Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 242 Funds are burning and exploding!

Chapter 242 Funds are burning and exploding!

The two fully-armored warriors were not only very flexible, but also had a 100% synchronization rate. Rorschach's first instinct was that it would be a waste of talent for the two brothers in the can not to open up foreign mechas.

They move forward step by step, and their shapes are also very cool. The tall, fully wrapped armor itself has a sense of oppression. The exposed magic circuits shine with blue light, outlining their shapes like magical or even sci-fi light strips. The cloaks flutter in the breeze on the water.

"So handsome!" Rorschach said in his heart, while Andre blurted it out.

All the guys have smug faces - I knew you would say he's handsome.

"Brother Luo Xia, I heard that you are very good at fighting?"

Not only can I fight, but I also have a background when I come out to hang out. Does the Royal Academy of Magic know that? Rorschach wanted to say this, but he still had to be modest: "Who is spreading such false rumors?"

"Master Kano."

"That's Master Kano's encouragement and ardent expectation for me. And we mages aren't comparing who has higher strength, right?"

"Brother Rorschach, you can change your face faster than you can turn the pages of a book!" Snow said in surprise: "Andre, you have to learn from your teacher."


It's you!

"I'm keeping you here today because I want to ask Master Rorschach for a favor. We need to test these two items." Snow flicked the armored warrior with his fingers and made a muffled sound.

empty? Rorschach realized there was probably no real person inside. He turned on [Arcane Vision], and the two guys in front of him immediately turned into "Little Golden Men", almost blinding Rorschach.

Everyone returned to the greenhouse. The banquet tables, chairs, and plates had been cleared away, and ample space was restored.

The two soldiers took off their helmets, and found nothing. The internal structure was completely a magic circuit. Rorschach wanted to see inside, and the warrior immediately knelt down to reveal the structure inside.

There are simple springs, connecting rods and other mechanical structures inside, but there are more magic circuits, echoing the "light strip" on the surface. There is a furnace-like structure on the chest, and the fuel is Rorschach's familiar blue crystal.

"Originally, these alchemy armors could only move under the light of the Starlight Torch Tower. With the transmutation dust refined by Brother Rorschach as the power source, the range of free movement has been greatly increased." Snow patted the armor happily.

How many functions have you crammed into the Tower of Starlight Torch? Rorschach was unable to complain, but where was the birthday gift promised to Charles XVI?

"But this is not the only thing we are pursuing!"

The head of the Alchemy Department snapped his fingers, and a huge drawing was launched. The shape was basically the same as the current armor that is as tall as a person, but Rorschach noticed that the length unit seemed wrong.

"Eighteen meters?"

Damn it! You want to create *da!

There was another familiar thing in the drawing. Rorschach saw the structure. If he admitted it correctly, "You want to stuff a transmutation dust extractor into its breastplate?"

Master Snow smiled evilly and opened his arms: "Master Rorschach, don't you think there is no need to build such a big shed for our previous experiments? There is no need to run outside the city, right?" this how your alchemy department squanders its budget? Do you know that the whole kingdom is so short of money right now?

Rorschach was deeply shocked: "Master Kano knows you are like this."

"Hush! Master Rorschach, you and Brother Andre are in the same boat after seeing our secret project. Now that we have completed the task assigned by the master ahead of schedule, what's the matter with the funds saved by our ability? ?”

No, no, no, Rorschach looked at the armored warrior who had stood up and pushed his head back. You must have been planning and implementing it a long time ago.

"It is said that your actual combat experience is relatively rich, so before making the ultimate model, we hope that you can fight with the mini-computer and find out the problems of the mini-computer."

Rorschach was still very interested. After all, it was not his own money that was burned: "It's a battle, right? Are there any rules? Besides, I want to know more about this creation."

"We are not here to win or lose, we are just collecting data and testing, so there are no rules, please feel free to play as you please. As for the information about Alchemy Armor No. 2"

An old man stood up and introduced it proactively: "The shell is made of fine steel, and the joint gaps have been optimized to achieve waterproofing and dustproofing. The whole body is fireproof and antifreeze. A large amount of mithril is used to design the internal drive and circuits. The power furnace in the middle is made of pure mithril.

"It consumes 328 grams of passivation and transformation dust per hour. Currently, the shield is not turned on and magic is not cast. It has a battery life of six hours. It has a conventional weapon of 12 kilograms of stainless steel sword. There is still room to install additional warheads."

Andre's scalp was numb when he heard it: "It's so powerful, will the teacher be in danger?"

Before Rorschach said that you looked down on your master too much, the brother from the Alchemy Department immediately said: "It doesn't matter, the battle can be stopped at any time. Master Rorschach, you just need to stop."

Rorschach nodded.

A temporary arena was set up, and the key point was that six mages, including Snow, set up a hemispherical shield to leave sufficient fighting space for both sides. One armor is inside and the other is left outside for debugging.

"Master Rorschach, are you ready?"

Rorschach saw that his opponent had already taken a stance, with the blade of the sword pointing at him. He always felt that compared to a simple alchemy doll, the other party's movements were too flexible and anthropomorphic, and he always felt like he was being controlled by someone.


"Three, two start!"

Did you miss a number? Rorschach was still complaining, but the alchemist warrior had already rushed towards him, and the blade was coming towards his face. Rorschach turned sideways and used the huge [Mage Hand] to protect himself, blocking the slash.

The strength of both sides exceeded each other's expectations. Rorschach suddenly felt a little weak. In order to resist a simple physical blow, he actually forced the magic power he controlled to reach the limit in an instant.

The armored warrior also didn't expect that Rorschach didn't call out some kind of shield to resist, but used the evil [Mage's Hand]. In Snow's [Arcane Vision], Rorschach's hand was as big as his body.

Rorschach needed to restrict the opponent's movements and found that the opponent's flexibility was too high. He thought of the [Magnetization Technique] he had developed some time ago. A sharply changing electric field erupted, and a small snake-like electric current passed through the surface of the armor.

"It's useless, Master Rorschach. I forgot to tell you that it's also anti-static."

If you have a smartphone, it's quite powerful. Rorschach saw the circuits of the armor flashing, which should be the protective circle at work. But what Rorschach expected was correct, the so-called "fine steel" was not alloy steel, but carbon steel.

The magnetization was successful. Under the electric field intentionally controlled by Rorschach, various parts of the armor began to repel or attract each other. The electromagnet was so powerful that the warrior's movements began to slow and distort.

Rorschach enchanted himself, and his body was blessed by [Levitation Technique] and [Feather Fall Technique], and then he fired [Rorschach's Air Cannon] with both hands at the same time to fly up, and distanced himself from the samurai on the z-axis.

"Do consider flying enemies." Snow nodded, getting useful feedback.

If you can make an 18-meter fly, that would be a great achievement.

[Molten Ray] was fired. At first the samurai planned to resist forcefully, but after noticing signs of red heat softening in the armor, he quickly fired out a blue shield. Rorschach did not expect to use his own spells against him, and another ray shattered the barrier.

However, the high temperature also demagnetized the armor successfully. When the next melting ray hit, the armor actually rolled over.

Is this controlled by a controller or keyboard and mouse? Rorschach had a sense of immediacy.

Then he noticed what instructions Snow gave to the samurai. After receiving the instructions, the samurai stopped rolling and raised his sword with both hands again, and the sword gave off a dangerous incandescent light.

[Magic scream] was emitted, but it had no effect on the warrior. The white light on the sword fluctuated for a moment and continued to condense.

It seems that instead of mobilizing the ether in the environment, it consumes the magic power of the transmutation dust.

"The strongest blow is about to come, Master Rorschach, show your true abilities!"

"That's what you said!" Rorschach saw the gloating Snow in the air, gritted his teeth and began to gather strength.

It's people who are one step ahead.

The Great Disintegration Technique!

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