Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 238 Wireless and Wire Telegraphy

"God bless Maxwell!" Rorschach had returned to the dormitory of Tower of Stars, and he was trying his best to recall the contents of his electrical and electronics course.

The dwarves have discovered the principle of magnetism generating electricity, but they did not realize that the same holds true for electricity generating magnetism, or else they are like the same muscle. Of course, these dwarves naturally did not discover electromagnetic waves.

Rorschach explained in front of everyone in the laboratory that when he was studying the building, he noticed that the instrument measuring ether fluctuations would have a set of interference signals. There were towers of stars on the spectrum, which did not appear in Professor Poincaré's laboratory. of miscellaneous peaks.

Observe again, there are noise peaks when the generator set in the power machine room is running, but not when the power unit is out of service.

"Could it be the interference caused by the generated ether?" Snow reminded Rorschach not to arbitrarily say that it was the noise generated by the generator.

"But the unit was shut down and the collector was used to provide ether, and the clutter disappeared again."

Only then did Snow agree with Rorschach's guess. Rorschach suggested that he could conduct experiments to verify his conjecture and asked the Alchemy Department to prepare some equipment.

At night, Rorschach returned to the Tower of Stars and began designing experiments. Compared with the famous Maxwell's equations in the field of electromagnetism, Rorschach could only recite Maxwell's equations in thermodynamics, but this did not prevent him from revealing the existence of electromagnetic waves to others and leaving the derivation of the formulas to other smart minds.

To prove the existence of electromagnetic waves, the task is to create it and then detect it. Rorschach "designed" the transmitter and receiver:

The transmitting end is an oscillation circuit composed of a spiral coil and a tin plate capacitor. When it is powered on and then off, it will generate a current with changing directions, exciting electromagnetic waves.

The receiving end is a ring-shaped induction coil. When it receives an induced electric wave with the same or similar frequency as its own, electric sparks can be seen at the terminal.

They are also waves, and the transmitter can be compared to a "tuning fork" in electromagnetism, which can emit fluctuations of a specific frequency. Unfortunately, the receiver is not as versatile as the eardrum, and frequency modulation is required to ensure that the specific wave of the transmitter can be received.

The next day, Rorschach brought the drawings to the Alchemy Department, and the materials they brought were enough to assemble these things.

"Does it require a lot of power?" The mages planned to start the generator.

After getting a negative answer, the brother from the Alchemy Department was not polite and directly used the zero-level spell [Electric Claw] to charge the capacitor at the transmitter. This spell is to charge his hand with electricity, touch the circuit, and the charge will be transferred to the capacitor. When he took off his hand, he shook it: "It's a little numb."


Everyone saw that on the other side, the uncharged coil terminal flickered.

"Really?" The others immediately moved the receiving end farther away and repeated the previous steps again.

Snapped! Another electric spark bloomed.

But when moved to about three meters away, the sparks were no longer visible at the receiving end.

"This effective distance is too short!" An artillery academy instructor expressed disappointment. It was the signal beacon plan he proposed: "The longest transmission distance of the signal beacon tower is 24 kilometers!" Obviously he was very satisfied with the transmission of his plan. distance, and would hate to see it vetoed.

Fortunately, the members of the Alchemy Department who developed the Ethernet signal transceiver had experience and immediately realized the relationship between transmission distance and frequency: "The attenuation is very severe. Do I need to adjust the transmission frequency?"

This is my knowledge blind spot. Rorschach only knows the listening frequency band during the CET-4 and CET-6 exams, which is about 85MHz. But he didn't know how to adjust it specifically and how to design the transmitter and receiver.

The following experiments were led by Snow. He first continuously tested the properties of the newly discovered waves and concluded that first of all, this wave is similar to light. It will be blocked, obstructed, reflected and deflected. Through a simple modulation circuit, And the charging was upgraded from [Electric Claw] to [Lightning Beam], and the effective distance was successfully extended to 100 meters.

"The advantage is that it responds quickly and can be transmitted through the air. The disadvantage is that it is similar to visible light, will be scattered and attenuated, and will be blocked."

Everyone agrees that this is a technology with obvious shortcomings. If transceiver stations are built every 100 meters, the cost will be higher than that of signal towers.

"Since it attenuates greatly in the air, can we find a carrier for electromagnetic waves, such as wires?" Luo Xia was a little regretful. Originally, he wanted to build a radio technology tree in one step. Unfortunately, he was neither a related major nor a radio enthusiast, so he could only The next best thing was to come up with the idea of ​​wired telegraphy.

"This seems feasible!" The old man's eyes suddenly shone. Conducting electricity requires copper wire, which is much cheaper than the mithril wire that transmits ether.

Of course, there are also voices of doubt. Compared to dwarves and mages, there are not many engineers who are familiar with electricity. Many of them gave up after the failure of the radio attempt.

Others couldn't figure out how to carry enough information: "If electricity can transmit letters, then we should hear what God wants to say to us when it thunders!"

Snow ignored the subtle irony. He and the mages in the Alchemy Department knew that the wired version would definitely work. Master Snow has already determined in his heart that radio should be feasible, but more experiments are needed to adjust and try.

Rorschach feels that even if the current project does not involve magic, there is still a big difference between the attitudes of ordinary people and mages towards technology:

As for the spellcasters, everyone has mastered the [Communication Technique]. Even if Rorschach proposed the idea of ​​a "telephone call", they might be able to accept it quickly, but it would take a lot of effort for the instructors of the Artillery Academy to understand it.

In the days that followed, a newly designed transceiver and a kilometer of cable were unveiled, the latter of which took some time to thread out. Members of the experimental team came to the open space outside the greenhouse and stretched and straightened the line as much as possible, with a wave of people at each end.

Rorschach learned the small magic [Electric Claw] by the way. As the proposer of the plan, he became the first wired telegraph operator.

For the mages, they don't need the equipment to send signals. They only need to touch the end of the wire with their electrified fingers and tap rhythmically, and Rorschach will send out three short and one long signals.

At the other end, the corresponding closing time of the relay is recorded by the receiver.

Rorschach played several more long and short combinations, and finally checked that all five sets of tests were successful.

"What's the limit? Ten kilometers? Twenty kilometers? Or hundreds or thousands of kilometers? I think we can try to make the longest cable in history!" Snow showed a satisfied smile after confirming that all the transmissions were correct:

"Anyway, I finally felt confident when I reported to Kano, and I could tell him that so much money was not wasted!"

At night, Rorschach was lying on the bed in his dormitory. On his desk was an induction coil brought back from the laboratory. The radio project was shelved, but he still felt unwilling to do so.


Rorschach obtained the "Charge Driven" entry from [Electric Claw], and then used the panel to add the "frequency vibration" from [Communication Technique] to turn himself into a humanoid transmitter. Now he was lying on the bed, sending out electromagnetic waves in a regular pattern, making the coils crackle.

"Electricity generates magnetism" Rorschach suddenly realized whether he could cosplay Magneto?

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