Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 211 Can you be more professional?

"Why do you nod first and then deny?" Gerald felt that he was being played.

The weird apprentice clasped his hands together: "I have been studying Eastern magic recently, and there is an area where shaking your head means yes and nodding means no.

"Master Gerald, isn't it interesting to confuse right and wrong like this?"

Mr. Investigator already wanted to get rid of this uncontrolled apprentice who was of no use in advancing the investigation. He quickly said: "Okay, let's talk about the last question. Did Master Rorschach have an affair with Grand Duke Merowenjia during his substitute training?" Did the second son have a conflict?"

"That depends on how you define the meaning and scope of 'conflict'."

Gerald had already obtained some information from individual apprentices: "It is said that Philip was injured that day."

"Yes, we all saw it." Rorschach saw Gerald's eyes light up, as if saying "I want to hear this!", but the next words were immediately disappointing: "But that was Philip himself who fell Yes, he had some mental problems that day, and he was dizzy no matter what he did. Everyone can witness it, including the teacher who treated him."

Gerald was still unwilling to give in. He stopped writing halfway through the note: "Really?"

"In fact, as long as you inquire, you will find that Philippe took the initiative to apply for Master Kano's research group and was assigned to Master Rorschach's research laboratory."

Speaking of this "apprentice" suddenly took out his little notebook: "Master Gerald de Villefort, right? Please answer me:

"Do you think the relationship between the Holy Kingdom and the Empire is tense?"

Gerald was a little confused and subconsciously answered: "Yes."

"Do you think it is possible for the Empire to penetrate into the Holy Kingdom in the name of academic exchange?"


Rorschach nodded: "Then do you agree to conduct a reliability investigation on the mage Rorschach from the Imperial Academy of Magic?"

"Agree." As a member of the kingdom's noble bloodline, Villefort must always be vigilant against the kingdom's enemies and must not insult the "virtue" in his name.

"Great! Then three more questions:

"Do you agree that mages should remain relatively independent from secular governments and maintain a cross-regional cooperative organization called the 'Magic Guild'?"

It is precisely because he knows magic that Gerald can maintain a sense of superiority over his heir brother and other relatives of the same generation in his heart. His proud identity as a spell caster made him answer without hesitation: "I agree."

"Do you think the spread and exchange of magical knowledge should not be hindered by geography and other factors?"


"Do you think that mages from the Empire and mages from the Holy Kingdom who go to the Empire should receive due respect and receive fair treatment in the mages organization?"


"Including Rorschach?"

"Bag etc."

Rorschach didn't wait for Gerald. He put away his small book and smiled: "Mr. Gerald, you may be good at magic, but you don't seem to be professional when conducting investigations." After that, he turned and left.

Villefort wanted to keep this master, but as soon as the apprentice walked away, his figure was blurred among other pedestrians.

"Strange. Write it down quickly." The investigator had just remembered the first "three-click question", but the owner of the trip appeared and successfully interrupted his thoughts and pen.

The viewer, Gerald, still knew nothing about the situation and looked confused to himself: "Who are you?"

The purple robe shocked him. Although he was also a newly promoted intermediate mage, this Rorschach was too young. Out of apparent respect, Gerrard extended his hand enthusiastically:

"Are you Master Rorschach? I am Gerald, who represents the Austrian Senate. I have been ordered to investigate the matters concerning Master Valuana. I would like to learn more about the situation from you."

After hearing the self-introduction of the other party, Rorschach immediately turned cold: "Last time, two disgusting guys claimed to represent the will of the guild, and now someone has come to represent the Senate. Mr. Gerrard, I didn't expect Valois' The branch also has a young elder like you.”

Although he was choked, Gerald saw that Rorschach did not hide his disgust and judged that this boy was full of emotions and anger, so he should not be a difficult guy, and he should have an easier time dealing with the "weird apprentice" than before.

Gerald said in a business-like tone: "Master Rorschach, of course I am not a senator, but a senator cannot do everything personally, right? I am their representative, and I am not the only one on the investigation team, Villefort."

Rorschach responded with slight approval: "But it's empty talk. I haven't seen any documents or certificates to prove your mission, so I can't cooperate until you show the proof."

Rorschach deliberately spoke loudly, causing passers-by to slow down and look this way. The other party's stubbornness made Villefort reluctantly take out the decree of the Senate. Originally, he just wanted to pass it by in front of Rorschach, but his hand was firmly clamped by an invisible force.

Rorschach saw the signature flying in the lower right corner. Of course, it was signed by more than one senator, but this man's surname occupied the largest area: "Louis de Granol"

Very good, very Earl-like.

Rorschach let go of the strengthened [Mage's Hand], and Villefort secretly thought something bad. But he still pretended to be calm: "Master Rorschach, please take me into the dormitory."

"You want to search."

"No, it's just to eliminate unnecessary suspicion."

Rorschach did not insist anymore, but opened the door and welcomed this annoying guy in.

Rorschach's dormitory is very simple. Speaking of which, he has not spent any money to buy real estate anywhere in the mainland so far. Old Mekler's mud house will definitely not be able to accommodate him. I hope this family can leave a lot of money after buying a house in the town. The eldest son has a room. Rorschach also had no money left to purchase real estate in Byrne.

At present, the small single dormitory is all there is, but a few sets of clothes, a table, a chair and half a bed with books. Villefort was shocked when he came in. There was nothing to explore here.

It was precisely the lack of anything that gave Rorschach the confidence that his important documents were either burned or stored in the ring on his hand.

Gerald walked around the small space twice, flipping through Rorschach's books one by one, and carefully placing them back in order under the glare of the owner of the room.

He picked up a bound manuscript and flipped through it for a moment, finding that there were many things he didn't understand: "This is."

"Given to me by Master Poincaré."

Villefort turned forward and found that there was indeed Poincaré's autograph and gift, so he made a mental note: Rorschach also had a good relationship with the Archmage Poincaré.

Then he saw the letters between Copper, Humboldt, Feuerbach and this intermediate mage.

Make sure you don't find anything that could embarrass the owner. It took him a long time to speak: "No more?"

"No, there is a separate toilet and bathroom, do you want to see it?"

"No, forget it." Gerald gave up the topic and just mentioned the need to review Rorschach's class notes again. "Here you go, this is the set from beginning to end. There are also some unused final exam papers. Do you want to give them to you?"

He took out the printed copy and would not take out the original unless the unprofessional investigator brought it up.

Um? I don't think I can handle this question. Gerald took it and took a quick look at it, and found that most of his alchemy skills were returned to the teacher, or he had not learned the new knowledge system brought by Rorschach. However, Villefort disdained this and put everything into his document bag as "trophies."

"Finally, I was entrusted by a certain adult to investigate the matter between you and Mero Wenjia." Villefort did not complete the scheduled task. He used his brain temporarily and still did not let go of the matter.

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