Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 227 Death Struggle

Granol didn't reply, but just stared at "Lord" Christian who was sitting opposite him.

At the same time, his perception stretched as far as possible and successfully broke through the blockade of the compartment space. However, regarding the world outside the car, Granol received only one feedback - nothingness.

The Chief of Thunderstorm Tower continued: "The flood is surging, some people move wisely to higher ground, some want to regulate the river to avoid flooding, some think it is better to block the river than to dredge it, and guide the river water to other places.

“Members of our brotherhood should do a good job as ‘craftsmen’, to explore hydrology, design and build ‘river banks’, and guide the water in the direction we want.

"And you, Count Granol, insist on rowing against the current of the river, and you still want to make fame and fortune in the raging river. Why do you do such an irrational thing?"

Granol remained sitting stiffly: "I don't understand what you are talking about. There are countless mages who have accepted canonization and become nobles in history. I have done nothing wrong."

"If Cano himself made the same choice as you, I would never interfere, but you are the president of the Valois General Assembly and have not set a correct example for the brothers in the association.

"As the Lord of the Inner Circle, I have to take the time to meet you before attending the 'Meeting of Dignitaries' to eliminate the internal factors that are shaking the foundation of the Brotherhood."

Granol withdrew his perception, and he wanted to focus on the enemy in front of him: "Do you know how many spells I used in the magic guild today? Excluding the one that failed against Valan, the answer is zero.

"In the hall, I can accept my failure, because Master Kano actually still plays by the rules of the game I set, except that his method of requiring participants to attend is a bit rough."

Granol recalled that he actually lost his temper in the end and actually wanted to kill Valan, an ordinary person who did not know magic, in front of everyone.

Christian listened to the loser's review with interest.

The Earl continued to state in a calm tone: "So from beginning to end, I have no magical confrontation with Master Kano. Of course, I have to admit that his attainments are slightly better than mine. But Lord Christian, you are so straightforward You threaten an archmage naked, are you ready for a duel?"

As soon as the words fell, Granol and Christian took action at the same time: a tentative thunderbolt rushed towards Granol, but the target's body collapsed into white mist, which exploded and filled the entire carriage.

"Want to block the view?" However, Christian was quickly burned by the white mist coming towards his face. "Fengyun!" It looked like just water vapor, but the temperature was far higher than the common 100 degrees. The extremely hot fluid was everywhere in this small space instantly, and the wooden parts of the carriage made the sound of exploding and bending.

Christian quickly cast a spell to protect his whole body, resisting the extreme heat while activating a healing scroll to heal himself.

A hand suddenly condensed in the superheated steam and stretched out towards Christian's neck. It fiercely resisted the protective layer condensed by the spell and let out a piercing scream. It was about to break through the defense of the chief of the Thunderstorm Tower.

However, this was just a feint. Granor reappeared in the white mist, with a black scimitar in his left hand and slashed at the enemy.

Sharp, divided, filthy, cursed. This ominous blade seems to be composed of only concepts. It cannot be forged, cannot be held normally, and can only be created by magic.

Originally, the carriage had already driven into a strange space, and the disembodied blade drew a trajectory, destroying the execution place Christian had prepared for the count. The out-of-control luxury carriage broke out of the stream of light and returned to the real world. The crazy horses led the carriage all the way to the Seine River.

The black blade wind rippled to the ground, creating a gully several feet deep on the stone road. Burning clouds leaked from the dilapidated carriages and swept across the streets.

Christian stacked up new defensive spells and easily resisted the pitch-black blade. He frowned and said, "Is this your purpose?" The original space could prevent Granol from using teleportation spells to escape, but when they returned to the material world , the isolation will naturally be ineffective.

Once the isolation completely fails, Granol's preset escape teleportation can take him away from the battlefield.

Christian snorted coldly, and countless "walls" with gears embedded in them appeared out of thin air before the carriage fell into the water. They spun wildly and the carriage seemed to shrink countless times. The whole process lasted only a moment before it disappeared on the river, leaving behind the coachman and the two The horse's unrecognizable body fell into the water, causing huge waves.

Granol made a mistake. He tried to injure Christian while escaping. At the same time as he triggered the teleportation, he separated his mind and used an explosion of light and heat in an attempt to eliminate the trouble.

"You once again made a misjudgment out of greed." Christian allowed the injury to pierce him, once again isolating the two from the real world. His current barrier and clothes are riddled with holes, and under the damaged skin are endless thunderous clouds.

However, after the carriage returned to the void space, the white mist suddenly turned from scorching heat to extremely cold, and even thinking would freeze in this deep cold.

Granor's figure disappeared again, and his voice reappeared. The tiny water droplets in the white mist have condensed into small ice crystals, shuddering, and together they let out the earl's roar:

"Christian! Lord! Do you really want to make things impossible to change? Think about it, if I walked out of the building and never came back, how would others view Kano and the Magic Guild! What are you doing to me? He’s not helping!”

Christian directly let go of the protection, allowing the cold air and the high-speed moving ice blade to invade, but his whole body began to emit silver light, showing a cruel smile: "You seem to have misunderstood something, I don't care what Lionel will do. "

Silver light pierced the white fog.


A five-story-high water column exploded, disturbing the last taxi cab at night. Some fish were even lifted high and fell lifeless on the shore.

Wow wow wow

The water surface under the moonlight was rippled again, and a man walked from the current to the shore. He stood on the stone steps, shaking off ice crystals and water drops. That was not enough. A burst of mist rose from the man's body, drying him completely.

After doing all this, the neatly dressed Christian put on his hat and left the Seine River.

Meanwhile, François returns home distraught.

The countess, who was accompanying her daughter in the restaurant, heard the servant opening the door and stood up immediately. However, only her son came back.

"Where is your father? Is he going to the celebration party?"

"No, Mom, although I don't know the situation, my father must have failed." Francois shook his head, thinking of the strange man: "On our way back, a guest found my father. He must also be a great mage."

The countess's face suddenly turned pale. She walked up to her son and slapped her hard: "Why did you come back alone!"

Qilvis didn't understand why her mother wanted to hit her brother, so she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Mom!"

Then, the huge bright gems on Madame's necklace began to shine, and she hurried to the open space in the living room. When Francois and his sister followed them, they heard their mother shouting: "Get out of the way, make room!"

However, after the gem flashed, the earl did not return to his mansion, and the gem eventually lost its luster and shattered.

"No!" A desperate scream echoed in the living room. The countess lost all her strength and fainted in the arms of her eldest son Francois.

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