Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 250 Weird Church Team

Other passers-by who got the leaflets were also shocked, and some were terrified: "If the court loses the support of His Majesty the King, will its judgment still be valid?"

In the hearts of the farmers and ordinary people of the Holy Kingdom, the most powerful and fair judgment comes from the Lord of Divine Order, followed by His designated tenant in this land - the King. If they have suffered a great injustice, they must have one wish: to petition His Majesty the King.

Most of the common people in the kingdom still believed that the king was sage and dedicated to the people, and that all the evil in the kingdom was caused by his ministers and tax collectors. To this Rorschach could only say different worlds, the same fantasy.

But there are so many citizens in the kingdom, and everyone has their grievances. If they all complain to Charles XVI, even if he only listens to everyone's nagging for five minutes, His Majesty will not have to do anything else. Therefore, there was a court appointed by the king to judge on behalf of the king.

Not only the Supreme Court of the royal capital, but also the local royal courts. Before the spread of "treasonous" ideas such as natural law, they played a role in conveying the judicial will of the royal power and restraining local nobles.

Until Charles XVI, the genius among the kings, broke with these disobedient judges and signed an order disbanding the royal court in anger.

There was such an incident in front of the Magic Guild. There were already vehicles occupying the road, but with the "Wandering Court" promotional vehicle, the road became even more congested. At this moment, the harmonious sound of brass instruments came from the other end of the road.

The one who led the way was holding a banner with a red background and white edges, depicting the Holy Glory. The person coming turned out to be the Church of Order! A group of monks walked slowly forward under the leadership of the chief priest, the band played, and they were escorted by four paladins. The carriage in the center was carrying something, and it was covered with velvet and flowers.

Why did the church come to the door of the magic guild with such a posture? provocative? Rorschach and the guild staff were all surprised. Rorschach thought the team was transporting coffins, but under [Arcane Vision] there was a dim aura inside the box.

At this time, the road had no distinction between lanes and directions, and the two phalanxes were completely blocked in front of the guild building.

Compared with the church's team, the preaching vehicles of the wandering courts are quite shabby, but these progressive lawyers refused to give in and even began to talk about "God will only accept offerings from the rich and ignore the suffering of the poor. His servants use the name of God to To intimidate the ignorant and amass wealth.”

Such treacherous words made the merchants tremble. The paladin stood against the bright sun, his armor reflecting the golden light. The paladin at the front of the team raised his sword. While passers-by thought that the crazy lawyer would be shot dead on the spot, even the paladin himself puffed up his chest and looked like he could die heroically at any time.

But no one was hurt, except that the preacher, finding himself silenced, blushed and could not utter a word. From the perspective of others, a ray of light fell on the lawyer, and the man stopped spouting heresy, scaring ordinary people into praising God's mercy and power.

The leading priest explained to the other party, and also to the magic guild: "We have no intention of provoking, just to shorten the journey through this place. It's important, please give way." There was urgency and a trace of pleading in his tone?

The priest was responsible for saying good things, while the paladin mounted his horse and pressed against the court's preaching carriage. In the end, the coachman was shrouded in the shadow of the knight and gave up the road under pressure, and other carriages and horses also cooperated.

eccentric! So weird!

Rorschach's [Arcane Vision] is not turned off. The longer he stares at the ground with purple proficiency, the clearer the aura he sees will be, and he can even analyze some information.

ah! Rorschach shouted, but from the perspective of real people, the mage just froze, opened his mouth slightly, and made no sound.

What was shouting was Rorschach's soul. His consciousness was pulled out, as if he was about to crash into the "coffin" and be sucked into the dark spiritual light.

At the moment when he was about to be sucked in, Rorschach felt the familiar sense of leap again. He penetrated the layers of chaos and was forced to ascend to the infinitely high star realm.

In the highest heaven, it is no longer empty at this time, but there is something there. Rorschach's vision only allowed him to see a giant hand made of nebulae, holding a little starlight.

That should be a star. Rorschach was a little unsure. On the fingertips of the giant hand, the star was only as big as a mung bean. However, the giant hand bounced away, and the star rushed towards Rorschach!

It was like a point of light expanding, and all that his eyes could see was a white cold light.

Rorschach seemed to read just from the light that it was a dying star.

White light consumed him.

"Master Mage? Master Mage?" The passers-by shouted subconsciously when they saw Luo Xia's pupils were out of focus and shedding tears.

"Ah, I borrowed it." Luo Xia came to his senses and quickly wiped away his tears. His eyes were burning and burning, but he couldn't care less and hurriedly wanted to follow the church's team.

The signing of the royal order can bypass the prime minister. Although Duplesi has been urging His Majesty the King to think twice in the past few days, the judges' provocations have become more and more outrageous, and accordingly the King's anger has become stronger.

The order to dissolve the court was issued from the hunting ground. Charles XVI hunted more and more frequently. As a hobby, it tended to replace the making of clocks. Du Plessis knew that this was His Majesty's way of venting his dissatisfaction and that he was a lame and could not participate in the hunt!

Therefore, the king's order was issued without the presence of the red prime minister, and it was quickly conveyed to the local area via telegram.

Suddenly all courts lost their legitimacy! At least that's what Charles XVI thought. He wanted those judges who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth to know who was the lord of the kingdom and who gave them their power.

Charles XVI also had an idea for the next action. He would arrest a few extremists and throw them into Basti Prison. He would recruit a group of the rest and replace them with a few new people. However, it would take a while to reorganize the court and let these people have a long memory. .

"Stupid! Stupid!" Du Plessis was furious, but his final restraint was not to say who was stupid.

However, this incident did not make the local area completely out of control. The prime minister single-handedly established the imperial auditor system, which has the power to supervise all local government affairs. It has evolved into the highest local governor under the direct control and appointment of the palace. If Luo Xach is asked to translate, it may be Directly call him "the governor".

"Sir, there are telegrams from three northern regions. They all say that judges and lawyers are inciting the people and the situation is turbulent. They request permission to mobilize the army if necessary to prevent..."

Du Plessis denied the request before his secretary finished reading the message: "If there is a military mobilization, people will be panicked, which will completely worsen the current situation. Don't they want a court?"

"This reply: In order to stabilize the people's hearts, the audit envoy is ordered to supervise the operation, and the local legal community is asked to publicly elect a temporary justice and organize a temporary court. Inform the people that the king will order the establishment of a new royal court as soon as possible.

“For those who incite the people, please contact the resident Paladin to arrest the culprit, but the arrest must not be expanded.

"All newspapers and printing houses are temporarily investigated and banned from publishing news related to the King's Court and all public speeches. All relevant information comes from the authorities.

“If public sentiment changes after implementation, the three-level meeting can be held in advance to select third-level representatives, and the public must be convinced that the process is open and transparent.

"Remember it? Repeat it to me."

"Yes!" After the secretary confirmed the reply to the prime minister, what did Du Plessis think of: "One more thing, before the telegraph office becomes independent of the magic guild, official letters cannot be passed in plain text." This group of mages were happy to be straightforward. Got it!

"What about your reply"

"The situation is urgent, just send it directly." The Prime Minister was also helpless.

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