Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 257 High Mass

It's a little earlier.

Underground in Valoisna, a route was constructed from the research building - the guild - the small building in front of the church of Saint-Michel. This passage has been repaired using the sewers and catacombs of the royal capital, and now it can run through a carriage.

However, just a decade ago the passage did not exist.

"Have you been planning to do this for a long time?" Luo Xia watched as Xingpao and the Alchemy Department were busy. They simply bought the building near the church and transformed it into one of the entrances and exits of the tunnel, and installed many instruments. equipment.

Pavard of the Star Robe Troop put down his telescope: "In order to combat the cult, the Church of Order will understand if it finds out."

Ahead is the magnificent St. Miller's Cathedral. In the small square at its main entrance, pigeons rise and fall from time to time. During this period, the main task of the Xingpao Mage is to arrest people based on the detected "Earth Mother" aura. After catching the cultists, the guild will not take care of themselves, but will tie them up and transport them one by one through the underground passage into this "outpost" , and then use a short-distance, large-capacity temporary teleportation technique and throw it at the door of St. Miller's Cathedral.

The cultists will then be contained. The paladin guarding the door was surprised at first. After investigating the cultists, Priest Joseph didn't know what he said to the knights. After that, he accepted all the "packages" sent by the guild, and seemed to have formed a subtle tacit understanding.

For a while, Rorschach had nothing to do. He found a secluded room and started writing letters.

During this time, he had been paying attention to the news, and occasionally met Pascal at the Tower of Stars, and he increasingly felt that the situation in the Holy Kingdom was unstable.

Must run away! Not only that, but there is also the matter of inviting Andre's family to be "skilled immigrants". Originally, Andre and his family were not willing to go, but as food became increasingly scarce and public security became increasingly chaotic in the royal capital, going to Bain became a necessity. Very attractive options.

What Rorschach wrote was a letter of introduction. He planned to let Andre take it to find Bart and settle his family down.

Most of the citizens, who were unable to seek refuge with their relatives in the countryside or leave at the drop of a hat, could only wait in panic for the Third Estate Conference, no, the organization has now been renamed the National Assembly.

However, the situation in the kingdom would not suddenly improve with the establishment of the National Assembly. The people began to worry about the counterattack of the nobles. No matter inside or outside the venue, the citizens were afraid that the king and the nobles would lead the army and use violence to ban the new meeting.

Therefore, rumors spread, about military mobilization near the royal capital today, and about collusion with foreign countries. In particular, the property owners in the city were suspicious of whether there would be nobles instructing the refugees to bribe the sans-shorts in the eastern suburbs to engage in zero-dollar purchases.

Obviously, the big and small bosses who still had some surplus grain were afraid that the king would take away their wealth and grain in the name of taxes and donations. At the same time, they were also afraid that the poor people who were on the verge of starvation would rise up and plunder their warehouses and cellars.

The same panic was felt within the church.

There was a priest who was responsible for cleaning today, and they were talking in the corridor: "The property owners and nobles should go to help the hungry common people. God said, 'Your generosity should be as great as your wealth.'"

"But their food and wealth were obtained under the order permitted by God. We can only persuade them to sponsor the church's soup kitchen."

"But giving soup is never enough. In the slums of the eastern suburbs, people are falling down due to hunger. In this harvest season! How ridiculous.

"God says: 'In your closets should be clothing for the naked, and on your tables should be food for the hungry. For what you have received is from me, Use it to show my love, not your pride.'"

"Okay, I know you memorize the scriptures well. You should tell those rich people that instead of Father Macondo, ask the rich people to donate more after the sermon."

"No, that doesn't work at all!"

"Then what do you mean?"

Faced with the inquiry, the priest stopped talking. He thought that there must be something wrong somewhere. The order established by God is unshakable and perfect, and the problems are caused by those who do not abide by the order!

What should we do about those bishops who actually sold their souls to the devil, blasphemers who claimed to be mages and stole the power of God, and nobles who did not care about the life and death of their people? A big trial is needed! Judgment sent down by God Himself determines everything.

When some priests and paladins feel painful and confused, how they hope that God will stand up, think for themselves, and tell them what is right and what is wrong.

Similar ideas have spread within the Church of Order in the royal capital.

But neither Du Plessis nor Joseph could probe everyone's mind. They continued preparations for the Feast of the Ascension as planned.

In the square, people attending mass gradually gathered. Of course, the believers will not preside over the ceremony. The activities are completely managed by the priests. Ordinary people just watch the mass, that is, watch the ceremony devoutly and obediently.

"Why are there so many people?" Rorschach noticed something unusual outside the window. Shouldn't walking in the square be a walk after eating enough? Why do you come here when everyone doesn't have enough to eat?

Pavard was surprised: "You don't know?"

"Master Rorschach is from the Empire." Jane explained for Rorschach: "Today is the Holy Spirit's Ascension Festival of the Order Church, and the high mass should be held now."

The red-robed Archbishop came out, and the believers praised him one after another. Rorschach took a closer look and saw that the person presiding over the ceremony was walking with a cane and it was Du Plessis.

His voice was majestic and powerful, spreading from the steps of the cathedral to the square and the "observation post" of the magic guild across the street: "Send you away!" (Yarbo)

Rorschach suddenly wanted to leave here. He found that he had been implanted with a thought, which aroused the boy's vigilance. The thought suddenly disappeared again, just like a thief who was discovered by his owner and broke into the house and ran away after being discovered.

At this time, Jane held down Pavard who stood up to leave: "Mobilize the ether in the body."

The mage did as he was told and soon broke out of a strange state.

"This is the Archbishop's decree, and it is also the signal for the start of mass. 'Send you away,' and expel non-believers from the scene." After saying that, Jane glanced at Rorschach, who had not moved at all. He didn't even know about Ascension Day. He must also be unaware of the law. In other words, the young mage in front of him resisted completely by his willpower?

The doors of St. Miller's Church were open, and the sounds of hymns and organs floated out from the dome until all the believers in the square were immersed in the sublime melody. It was already evening, and they seemed to be bathed in the morning sun.

The cardinal gave a sermon after a long absence. At the end, he looked affectionately at the believers and the people of the Kingdom: "We seem to be in the cold winter, not to mention the real winter is not far away. May brothers and sisters not forget the Lord. His teachings are to help each other and love each other in the most difficult times.”

The priests began to distribute the Holy Communion. No matter they were nobles or commoners, poor or rich, as long as they were willing to accept the baptism of the Lord, they all received a small piece of bread.

Unleavened bread may be a bit choking, but most people eat it bit by bit with tears in their eyes.

"I'm a little hungry." Pavard swallowed as he watched from a distance. Captain Jane reluctantly took out the dry food, which was very similar to the church's Holy Communion, but the flour was mixed with butter, sugar and eggs, making it much sweeter.

"Take it and treat it like a holiday."

"You still celebrate the Ascension Day?"

Jane shook her head: "Today was originally a harvest festival in the south of the mainland, but during the spread of the Church of Order, it was appropriated and turned into their own church's festival, giving it a new meaning."

Rorschach was choked: "Huh?!"

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