Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 240 The dog that went down in history

July is a irritating time, even in Valouana. The continuously sluggish beverage market has improved again. Although people's purchasing power has dropped, merchants have quickly come up with watering-down plans, using one-third of the previous costs to earn half the money.

"So fast?" Snow, who replaced the leader of the technical research and development team, put the "cable telegraph" acceptance report on Master Kano's desk, which shocked the archmage.

"It just went so well!"

Snow's expression was so proud that Kano began to think about whether the funding was too much.

"Your speed exceeded my expectations. Well, good job."

"Most of it is due to your students."

"Is that about equal to my contribution?" Kano picked up the report with a smile, nodded and said casually: "Thank you for your hard work."

Next was the time when the Archmage was busy. In the social circle, he began to talk to the guests intentionally or unintentionally about the threads that could connect thousands of miles away.

"There is no magic, but it is still magical." Kano's level of promoting novelty things is also master-level. Things that can make the top magicians in the kingdom call them magical finally attracted the attention of investors and even His Majesty the King.

A telegraph line was set up from the palace to the western end of the city of Valuauna. The reason why one end was chosen in the western suburbs of the city was because there was Charles XVI's favorite hunting ground there. Even in the already hot weather, he could Will insist on going.

"These boring princes and nobles are always eager for new things. No matter how great things are, they are just for enjoyment." Pascal used [Messaging Technique] to quietly make cynical remarks to Rorschach.

They were attending the "Completion Ceremony of Mainland's First Telegraph Line" in the square in front of the palace. Anyone with insight can realize the value of communication technology, especially long-distance communication that does not rely on the caster, not to mention its The speed is incredibly fast and can actually exceed the teleportation circle (including manual operation time).

Rorschach was able to accept the reality: "Because resources are subject to the control of these big shots, in order to promote this very sensitive technology, the approval of His Majesty the King and other lords is indispensable, as well as the investment and organization of wealthy businessmen to operate it."

If we really want to change the status quo, we must change the reasons for the status quo.

At the scene, there were ladies dressed up and people wearing woolen wigs, all of whom surrounded Charles XVI as he walked out of the palace.

Due to the rush, the terminal of the line was temporarily set up in an open space for everyone to watch. The summer heat cannot make those ladies take off a few expensive and complicated dresses. At most, it makes them wave feathers or small silk fans.

Men, including His Majesty the King himself, rely on their tops to protect themselves from the sun, and woolen wigs make their scalps stuffy and itchy.

It happened that such a difficult occasion also included a speech. The speech not only introduced how the invention of the telegraph could change the kingdom and the world, but also focused on why it appeared in the Holy Kingdom. From there, it turned to praising His Majesty for how great he is. How wise, how technologically superior the Holy Kingdom is.

"It is said that the Grand Theater is equipped with a machine that can cool down the room?"

"Yes, Your Majesty." A minister introduced the magic of the new machine to the king. The principle of air conditioning is just to reverse the heat engine. Some engineers were inspired by Rorschach's paper and made it. It was also the result of the cooperation between the Alchemy Department and the trading company.

"If it's really effective, it must be installed in the palace."

After hearing this, the representative of the Alchemy Department nodded repeatedly: "It will be as you wish, Your Majesty." The royal family's procurement is the most profitable business!

The power supply for the circuits and the air conditioning in the theater comes from a temporary thermal power plant. Strictly speaking, magic has not been completely said goodbye yet - the units in the plant still extract heat from the fire elemental plane to boil water. Only in this way can everyone know that it is It was built by the Alchemy Department of Tower of Stars.

The operator, who had no one to shade or cool down, was sweating profusely and was making final adjustments.

In fact, he does not need to be so nervous, because in order to ensure that this demonstration can be completed in front of dignitaries, the experimental team has made many plans.

There will be a mage "standing guard" at regular intervals. He will always monitor the transmission of telegrams. If the signal is accidentally interrupted, the monitor will immediately use lightning magic to simulate the original signal and then input it into the line.

Again, the first listening mage will immediately translate the plain text, report it to the guild, and then pass it on to the mage at the receiving end, using [Messaging Technique] to tell the operator.

In short, it is very simple for a group of spellcasters to cheat, which will cause a period of delay.

"The time is coming soon, your Majesty and your lords, please be quiet!" The arrangement is decided by His Majesty the King himself, who needs to receive a very, very, very important message at ten o'clock in the morning.

Tick-tock, tick-tock, the hands of the clock are about to reach the predetermined position. Everyone else holds their breath and concentrates. Everyone is curious about what is the extremely important news for the leader of a country and why it is sent from the hunting ground.

parade? There are militants speculating.

The time has come. Of course, sending a message also takes time. After waiting for a while in the quiet atmosphere of the square, the relay began to open and close.

The signal reaches its destination!

The operator quickly recorded the long and short message, and then began to translate it.

Words were written on the paper one by one, and the captain of the guard picked it up. The king nodded solemnly, as if he had made a lot of determination: "Read it! I am listening, and I will let everyone witness it!"

The captain of the guard looked at the note in the sun. Since there were only letters, it took a lot of effort to segment the sentence: "His Majesty's beloved dog Cosette gave birth smoothly!"

No one knew what to say, and the square was completely silent for a while.

The king breathed a long sigh of relief: "Great, thank you for the protection of the gods! Cosette was in very bad condition yesterday. She is old. I am so worried that I dare not go to the hunting ground to see it with my own eyes today.

"It's not that I'm soft-hearted, gentlemen, if you have a beloved hunting dog, or someone who is upright and compassionate, you will definitely understand my feelings."

I don’t know who started it first and started to applaud and cheer: "Your Majesty is boundless in kindness! Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty is kind!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The applause was loud. The rich and some grand princes began to talk to the wizards and asked how much shares they could get if they formed a telegraph company. Others who are quick-thinking ask where the electricity comes from and whether they can start a business of generating electricity and selling it.

"Bah!" Pascal spat from behind the crowd: "The kingdom is ruined!"

Rorschach was also almost amused, and it took a lot of effort not to laugh out loud in "serious situations".

He shook his head: "History will remember this day in the future, and it will also remember 'Ms. Cosette'. She has received the infinite love and miss of His Majesty the King!"

If in the future a writer writes "When the Stars of Mankind Shine" and records: "The first officially sent telegram in human history is 'His Majesty's beloved dog Cosette gave birth smoothly,'" I wonder if there will be an urge to change the title.

Soon the royal carriage set off, and His Majesty the King could not wait to see his pet dog and children. A group of small and medium-sized nobles who wanted to progress and gain the favor of the Holy Family followed closely behind and headed towards the royal hunting grounds. For these people, the hunt for fame and fortune had already begun.

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