Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 251 Holy Sword Turns into Evil Sword

Du Plessis' business was not over yet. As soon as the secretary left, a second visitor broke into the office.

"Your Majesty, how did you gain today?"

Charles XVI wiped his sweat with a flannel cloth: "In this weather, neither humans nor animals want to meet, so I can only go home empty-handed! Sir Du Plessis, what is the reaction of the people below? Do the judges know that they are wrong?"

"I'm afraid not yet, Your Majesty, I suggest you make two preparations." The advice given by the Prime Minister to the King was completely opposite to the advice given to the Auditor: "In addition to organizing a new Chancellor, you should assemble your musketeers and orders. Knights, always ready to support the local authorities in the event of unrest in the Northern Region."

"Can those judges really incite the people?" Although Du Plessis did not say it directly, Charles XVI still understood the hint. The prime minister did not let local officials mobilize the local army on their own. In addition to fear of arousing public reaction, there was another point - he could not trust the local army!

Because food and wages are not in place, the only reliable military force is the military force directly under His Majesty the King. At least the King's guards and knights have good food and drink, and complete horses and armor.

"The situation is not out of control, I'm just reminding you just in case."

"Oh, I understand." The king dismissed the nervousness: "Okay, but you also know that since Necker left, my money bag has become dry again! And now there is an annoying cousin at the mint. You must be careful when mobilizing our troops, as you said."

Finally, the king left the office and said tentatively before leaving: "Actually, Necker did a good job in office, right? Have you read his new book?"

"I'd be happy to read it if I have time." Du Plessis sent Charles XVI away with a dark face.

The third visitor appeared, and the Prime Minister felt like he was on the stage of a theater, with actors coming and going one by one. Unfortunately, the performance he was starring in seemed to be a farce.

The visitor was Priest Joseph, and fortunately, he was a serious man.

"Priest Joseph, shouldn't you be in the church?"

"You should be in the church, Your Majesty Bishop." Joseph in gray clothes rarely looked sad: "The thoughts of the heretic Wigram are still surging in the church, and we must stop the lost brothers."

"Has the evil thing been transferred?"

Joseph nodded: "Arrived soon."

"Well, from tomorrow, no, tonight, I will be stationed at St. Miller's Cathedral."

Joseph was so burdened: "That's great." Now only the priest can call Du Plessis.

The gods are silent and no longer often respond to believers, so people in the church naturally murmur. There are generally two attitudes towards this matter:

One group is no longer restrained by the gods, and everyone is having fun together! The bigger and more luxurious the church, the better! Food and wine are open to eating, do you understand the gold content of the first church in mainland China? What's the point of having no money? Tithes, collect! Indulgences, sell!

The other group adheres to poverty and self-discipline, claiming that God's silence is a test for believers, and they must be more pious in God's absence. Such ideas were popular in the southern part of the kingdom.

Of course, everyone from the pope to the bishop to the humblest monk claims to agree with the latter's ideas, but for hundreds of years the church has become more and more magnificent.

So another extremist group came forward and proposed the "Judgement Theory": When the Lord of Order returns to the mainland, this long test will be settled and all evils in the world will be judged. Only the followers of the Son of God and those who keep their souls pure will Only one can be forgiven.

The extreme among the extremes also proposed that our God should be awakened now, so that He can see how those of you who are under the banner of God are enjoying and depraved, and that the great judgment should be brought forward, and all of you will die!

The church's top leaders expressed their disapproval and quickly labeled the extremes as heretics.

Originally, the "heresies" had been almost wiped out until they encountered the "Mother of the Earth" cult. A few months ago, a "holy relic" was unearthed from the remains of the underground battle.

It is the sword of brother Odysseus. The golden crystal still exists. It has carried the power of the gods and allowed many brothers in the order to see the hope of the coming of the Lord.

However, on the sword's edge, the holy light slowly faded away, revealing traces of filth. The priests judged it to be the remnants of evil forces, but they could not imagine that there was any contamination that even the light of the Lord could not expel.

"Of course the brilliance of the Lord can cleanse away all evil. The stains on the sword are just traces of battle. The power of our Lord is still stirring on the sword. This is a confirmed holy object. What can anyone doubt?"

Among the gray robe knights, a monk named Wigram began to preach the "Great Judgment" theory. He found that when he held the sword, the Lord's radiance would become stronger and suppress the evil infection, so it began to spread among the gray robe knights. A "judgment ceremony" in which brothers are required to hold the hilts of swords to compare who can best inspire the power of the Lord and be proud of it.

Since the power of the Lord can respond to the brothers, Wigram believes that this is a bridge to communicate with the Lord of Order, and gradually contacts more paladins and clergy, hoping that more people will accept the "trial", and attempts to " "Holy Sword" organizes rituals as the center.

Many ceremonies were held over the months, and the Order of the Sword of Judgment was even founded.

After hearing this, many colleagues felt that this guy was out of his mind and started praying randomly without understanding the nature of the contamination on the sword. Who is responsible for what happened? So someone finally reported this dangerous attempt to Joseph and Du Plessis.

But both of them were busy people. By the time Priest Joseph personally broke into the ceremony, it was already too late. A bishop who came to attend the meeting of dignitaries and rested in the church after the meeting was semi-forced by the cannons and paladins to accept the "trial" ".

As soon as this fat-headed man touched the hilt of the sword, he immediately howled like a slaughtering pig. His hand seemed to be burned and welded to the "Holy Sword". The holy light completely converged, and the terrifying dark green evil energy took over. The upper hand extends all the way to the hands of the Lord Bishop.

The powerful cleric began to melt, his flesh and blood being used to reconstruct something extremely disgusting, leaving only the intermittent confessions of "I am guilty" and "choir boys." echoing throughout the ceremony.

"It turns out that there is such a villain hidden under God! Now he is finally judged by the Holy Sword!" Wigram had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter. The other brothers' faces were already pale, and they realized how much trouble this idiot had caused. .

When Joseph arrived, the gray robes and paladins consciously divided into two groups. One group captured "Heretic Wigram" on the spot and detained him in front of the priest, while the rest tried to suppress the fusion of the evil sword and the bishop's flesh and blood.

The battle didn't last long. In the end, Joseph's right hand condensed a completely golden light film, and he took the initiative to hold the out-of-control sword. For a moment, the evil power was evaporated again by the light, just like returning to the day when Odysseus and his brothers died. Night.

However, the entire sword has turned into a dull dark green, no longer lustrous. Joseph tried to destroy the purification, but found that his power was not enough to expel the evil.

"Seal up this evil thing immediately, and all those who participated in the ceremony will be investigated!"

Joseph's plan was to move the evil object to St. Miller's Church, the largest church in the kingdom, and hold a mass to induce enough holy light to completely purify it.

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