Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 256 Breakup

"Who do you think you are!" An unknown noble yelled in the crowd.

Maxim stood up and stood on the chair so that everyone could see him clearly: "I am Maxim, just a lawyer from the countryside."

"Litigation stick, when the fate of the kingdom is being discussed and decided, why are you shouting that you don't agree?"

“The gentleman who refused to stand up and speak in the group made a mistake.

"Am I a person? Everyone here, His Majesty is the lord of the kingdom, and our current status is called representatives. Even the old farmers in my hometown know that I am participating in this meeting to win the interests of him and others. As you said, I came here to decide the fate of the kingdom.

"Then, people who are born as subjects of the Kingdom have equal rights to decide on Kingdom affairs and the right to know. This is the basis for the legal and reasonable convening of this meeting, and the confidence for our representatives from the third estate to attend.

"Therefore, I do not agree with the voting method of the Duke of Merovingian. I do not agree that the voice of the largest population in the kingdom has been suppressed to the minimum. This is extremely unreasonable and unfair. The voting made in this way I and I represent The people will never agree!"

Other representatives of the third estate also stood up excitedly, and warm applause and shouts of "disagree" rang through the hall.

His Majesty the King began to hesitate. He naturally felt offended, overstepped and potentially threatened like the nobles, but he did not have enough eloquence, wisdom and courage to refute the little "complaint stick".

He stood up, and the venue quickly became quiet. Everyone was waiting for His Majesty the King to speak and judge the current situation.

"I'm tired. Lord Necker, I leave the next step to you."

Escaped? Just left like this? Charlie shocked everyone and watched helplessly as the little man left the venue with small steps.

Fortunately, Necker seized the opportunity, and before the delegates at the venue got into a row again, he announced that the three classes would discuss the bill separately.

This move was very clever when seen at the meeting. They were just discussed separately, but did not say whether they should vote separately. It was successfully accepted by everyone at the meeting.

But in the long run, this move is stupid. Necker just postponed the differences needlessly and gave the first and third strata a chance to calm down the foreign affairs first. After unifying the pace, returning to the venue will only lead to a more determined confrontation. relatively.

As for the second level, the priests and mages took the initiative to separate and left the venue without any intention of discussing.

That night, His Majesty the King met with clergy from all over the country. The low-level members of these churches were three times the number of bishops attending the meeting. The king hoped that these people would agree to the church giving more financial support to the kingdom.

The nobles and bishops were invited to dinner with the king in accordance with the court's rituals.

It was not until finally that the representatives of the third estate were allowed to line up in the king's chamber to see the king, and the palace door was closed to the long queue as soon as Charles got tired.

"This is humiliation! A joke!" The anger grew further because of the king's completely different attitude.

After a night like this, the Third Estate gave the others and Necker a slap in the face:

"The representatives of the third estate have been insulted and slighted as never before. Our righteous anger prompts us to realize that behind us are the vast majority of the kingdom's 25 million people. All votes must be counted according to one representative, one vote, in order to be reflected. The legality of the meeting.”

"That's a nice thought!" the nobles refused forcefully.

In the next few days, the people's eagerly awaited meeting of the Estates-General was still in a quagmire. The nobles insisted on voting by caste, while the third estate insisted on counting votes by headcount.

The news from the halls and newspapers was spread widely by the residents of Valuauna, but all they got was disappointing news. When the lords and adults were in a stalemate over the right to vote, the people became increasingly poor and hungry. Luwana's grain trucks need more and more guards because trouserless men and hungry people are eyeing them along the way.

The adventurer's guild's business is getting better and better, and the rich and nobles are in urgent need of hiring force to protect their property. Obviously, the guild's rising performance is inversely proportional to the stability of the royal capital.

But the respectable king was still hesitating. When his relatives came to the door and immediately promised to support the nobles, when the creditors of the palace and the bankers tried to please and threaten, the king hinted that he identified with the third estate. .

The result was that he was slow to express his position, pretended to be deaf and dumb at the meeting, and finally just stayed in the hunting ground.

The guild was as busy as ever. The divestiture of the telegraph business was suspended, and all lines were loaded at full capacity to satisfy the curiosity of other regions about the royal capital and the meeting, and to relieve their anxiety while waiting.

However, the heat in the venue became more and more intense. "Where's Du Plessis? Why are you backing down at this moment! Where are the others? Ringing the bells in the church?" Necker, who had a premonition that he was going to become the scapegoat, found that the meeting could no longer move forward.

On the fifth day of the meeting, the most complete representatives arrived at the venue, and it seemed that the time for the decisive battle had arrived.

"We, the representatives of the Third Estate, issue an ultimatum to everyone. If they do not agree to a numerical vote, the Third Estate will organize itself a parliament, giving us the power to enact the Acts of the Kingdom."

"Arrogant, you are usurping power and seizing the throne!" The nobles could not imagine that someone would rebel against Tiangang. Necker also believed that a meeting organized by just one class was invalid, and any vote it made could not be carried out without the permission of the king.

However, an even more shocking scene happened. Someone stood up in the seats of the second class.

Just when the nobles thought that the people who stood up were going to whip the civilians who split the meeting, the mage who stood up spoke: "The Tower of Stars supports the resolution of the representatives of the third estate and joins the parliament formed by them."

The person who stood up to speak was Pascal. After speaking, he walked directly to the seats on the third floor.

As if they had rehearsed it long ago, all the participating mages left the meeting and joined in the unprecedented applause from the representatives of the third estate.

Maxim excitedly gave Pascal a hug, and other club members cheered. The participation of mages gave the representatives unprecedented confidence.

The nobles shouted: "Don't forget, you mages also enjoy privileges! When did you, the high-ranking people, have to work with the common people?"

"We are willing to give up our privileges." Pascal did not say anything nonsense. This was what Cano had already explained.

Compared with the church, which can levy tithes and land taxes, the guilds enjoy exemptions from customs duties and transaction taxes. With the kingdom's collection ability, if you escape, you will escape. Whether or not they are collected in name has little effect in practice.

What went beyond the nobles' expectations was that the lower-level clergy also stood up one after another. Under the stunned eyes of the bishops, at least half of the representatives of the church also became part of the third-level parliament.

The "firsts" and "seconds" who are still on the ladder have completely become a minority and are isolated.

"The Estates-General has gone bankrupt, there is no need for us to waste any more time!" The nobles were incompetent and furious. They also stood up, but these noble carnivores walked outside the venue.

"Ouch!" As they hurried to the door, the nobles slipped and fell. Their expensive dresses were stained with oil, and their bald heads were exposed under their woolen wigs, which aroused laughter from the representatives in the venue.

"Why is there a puddle of oil at the door?"


"My lords, watch your steps when you run away!" Pascal shouted.

The nobleman struggled to get up and said harsh words: "Let's wait and see who is the master of the kingdom!"

The third estate monopolized the venue! They were delighted with their victory, but also worried about the possible counterattack by the nobles. Even when the representatives were speaking or making proposals, they would always look to see if there were any soldiers at the door, surrounding the rebellious people.

However, changes in the city of Valuauna accelerated the development of the situation. A disaster destroyed the order and everything took a turn for the worse.

Even the person involved, Rorschach, doesn’t know the full story of what happened.

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