Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 239 Interlude

Just let the charge flow along the direction of your palm.

Rorschach was no longer sleepy at this time, so he found an iron knife to test, and it turned out that iron was attractive to him.

Yes, magnetism is weak because air is not a magnet. Rorschach's "Charge Drive" gradually became more proficient, and it could no longer only be adsorbed on his hands. He gradually spread the electric field throughout the air. If the continued charge could penetrate the air, he could initially realize the shaping of the three rings. Can use magic [Lightning Beam].

In the same way, by controlling the electric field to form a vertical discharge channel in the sky during thunderstorms, lightning can be directed to strike at the location specified by the caster. The effect should be equivalent to the [Thunder Summoning] of the conjuration system.

The above are all application scenarios that Rorschach deduced based on common sense from his previous life. He also doesn’t know how the [Lightning Beam] and [Thunder Summoning Technique] in this world are cast. The latter is a common attack method for natural mages. Maybe it is What "spirit of thunder element" are you calling for?

As for the electromagnetic gun, this involves an issue of efficiency. He can use magic power to generate electric current and organize acceleration coils to accelerate the ejection of steel nails. However, with the same magic power consumption, it is far less effective than [Flying Arrow Technique].

If a mage who is proficient in thunder and lightning magic comes to Rorschach's original world, in addition to helping others to cure Internet addiction, it seems that studying electrical engineering and even microelectronics technology will have broader employment opportunities and prospects.

Rorschach finished thinking and returned to the knife in his hand. He controlled the flow range of the electric charge in the electric field to converge and pass through the blade. "They should all be carbon steel." Rorschach's judgment was correct. He threw the dagger at the cast iron door knocker of the dormitory and successfully adsorbed it. This meant that the knife was magnetized!

[Rorschach's Magnetization (Blue)]: Can make certain materials magnetic.

If a useless but interesting spell were to be applied in reality, Rorschach would definitely make an electromagnet directly instead of constructing the corresponding magic circle for this spell.

"Unless any item can be given magnetism and transformed into a permanent magnet"

The development project of the wired telegraph is still going on, but it is not enough to confirm that the theory is feasible. While Kano is generously throwing money, he also requires that what comes out of the magic-free technology laboratory cannot just be prototypes and semi-finished products, but must be quickly deployed and spread throughout the kingdom. open.

Therefore, the laboratory is always busy, formulating technical standards, manufacturing machines, and taking into account cost and large-scale manufacturing issues.

Electrical theory has been somewhat explored by the dwarves who are great masters, but now people have to further complete the quantification, specify the measurement of resistance, capacitance, frequency and wavelength and find suitable indicators.

Rorschach could only keep giving hints: "Obviously the two are directly proportional to each other. We need to specify a quantity for this capacitor to describe its ability to absorb electricity."

With him around, the eureka moment in the laboratory can continue.

Most of the team members currently supporting the project are generalists, and their early education often stayed at the stage of alchemy or natural history. Fortunately, everyone here has a certain degree of mathematical literacy, including the instructors of the Artillery Academy - calculating ballistics requires knowledge of mechanics , there is not much mathematical knowledge.

And those who walked out of this laboratory were probably the first electrical experts in the world, although their theories were still very naive, and it was doubtful how far this technology tree would go in a magical world.

With the "Rorschach Brand R\u0026D Catalyst", the project progressed fairly smoothly, except for one minor episode:

That evening, the team members returned to the city one after another on magical wind-powered boats, while Snow stood by the Seine River watching the sunset, waiting for someone.

After the others left, the man finally showed up. He was an instructor at the Artillery Academy. He still retained his military style, although the kingdom had not paid this gentleman a salary for some time.

"Sir, what do you want to see me for?" Snow received his secret letter and asked to talk to him in private.

"Is there no one else here? Is there no listening magic?"

Master Snow became more and more interested in the conversation that followed. He wanted to know why the man was so cautious: "No, I assure you."

"Excellent, Master Snow, you are the highest officer here. Out of loyalty to the kingdom, I must discuss a serious matter with you. I overheard rumors that Master Rorschach is from the Empire."

Snow was disappointed: "Let me refute the rumor to you - it is not a rumor. Rorschach is from the Imperial Academy of Magic. You are wasting your time if you want to discuss this matter with me."

The instructor could not understand Snow's attitude: "You are ignoring the risks! If he is a spy of the empire, then our results will be leaked, which will greatly threaten the security of the Holy Kingdom."

"Are you saying that Rorschach would leak the technology he proposed and invented?" Snow seemed to have heard a joke that was not funny, and received only a cold snort in return.

"You don't understand!" The instructor lost his temper, and his blood surged: "You mages are always so indifferent, as if they are always floating in the sky! My father died in the battle with the empire, and I am always ready to fight for the kingdom. Prepare to die! And you are defenseless."

"Then you should go now." Snow's expression became colder and colder: "Your accusations against Master Rorschach and our magic guild are baseless and are only based on the rumors you have heard and wishful thinking.

"The reliability of Master Rorschach has been confirmed earlier within our guild and was witnessed by two great mages. Taking a step back, even if he is a so-called special person, his intelligent mind is not Great service has been made. Perhaps a wise mind is more beneficial to the kingdom than a congested brain that has lost its sanity."

"You are trampling on my dignity, sir." The instructor's face turned red.

The mage gave an ultimatum: "Because you speculated on our important members without authorization. If you can't accept it and let go of your prejudices, then please leave here with your dignity."

"My name is Badiz de Grifoval, Mr. Snow, and I will leave here from now on and prove you wrong today."

"We'll see, preferably before I forget your name."

Snow was indeed wrong. Baditz's worry was not unreasonable. Rorschach immediately started recording the results of today's laboratory after returning to the dormitory.

Of course, he didn't want to dedicate it to the head of the agency or His Majesty the Emperor, but to bring this "gift" to the Byrne Kingdom.

Obviously the communication system of the magic guild is too expensive and requires at least a magic apprentice to operate it. If you don't rely on the guild, setting up a telegraph network is a reliable option.

Rorschach is like borrowing a chicken to lay an egg. After he proposed the idea, the smart minds assembled by Kano turned everything into a replicable reality. Rorschach then used his own convenience to promote research and obtain mature fruits.

Baditz has not shown any irreplaceable talent at present, and is only doing auxiliary work similar to that of an apprentice. Without him, the laboratory was just missing a human computing unit. Some people noticed it but quickly forgot about it.

At the end of the episode, a secret society promoting the concept of "rejection of theology and magic, and the supremacy of reason" was established in Valouana, with its founder Badiz de Grifoire.

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