" The apprentice disguised as Rorschach fully embodies the results of the anti-fraud education of college students in his previous life, and he looks at the other person warily.

The investigator unconsciously raised his voice at this time and raised his eyebrows, appearing aggressive: "Okay, okay, I am Master Gerard de Villefort, and I came to investigate Valois on the order of the Senate of Offa. The Magic Leak at the Ecole Normale Supérieure."

"Leaking secrets? Didn't we sign a confidentiality agreement before enrolling?"

"Please don't think like a businessman!" This guy must have a lowly background and cannot understand the spirit conveyed by the Senate. After making this judgment, Gerald became a little impatient and urged Rorschach to give his name again, and Rorschach made up a name for him.

"Oh, you are a senior student, so you must have attended Master Rorschach's classes?"

"History of magic class?" "The Apprentice" tried hard to maintain his acting skills: "That was definitely the most meaningful and inspiring class I have ever heard! It explains the profound things in a simple way, quoted from other sources, and started from historical data to encourage us to think about reality, especially the pedantry of the aristocrats of the old empire. The depravity impressed me.”

"Enough, enough!" Gerald quickly stopped, it seemed that he was wasting time again.

However, this "apprentice" was more difficult to deal with than he thought. He glanced at the writing board and asked: "Since it is an investigation, why don't you record what I said?"

"Well, I will select valuable answers to record!" Gerald quickly stepped back and put the board up to prevent this annoying guy from seeing it again. He asked the second question:

"It is said that he is from the Empire. Do you think Master Rorschach has done anything suspicious that may harm the interests of the Holy Kingdom and the Tower of Stars?"

Oh, then you got the point right. Rorschach nodded, and then replied firmly: "No!"

Thanks to book friends "HNO3", "Yichuanjiang", "Fengxiang Tiandi", "Sharp Dagenjun", "Book Friends 20200112120043379", "Wusa Qingyin", "Baikui", "Memory of a Fish", "Priest's Yellow Sheets" and "Book Friends 20190221152157989" "Book Friends 202209082212315449" "Falling Qingfeng" "Reader 2021030918238468273994" (Is there a default id in this format?!) "Fat Fat Man" "Book Friends 20230406064650632" "Class in class" "Huaye" "Ao Lufeng" "Mi Saiyan 888” monthly ticket support!

Thanks to "The Cubic Power of the Whiteboard", "Passing Through the Rainy Day", "Jade Sword Fairy Questions", "rcliu", "gvdsfag", "Little Fat Bee", "Pipi Whale Pot", "Dark Night, Wings", "Werewolf Explosion" and "Where Did Pipi Come From?" Recommended votes from book friends such as "Shrimp" and "Lack of Product" are encouraged!

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