Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 259 Requiem

The church bells rang loudly, and the sound waves contained soothing magic, trying to put the whole city into sleep.

If the whole city falls into panic, the consequences will be even more serious. Rather than letting them trample and fight on their own during their escape, it would be better to just sleep and wait for the "natural disaster" to pass.

Of course, the affected civilians were not completely abandoned. The area around the angel emitted more divine power than the church evening bell, and the Paladins were dispatched to try to evacuate the ordinary people who could be taken care of.

Fortunately, the Lord and His closest servants are merciful. Terror comes to everyone, but only the cultists are harmed.

A sword appeared in the sky above the gathering point of the "Return to Our Lady" cult in the city. The sword body, which was originally a mixture of light and darkness, and a struggle between holiness and filth, suddenly burned, and the flames and the blade were chopped down together.

All the strongholds were destroyed, and if that wasn't enough, the lion's roar resounded over Valuana, and all the Seraphim's eyes were broken from the middle, turning into countless abyss mouths.

The huge mouth produces a powerful "suction force", and everything about Mother Earth is sucked into it, including souls contaminated by herbs and rituals, limbs and livestock that have been blessed, and text scrolls recording evil rituals.

"No! No! My soul wants to return to my mother's arms, no!" The elders of the sect felt that they were being pulled out of the real world. Their sect was originally inspired by the "sacred objects" from the capital of Valois and traveled thousands of miles. seep in.

The cult also brought other holy relics accumulated from Istani and the Empire, and attempted to launch the grandest awakening ceremony in the largest city on the continent. However, what awaited was the wrath and judgment of the Lord of Order.

The sword in the angel's hand was retracted. After the flame was extinguished, the brilliance ceased and turned into an uneven dark green color with cracks covering it.

Huge tentacles suddenly burst out from under the angel, angrily wrapping around Seraphim's wings and body, constantly beating, sucking, and contaminating them.

The angel did not struggle, but put all his mouth into biting, swallowing the tentacles with big mouthfuls, even the corrosive juice was not spared.

Finally, Mother Earth was swallowed up, and all eight wings of the angel were curled up. Oil-like filthy mucus seeped out from between the white feathers, as if to resist corrosion, and the whole body was ignited with flames.

This huge fireball began to roll in the sky, burning shadows in the night sky.

Rorschach and the Star Robe Mage have arrived at the Star Torch Tower.

"The church has jumped over the wall to recruit Big Daddy. Aren't you going to evacuate? The entrance to the Tower of Stars will be closed soon!" shouted the mage who was walking in the opposite direction to the star-robed troops.

"The duty of the star robe is here!" Zhenyi rushed towards the Star Torch Tower without hesitation.

No, sister, can you let me down when you rush to the tower? I am a temporary worker. There is no need to fight with you. Rorschach originally wanted to apply [Feather Fall Technique] to himself and then jump out of the car. Pavard unfolded the map and discovered a new situation. :

"All the breath of Mother Earth is concentrated! Disappeared?"

The potion on the map only showed a black dot, which turned into a bright red spot.

The bright spots were moving towards the Star Torch Tower at high speed, just like bullets.

"What the hell?" Rorschach soon realized what it was - a huge fireball rushing from the eastern sky.

"Enter the tower, enter the tower!"

Unexpectedly, the members of the Alchemy Department were still stuck in the underground facility. They were debating whether to use the 18-meter-tall Alchemy Warrior.

"What's the use of semi-finished products? Connect all the lines to the 'Strings' system." When Rorschach arrived at the base of the Star Torch Tower, Snow was giving instructions.

"All that energy? We haven't tried loads that high yet"

"We are facing an archangel! If he doesn't want to die, just be quick!" The output of the two underground ether generators were all connected to the central support column of the Starlight Torch Tower, and all the lights in the research building were immediately turned off.

The angel's fire had already struck down, and just before it was about to break through the tower, ten layers of blue barriers lay horizontally in front of the "Fire Whip". Seraphim's attack shattered the eight layers in front, and along with the blue light dissipate.

The one who took action was Kano. He stood on the top of the Star Torch tower, facing Seraphim directly.

Of course, the chief was not the only one fighting. When the Archangel was about to rush over, Poincaré took action, and the space in front of Seraphim began to distort. It seemed that the distance was less than a hundred meters, but at the original speed of the Angel, it should It arrived in an instant, but couldn't make any progress. The fire and arc emitted were twisted into messy curves in the heterogeneous space.

"The Archmage helped us hold back the Archangel, hurry up!"

The pillars of the Starlight Torch Tower lit up circuits and began to tremble and twist under the violent etheric input, but the entire tower miraculously did not collapse.

The "string system" uses mithril "strings" to play ether waves, which is magic that can cover the entire city.

Snow made an urgent introduction to Rorschach: "To put it simply, this tower can be regarded as an oversized staff. The spells it outputs are also oversized in power and range. Do you understand?"

After the debugging was completed, the first spell was ready. The observatory on the top of the tower turned into an output terminal. A huge lens was aimed at the target. An extremely cold ray was coming. It was a storm three meters in diameter and close to absolute zero.

"Do these people below want to freeze us to death?" Kano cursed and walked away from the "Freeze Ray Pro Max" version with Professor Poincaré.

However, this ray did not cause substantial damage to the "fireball". Indeed, the flames were extinguished somewhat, but the angel was still struggling. It shook its icy feathers crazily, and black mud flowed on it.

Another lion roar.

"It seemed sad."

The roar from the archangel penetrated directly through the layers of the building, and the mages who were still standing behind to fight heard it. Jane looked up. Although she could only see the ceiling, she still felt the pain of the extraordinary existence.

Snow looked at the monitor: "Damn it, it doesn't work. Use other attributes of damage?"

"With the power of Seraphim, it is even more impossible to cause harm." The elder brother who has studied theology rejected the plan.

"Does anyone know how to target the lawful camp's spells? Who is the evil mage secretly? It doesn't matter today!" Snow started to talk nonsense.

"I'll do it." Rorschach wanted to try the 100-meter-tall staff: "Use the divine expulsion technique."

"Okay? Forget it, there is no better choice." The boss of the Alchemy Department directed everyone to cooperate with Rorschach.

Rorschach followed the instructions and wrapped his body around the pillar.

"Does it have to be like this?" Rorschach faced the wall, feeling a little weird.

"The area between the operator and the 'strings' must be as large as possible." Members of the Alchemy Department put a headband on Rorschach.

Rorschach accepted the setting and devoted himself to casting spells. His senses heightened and he suddenly became aware of angels. Not only was his eyes level with Him, but he also felt extremely tall, and the building beneath him was like a model.

The pillar was illuminated again, and now its circuit changed, stirring throughout the tower and the entire pastoral street.

It was not a ray, but a horizontal wave erupted, sweeping across the entire city of Valuauna. Seraphim, who was the first to bear the brunt, howled repeatedly, and his holy body and mud continued to disappear in the invisible wind.

The lion's roar that penetrated people's hearts became smaller and smaller, and finally disappeared over the capital together with the archangel.

After the "Requiem" was played, the dark clouds faded away, and the moonlight shone on the devastated earth.

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