Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 258 Under the Aurora

The Star Robe Mage cannot understand Rorschach's psychological trauma. Only those who have experienced it know what the damn "Harvest Festival" means.

"Can we monitor the breath of Mother Earth in real time?" Rorschach made a request after drinking the water.

"It's not convenient here, and the Tower of Star Torch may not be available." Pavard consciously let it slip and stopped talking. Instead, he activated the transceiver of the oscillating crystal to contact him.

"The etheric resonance of the High Mass is not over yet. Please call it several times." the captain reminded.

Now even without turning on [Arcane Vision], Rorschach can feel that the ether in the environment is boiling, gradually forming a vortex. It is obvious that St. Miller's Cathedral is the center of the vortex.

But fortunately, it was not an evil breath, but a vast and noble torrent belonging to the Lord of Light and Order. The sky was clearly on the verge of night, and at this time, the sunset burst out with a new round of brilliance, and golden and red light beams shone down. Shrouded in churches and squares.

Du Plessis, however, frowned. A vision from heaven is an anomaly, whether or not it actually belongs to the Lord of Order.

In his perception, the resonance generated by the believers has been transmitted to the underground evil sword sealing chamber.

Do you still want to persist? Du Plessis carefully judged the extraordinary power reverberating in the space, and the brilliance of the Lord washed away the filth.

"Go, let's celebrate the Mass!"

He announced the end of the ceremony, but some believers were already prostrate on the ground and could not be complacent. The red archbishop frowned. He raised his hand and tried to use the power of magic to lift the believers lying on the square.

But sudden changes occurred.

Rorschach and his team also received the results. A map depicting the entire city was laid out on the floor. Pavard used four crystals to press the four corners of the map, and then sprinkled transparent potion.

"The detection results will be transmitted to us. If there is still the breath of Mother Earth, the medicine will change color at the corresponding location, forming dots and traces."

At first, the potion just soaked into the map like water and did not change color. Pavard looked at it and said: "Look, this is no problem."

Before he finished speaking, large green spots began to appear, condensing into dots on the map, as if the map had become moldy in an instant.

"So many?" The three people's scalps were numb when they saw it. It seemed that the whole city was shrouded in the aura of Mother Earth, especially the eastern suburbs.

At this time, the eastern suburbs were already an out-of-control devil's den. At first, the cultists were mixed in with the farmers who came to work in the city. These people who sold their labor had a seasonal nature and flocked to Valuana during the off-time period after the fields were harvested.

There are also sans-culottes who are instigated. Some of them still live like a ranger, taking jobs in the Adventurer's Guild, while some of them gather together to form gangs. The blissful herbal powder is back!

In short, amidst the turmoil, the cult did indeed resurgence. Even though the church and guilds were vigilant, the cult, which was no longer hiding, once again started their "celebration."

Some roads were blocked, and cultists lit bonfires, sending up thick smoke of life and death. Churches from various places were dispatched, and the paladins and priests of the Lord of Order began to confront the fanatics. The cultists did not stick to the rituals, but raised their guns at the soldiers.

"Look out the window." Rorschach discovered that the spire of St. Miller's Cathedral began to collapse. No, the entire church seemed to be pulled and collapsed, seeming to float upward against gravity.

At this time, the light in the sky has deteriorated, the sky has turned dark, and the golden rainbow has transformed into a strange and dreamy aurora. The ethereal sound of chanting sutras that did not belong to humans floated down from top to bottom.

Duplesi secretly thought that something was wrong, so Yiyang used the patron saint spell to protect the believers as much as possible. "The priests leave the church quickly, and the paladin leads the believers to evacuate, evacuate!"

Inside the church, Priest Joseph, who is responsible for guarding the "Evil Sword" and organizing the purification ceremony, originally thought that he could completely end the pollution. However, the call of believers poured into this place. The stronger the Lord's glory, the deeper and darker the pollution of Mother Earth at the tip of the sword became.

"Judgment. Great Judgment!"

"What are you doing?!" Joseph yelled at the abnormal gray-robed knight, while using magic to push him away from the center of the ceremony.

However, at this moment, the face of the gray-robed knight began to blur, and majestic power exploded on his body and the sword.

"Impossible, impossible!" Joseph's pupils trembled. He would never hurt or block the knight again, because at this time the breath of the Lord had completely descended, and the original human form began to collapse.

"Let's go, let's go!" Jane was the first to react and shouted for everyone to evacuate the scene.

Rorschach witnessed a strange scene at the last moment of his departure. In the uprooted church, countless white and shining wings were displayed. If he was at the center of the change like Joseph, he would be able to see the sword being held by countless hands overlapping each other, and looking up he would not be able to see the owner of the hand.

Some of the other gray robes shouted excitedly: "He is our Lord's angel!" However, as soon as he finished speaking, he melted under the light and became "part of an angel."

"What the hell is that?"

"One of the angels of the Lord of Light and Order, Seraphim!"

Joseph and Du Plessis maintained themselves in the fierce storm of divine power, while other believers have become part of the angel's arrival. Finally, He descended in the form of eight wings, with four wings flying in the sky, four wings wrapping His sacred body, and two heads that could not be looked directly at or witnessed, surveying the city.

Rorschach and his group had already run to the underground passage, and the mages got on the alchemy carriage.

"Hold on tight, the car will run very fast!" Jane used all her magic power to drive the alchemy carriage. The sound of metal collision echoed in the passage, but suddenly there was a deafening roar of a lion.

Hearing the sound, Rorschach realized that the sound was the forward movement of his ultimate move. He turned towards the direction behind the carriage and raised his staff to charge up.

Sure enough, the blazing red light directly split the vault of the passage and rushed violently towards Rorschach's carriage. [Rorschach's Divine Expulsion Technique] The ray collided with it, and the spell that could have expelled the divine power in the transmutation dust was only in a stalemate with the lightning.

Rorschach's magic power was rapidly depleting, and he could only drive the ether in the environment to inject it into himself, but the burning sensation completely enveloped the boy. It originally felt like blowing wind, but now it felt like jumping into a pool of boiling water.

Fortunately, the carriage ran fast enough and did not waste the time Rorschach bought, successfully dodging the final lightning bolt.

"Trouble yourself with the people taught by Mother Earth, don't hit us!" Rorschach roared, and the angel seemed to hear it. He left the church floating in the air and headed towards the King's City, waving his sword towards the eastern suburbs.

"What is that?" "Did the Great Mother respond to us?" The members of the sect were already addicted to the hallucinogenic smoke at the ceremony site where wailing was everywhere.

They twisted their bodies in confusion, trying to awaken and please their mistress, but they got real death in their hallucinations.

Everyone looked up in horror. The superhuman entity was manipulating thunder, fire, and swords in the air. If anyone who was unafraid looked directly at Seraphim, he would open his dense eyes all over his body to gather and judge the sinners.

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