Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 241 Celebration Banquet

Now that His Majesty the King has left, there is no need for the R\u0026D team to stay in the square. They left by boat in the opposite direction of the hunting ground and returned to the place where the telegraph was "born".


At this moment, the laboratory greenhouse is filled with a happy atmosphere.

The members of the experimental group toasted together, not to celebrate the successful delivery of His Majesty’s pet dog, but to celebrate the successful implementation of the group’s first project.

There is the best sparkling wine from the south of the kingdom, lobster with bell pepper sauce prepared by top chefs, and lamb short ribs with vanilla. If there is anything missing for Rorschach, it may be the bold words on the big red screen: "Warm congratulations on the long-distance communication technology breakthrough." The mission was a complete success."

There is no break every ten days during this period. Everyone is present every day. This kind of schedule is just normal for the brother in the alchemy department, but it is exhausting for everyone else. For this reason, Snow said that everyone will have a holiday after the first project is over.

Andre, who was drinking for the first time, was so stimulated by the bubbles and alcohol that he lost control of his expression. All his facial features were twisted into a ball, and when he relaxed again, his face was already stained with blush.

"Brother Andre, you can't drink enough!" A mage from the Alchemy Department who was familiar with Andre hugged him, holding a wine bottle in his hand to add more to the cup: "Come on, come on, drink more, drink more , The ability to drink is something you’ve learned through practice!”

Andre didn't want to drink anymore, but he couldn't refuse. When the bottle was about to be filled, Rorschach noticed his embarrassment. He sat down on the other side of Andre and blocked the toppled bottle with his hand: "Andre It’s not safe to go home alone at night and get drunk.”

Fortunately, the mage was not the one who forced him to drink. He stared at it for a while and changed his target: "Master Rorschach is right. It is all thanks to you that this time it went so smoothly. Come, pay homage to Master Rorschach!"

He raised his wine glass high, and others responded: "Here's to Master Rorschach!"

This will indeed make people feel elated. Rorschach thought for a moment and raised his glass: "To the Magic Guild!" He suddenly realized that there were other Muggle engineers: "To every contributor of wisdom! To ours team!"

It is unusual for a luncheon to be of such a scale. The custom in the Holy Kingdom is to save the best wine and the most sumptuous dishes for the evening, even though that is a burden on the stomach. The former instructors at the Artillery Academy no longer cared about these traditions, they just feasted - many of them had not eaten meat for a long time.

"Our team members are all hungry wolves." Snow raised an eyebrow. He saw an instructor enjoying the mutton chops. Although he still used a knife and fork instead of eating it directly with his hands, he just cut it hastily from the bones and couldn't wait to stuff it into his mouth, chewing it with maximum strength and strength.

Some maintained their elegance, patiently cutting the pieces into palatable shapes, being careful not to expose their teeth when putting them in their mouths, and never puffing out their cheeks when chewing.

The youngest intermediate mage was also eating his mutton chops. Snow saw the young man take the meat to his plate, eat it with a knife and fork in both hands, and then took a piece of cut meat and put it into his mouth.

Do you need to use [Decomposition Technique] even if you have a meal?

Snow didn't know that the scene where Rorschach used decomposition magic the most was to divide food.

After finishing the lamb chops, Rorschach was ready to start with the roast chicken. The celebration banquet did not hire people to serve in the secret laboratory. It was a self-service format. It is said that it originated from the dwarf pirates in the north. The food was piled on the long table. Rorschach couldn't reach the roast chicken with just his hands, so he naturally used the [Mage's Hands].

There was an instructor sitting next to him. He looked at the flying chicken legs with some envy and landed firmly on the boy's plate. The instructor hesitated for a moment and asked softly: "Master Rorschach, can you help me get the vanilla sauce?"

He pointed to the sauce a little further away, which was also unavailable without leaving the table.

"Of course." Rorschach's [Mage Hand] lifted up the sauce cup. In the instructor's eyes, the shining silver tableware floated steadily, and the green sauce was accurately poured onto his plate.

"Thank you! It's amazing."

What's so magical about this made Rorschach dumbfounded.

Others also noticed the sauce cups flying up. After a while, wine and food were flying all over the table. Many mages helped to get food for the ordinary people sitting next to them.

Snow watched all this while eating and breathed a sigh of relief.

A few days ago, Kano accidentally learned about the expulsion of Baditz and became furious. Snow still remembers how the flesh on the master's face trembled when he was angry.

"Master Snow, I must emphasize that in addition to the experimental project itself, 'the cooperation between mages and ordinary people with knowledge and ability' is also an attempt I want you to make.

"As the leader of the group, you must establish a good relationship between the two parties! I don't want to hear similar news again, and I don't want to hear you say 'just an insignificant guy' again!"

The memory ended, and the focus of the mage's sight returned to the banquet scene.

The instructors sang a song from the military era, "The Enemy Can't Pass Through Our Defense Lines." Some of the guys from the Alchemy Department took out their balalaikas from their storage bags and played the chords for them.

"The black hawk flies over the town, thinking victory is within reach.

“The crows come across the sea and fill the ravines in the fields.

"Just listen to the crow of the Valois rooster, brothers, stand up and fight!

"On the pass are our heroes, guarding the gates of Valois. We can never pass!"

The crow who wants to cross the sea is obviously Istani, and the black hawk can only be the empire. Black Hawk Rorschach enjoyed the passionate singing of the Rooster instructors and kept time for them.

I hope that one day, you will be able to do better than singing and avoid being speedily passed through Valuvana by the imperial army.

After singing the serious tune, the next step is the less serious Moulin Rouge tune. Rorschach summoned a light ball and drove it to emit RGB lighting effects. When others saw it, Wuhou could still play like this! Old friends followed suit one after another, and the greenhouse became a local disco that was hundreds of years ahead of its time.

Snow nodded in his mind, this is fine for now

"Goodbye!" The banquet and singing session was over, and it was already evening. People who drank too much got on the speedboat. As soon as the boat accelerated, they lay on the side of the boat and made nests for the fish in the Seine River. vomit. vomit.

"Then I'm leaving too?" Rorschach focused on eating and drinking only sparkling wine. Of course he wasn't drunk, but he also wanted to enjoy his vacation and take the last speedboat back to his dormitory.

"Master Rorschach, wait! Brother Andre, wait!"


One of Snow's big hands was holding Rorschach, and the other was holding Andre who wanted to run away with the teacher.

Let me ask Master Snow, do you pump iron every day? Your arm strength is not what AP should have! Rorschach wanted to take two steps forward, but couldn't move at all, as if Snow was about to push him into the ground. He could only watch the last instructor leaving with a pile of mud.

When Rorschach looked back, he saw that the other brothers in the Alchemy Department who were drunk before were also casting spells on themselves, or taking out antidote potions and drinking them to remove all the negative effects of alcohol.

Are you going to do something big? Rorschach smelled an unusual scent.

After a while, a speedboat from the city surged rapidly, setting off a five-meter-high tail wave and rushed towards the experimental greenhouse. Before the airship could stop at the shore, two full-armored warriors kicked off the boat with incredible force. With great flexibility, he turned around in the air for two and a half weeks and landed firmly.

There was warm applause behind Rorschach.

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