Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 260 Seraphim teaches persecution

The next day, Rorschach returned to St. Miller's Cathedral, where Joseph had invited him. The priest led him through the paladin's blockade and came to the source of the disaster.

The magnificent cathedral is actually still floating in the air. If the streets were not blocked and passers-by were driven away with magic, there must be many good people and believers who would like to see the miracle of the angel's arrival.

"Go up by yourself. I'm old and my hands and feet are weak." After saying this, Joseph stopped and watched Rorschach cast a spell on himself and fly into the church.

Speaking of the interior, when Seraphim flew up, he didn't care how old the church was or whether it was a world cultural heritage, and rushed directly out of the main body of the building. Fortunately, all the structures were suspended at this time, and there were only two people, Rorschach and Duplesi.

"You're here." The red-dressed prime minister seemed to have aged a lot overnight: "In the end, Seraphim was eliminated by your mage?"

"It's driven out of the material world."

Du Plessis accepted the fact: "That means he was eliminated. He was already dead."

Rorschach walked through the shattered halls, stone carvings, marble floors, stained glass windows. Treasures of both art and sacredness were torn apart. He came to Du Plessis, the cardinal sitting in his chapel.

“Will the church always float over Valuauna?”

Du Plessis shook his head: "It may be a few days, it may be a few months, it may crash to the ground, or it may fall slowly, in short. There is no eternal existence.

"The gods will die, the miracles will be forgotten, and the church and magical guilds will become history."

"You are very weak." Rorschach found that the bishop was in poor condition. When they met before, he was full of energy and majesty, but now he was bathed in the morning sun and full of twilight.

"Not only me, but the church in the Holy Kingdom has reached its weakest point, even worse than when the old empire collapsed - God was not far away at that time.

“In the world of silence, the power of the benefactor comes from two sources:

"The first is the order constructed by the Lord of Light and Order in mysticism. Although the constructor no longer responds to his followers, the system left behind is still functioning well. But in the final analysis, the divine magic we use now is just from the old era. echo.

"Secondly, since Clovis, the first monarch of the Holy Kingdom, was anointed and crowned by the Pope, the church has been an important part of the creation and ruler of the kingdom. The Church of Order itself is the defender of the order of the kingdom. In the past few decades, compared with As an archbishop, the office of prime minister is more important to me and to the church.

"So, the benefactor draws power from the order of the two dimensions of mystery and reality, causing miracles to come, but today."

Du Plessis held the crutches and tried to stand up and continue speaking, but failed. He continued to sit on the broken bench and narrated: "The kingdom is in deep crisis, the old order is crumbling, and the collapse is irreversible."

"The kingdom is the only ship that leaks from the top. If you are the king, the Holy Kingdom may have more stable prosperity." Rorschach thought again: "At least Necker will not be so aggrieved."

"The only thing I'm lucky about is that I came from a poor family. If I were the king, the first thing I would do is to send that dangerous scoundrel to Basti." The prime minister rarely smiled, but the smile was fleeting because the topic was too much for him. heavy:

"But the prosperity of the kingdom depends on the wise king, which only proves the incompetence of the old order. Speaking of the church itself, due to the resurrection of Mother Earth, the magical system established by the Lord of Light and Order at the original level has also been violated, so the church's The decline was not limited to the Holy Kingdom, but to the entire world. Of course, this process began when the Eternal City lost its north.

Ultimately, a church that only has its ‘past’ has no future. "

Rorschach is more concerned about Mother Earth: "Resurgence?"

The archbishop did not answer immediately. He made a listening gesture and paused before continuing: "It is useless to talk more. Now most of the pollution on the continent has been attracted to the royal capital and dealt with together, through your and my hands."

Du Plessis felt during the high mass that the ceremony prepared by the church was no longer enough to expel the aura of Mother Earth in the city. The moment he picked up the sword, he received the oracle, which indirectly contributed to last night's development. .

But the process was completely beyond his expectation.

Firstly, they did not expect that the remains of the Archangel Seraphim would descend. Secondly, they did not expect that the magic guild could eliminate the angels who carried the pollution in one fell swoop.

Looking at it this way, the power of the mages has completely surpassed that of the church.

Here Rorschach connects the pieces based on the information revealed by Du Plessis. The "white dwarf" he saw should be a symbol of angels, and the Lord of Order's intention seems to be clear.

The gathering of cultists should have been deliberately guided. The gods sent angels to contain all the pollution of Mother Earth, and then used the power of mages to banish the angels, and also eliminate the breath of Mother Earth on the continent.

"Why can't the Paladins eliminate them one by one? The Magic Guild has the same attitude towards the cult. We can reach an agreement on this issue."

"God would arrange this only if the encirclement and suppression failed after cooperation. Even if you and I cooperate here, what about the Empire? What about Istani? There are many conceptual and extraordinary invasions, which are judged and devoured by the Archangel. This will give you the opportunity to concentrate on their elimination."

Du Plessis realized at this time that the Lord of Order should have foreseen the chaos that would follow in the kingdom. If Mother Earth was allowed to infiltrate in the chaos, the consequences would be unimaginable, and the power of the church would be weaker in the future.

The power of the gods. But it can only interfere indirectly

"I'm telling you so much because I want you to conduct an in-depth investigation into the last ulcer in the world, the Kingdom of Istani. There are various indications that a lot of support for the cult comes from the islands."

Rorschach was a little surprised. In the end, the clues of the agency and Duplesi's request all pointed to one place, Istani. He subconsciously asked: "Why me?"

"Why you? How do I know? Don't you understand? It's not me who made the request." In an instant, the church was completely dark, and the two of them were in the vast starry sky, with blue-purple-red starlight shining brightly in the clouds. Different brilliance.

"So go ahead! The kingdom can't stay any longer anyway. The hope of being promoted to Archmage lies in it. That's what He said."

Rorschach felt his body begin to fall, and before landing, he heard Du Plessis say the last words: "As for me, I am tired, the kingdom and the monarch no longer need the red prime minister."

This incident, known as the "Seraphim Crusade", was a heavy blow to the church. A group of bishops directly withdrew from the parliament, as well as the nobles' mansions and the king's banquet table. They hurriedly asked Joseph what happened. , and then hurried back to the parish or to the Eternal City.

Although the emergency response that night was very good, with the joint efforts of the church and the guild, the casualties caused by the rituals of the cultists and the angels were not as many as the lives taken away by hunger in the kingdom.

However, the incident still greatly stimulated the already tense nerves of the citizens of the royal capital, and the whole city began to arm themselves.

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