Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 228 Collapse

When Mrs. Granol woke up, her useless child was beside her. The lady cried: "Do you know that you have lost your father!"

Francois was in disbelief: "No, how is it possible that after the conference, Master Carnot didn't embarrass dad, let's go out together. Do you know the mysterious passenger?"

"I don't know! But I know what cruelty and barbarism are! Innocent children. Indeed, Lionel is not that kind of person, but do you know how much your father is responsible for and how many villains are behind him to kill him? Eaten alive”

"My father is a great mage, he will be fine." But the young man had already remembered his father's last words, and he began to regret why he got out of the car and why he didn't realize that his father was in danger at that time.

"That's enough, François Granol, you have grown up, and now your family is in the most danger. Tomorrow at dawn, as soon as the city gate opens, your sister and I will go back to the countryside for shelter, and you will go At the palace, go to His Majesty the King and Lord Necker, tell them about the change, and ask them to promise you to inherit the title as soon as possible."

However, Necker may not have time to take care of his former allies.

At this time, all the secretaries in his office were holding documents and had extremely important things to report and deal with, but they all held their breath and lowered their heads because their boss was furious.

"Valan! Valan! White-eyed wolf! Even the wolf cubs of the barbarians are more benevolent than him! He is not a noble, but a c-bastard who can't feed the bastard!" Necker, who was not relieved, walked behind his seat and pulled out the hanging On the wall is the sword given by His Majesty the King.

There was a clang, and the sword was unsheathed. The Finance Minister was not a martial artist. He just poured all his strength and anger into it and slashed at a newspaper, as if the person he was chopping was Valan himself.

The front page headline of the newspaper was "Paper Gold Scam - Exclusive Disclosure of the Inside Story of Saliana Mining Company", in which words such as "sources", "youngest general manager", "fraud", "currency and credit" were seen, Necker's The anger is as strong as it gets.

"Mage! Liar! Trash."

Under the chop, the first newspaper that took the lead could no longer be seen, but more newspapers were still coming. The Magic Guild building was indeed locked down for only an hour, and then word quickly began to spread.

Fortunately, it happened in the evening and the stock market was closed.

Unfortunately, after a night of fermentation, the long report was rushed out all night, and the well-informed traders and trading companies affiliated with the guild fled. The employees of the mining company and the exchange were eagerly waiting for General Manager Valang to appear while watching helplessly. Outflow of funds.

Twenty-three minutes after the market opened, the exchange was closed, and guards from the palace appeared at the gate to try to drive away the frantic crowd.

"grown ups."

"Read!" Tired and calmed down, Necker could continue hearing the bad news.

"After the grain market opened today, prices increased by more than 70%, gold prices increased by more than 90%, and 13 grain merchants suspended delivery to Valuana."

"Arrest all those who have violated the contract, send those beasts to the cells of the Basti Fortress to sober up, and escort the food to the bakeries in the capital! Every bakery must see smoke rising as usual!"

"My lord, Lord Merovingian is confronting the guards outside the exchange. There are many businessmen and nobles behind him."

"Tell him to come to the palace alone, alone!"

"grown ups."

"Can you come up with a plan first and then leave it to me to make a decision? Where is your brain? Am I the only one with a brain running in this office?"

"My lord, His Majesty has invited you to see him in his study."

The office fell silent.


After adjusting his condition, Necker forced out his usual confident smile and stepped step by step into the room where the clock was clicking.

The king and the prime minister are both here, and Charles XVI is a little more mellow again. God bless the Holy Kingdom, His Majesty did not inherit my grandfather's weak stomach: "Mr. Necker, I heard that there is some trouble in the exchange and bank today?"

Necker bowed to his employer: "Your Majesty, I will take care of it."

"I believe you, Lord Necker! Everyone praises you as the 'court alchemist'!"

This sentence almost made the poor Finance Minister angry. When he raised his head, the serious red-coated Prime Minister seemed to have a subtle mockery in his eyes.

"Sir Necker, I came to you to discuss the matter of the conference. Since you and Sr. Duplesi insist on holding it, I have agreed. Now you two should come up with a charter."

Du Plessis presented the document he had prepared to His Majesty, and gave another copy to Necker: "Your Majesty seems to still have doubts about the necessity of fiscal and tax reform. Please minister, can you honestly introduce to His Majesty the current situation of the kingdom."

Necker's back molars were gritted: "Your Majesty, we are now facing a new crisis. Those speculative businessmen are making profits beyond the scope of common sense and morality in the financial market, but we and your Majesty have to pay for the losses they cause. They are destroying the credibility of the currency and destroying the foundations of the kingdom.”

"I will never allow such a thing to happen in the Holy Kingdom!"

"Yes, yes, they also deceived your cousin. Grand Duke Mero Wenjia rushed in front and asked us to make concessions. The Grand Duke will be at the palace soon. Please cooperate with me to help your distinguished cousin return from his own way."

Du Plessis watched Necker's performance coldly. He knew that the Minister of Finance had no spare power to interfere with the meeting of dignitaries. It would be the home court of the red prime minister, if everything went well.

"Merovinga! My brother is a careerist. He wants to sit in my seat more than any prince. Lord Necker, let him come over and let us deal with him together."

Charles XVI thought for a while and added a very important point: "But the meeting cannot last too long. I promised the queen that I would go and see the swans presented by the Istani royal family before lunch. I hope they can still stay energetic when they come by boat. "

"Everything is as you wish, Your Majesty." Necker said this, but felt deep despair in his heart.

The same news not only spread to the palace (perhaps including the brain of the 16th generation), but also spread to all parts of the continent, as long as the magic guild has a communication node.

At this time, Newsingen's uncle and nephew were in the capital of the autonomous region. They were supervising the company's people to count the equipment delivered.

"Uncle! Look at the news from Valouana!" Antoine waved the secret message. Although the tax rate in the autonomous region has lost its preferential treatment, as a large trading company under the guild, Hercules can still enjoy magic. The guild’s information transmission channel.

Pierre opened the letter, and his heart almost stopped for half a beat. He read it again and again, and finally murmured: "He is right! Master Rorschach is right. The mining company is over, the stock market is over, and the kingdom's banknotes are over!"

In the dormitory area of ​​Tower of Stars, in a temporarily vacated bedroom.

No matter how fierce the storm is, there is always peace in the eye of the storm. Now the protagonist and focus of the newspaper, Valan, who has been torn into pieces in Necker's heart, is lying on the bed.

"What are your plans for the future?" Rorschach came in with a stack of newspapers. This was the only place that was safe now. Valan was brought into the Tower of Stars with his senses sealed, and then placed under house arrest in an empty dormitory.

Valang sat up and took the newspaper, read the headline for a while and then threw it aside: "Go to other countries, find a mountain sanatorium, breathe fresh air and wait to die."

"In the eyes of many people, you can't die easily." Rorschach took out a "can" from the Tower of Forest. Inside the glass bottle was a slowly writhing white ooze, with mycelium attached to the inner wall. Above: "Let it enter your lungs and replace part of it, and you can say goodbye to tuberculosis and become like a normal person."

Valang picked up the living thing vigilantly: "If I am parasitized by it, will it completely fall into your hands?"

"It's symbiosis." Rorschach corrected the other party's mistake: "Whether you accept it or not, the person is in our hands."

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