Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 263 Accident

The emperor's time in the imperial capital became shorter and shorter.

On the mountainside with pleasant scenery, a huge villa is located on the lakeside. As the emperor's palace, its defensive capabilities were unqualified, but it was very suitable as a place for patients to recuperate, and the hot springs everywhere evaporated beautiful mist.

The master of the empire is on "vacation", and the vast territory depends on one person. He cannot get sick, he is just unwell.

"How is your father?" The prince was pacing in the main hall. His anger and worry could not be relieved until the prime minister came out of the side hall. The emperor was very weak and needed rest, so the prime minister and the doctor shared time to see the emperor.

"Your father is clear-headed and strong-willed. He is managing the pain while being treated by doctors."

"Quack doctor! Quack doctor who trapped us here!" The prince's left arm is defective, which is an intolerable problem for the royal family who built their country by force. The more he tried to exercise and treat it, the more humiliation and pain he suffered for this arm. The pain became more severe, so the prince had an unspeakable hostility towards the doctor.

Since the emperor was bedridden in the sanatorium, the prince's hostility has been increasing day by day: "Ha, those mages are watching the joke! They talk about being powerless, and when they brag about themselves, they want to make everyone believe that those people are omnipotent. And The Church of Order, an abominable thing, a dishonest bastard!"

Originally, the imperial royal family secretly contacted the Church of Order, hoping that someone with divine grace could try to perform healing magic on the emperor's behalf. Everything went smoothly, but suddenly the bishop informed the royal family of the unfortunate news that a huge change had occurred within the church and that it could no longer provide treatment to the emperor.

"We are extremely sorry. It is not due to any secular considerations. It is because we ourselves have suffered an irreparable disaster." The bishop left these words and left in a car. After that, the Church of Order would not respond to the royal family's request.

Prime Minister Otto frowned: "According to the intelligence, major changes have occurred in the church and Valois."

"Isn't this our opportunity?" The prince's eyes immediately brightened: "Father, our army is ready, it's time, the empire needs more land under the sun!"

The prime minister was a little worried. He thought that the prince was a little too impatient. It was certainly a good thing to have the impetus of a young man, but if the prince took power, once his impulsiveness caused bad consequences, the entire empire would have to bear it.

And with the emperor's current state, his heir may not be far away from succeeding to the throne.

"You are right. The army is ready, but only the army. We must continue to stabilize our relationship with Istani and prevent its interference from affecting the empire's strategy. In addition, food production last year and this year continued to decline. , we need more preparations. In addition to the food embargo, we also need to sign more agreements with the Istani Kingdom."

What is counterintuitive is that Otto, who has always been known as the iron-blooded prime minister, is a moderate faction of the empire. He uses the prestigious reputation of the Marin Kingdom to not only unite within the empire and subdue all the states, but also pursues the policy of distant diplomacy and close attack externally. policy, and is willing to have good relations with various countries outside the Holy Kingdom.

One of its concepts: to use the smallest military operations to obtain the greatest benefits for the empire and to prevent the military from gaining too much autonomy.

"If we reduce production, will the Holy Kingdom be better off? As far as I know, there is even a food shortage in Valois, which should be the main factor in the riots in their royal capital."

The prince interrupted the old man impatiently. He used to admire the grandfather-like prime minister very much, but now he realized that the man in front of him was old, timid and hesitant. The only thing he was determined to do was to guard his power - other ministers of the empire. You must first report to the prime minister before you can have an audience with the emperor.


The prime minister didn't know that the prince was so dissatisfied with him. He was as patient as he was with his grandson: "Yes, the people's first bottom line is food. But news shows that there are other factors. There are rumors about the Church of Order and Magic Guild.”

The prince became interested: "Is the magic guild taking action?"

Otto shook his head: "Sorry, Your Highness, more information is needed to make a judgment. More and more intelligence is being compiled and analyzed by us."

"Okay, okay, besides my father, I also want to know what those magicians and mages are doing!"

"As you wish, Your Highness."

Agency Director Sabins was in a state of distress. The cult's activities had dropped significantly after reaching their peak, and the empire seemed to have entered a period of peace and stability.

Then the Holy Kingdom made huge news.

At first, it was news from the embassy. Sabins didn't care about the "Estate 3" and "taxes". What he was guarding against was the threat to the empire from extraordinary powers. But after one night, the news came from Valouana. The news is more exciting than the last.

"A large-scale sacrifice by a cult?"


"The people captured Basti?"

Even if he asked the agency director to use all the imagination in his bald head, he could not connect so many elements together. Until Rorschach's report was delivered, Sabins still did not dare to fully adopt the bizarre story given to him by the young mage. .

"Angel. Can the empire's military mages destroy it?"

Rorschach did not say what role he played in the battle against the Archangel Seraphim. He just wrote: "The Archangel Seraphim carried an immeasurable amount of pollution from the Mother of the Earth. In the end, under the leadership of the Magic Guild, The large spell attack was knocked back."

And how rumors of "collusion between cultists and aristocrats" led to the armed Third Estate.

"Sir, the time has come." The members of the agency reminded Sabins that the airship was about to take off.

Now that the emperor is away from the imperial capital for recuperation, Sabins has not seen his majesty for more than three months. Now the prime minister has also gone to the sanatorium. When such a big change happened in the Holy Kingdom, Sabins had to follow the brain of the empire.

He collected Rorschach's last reports before leaving the kingdom, put them in a document bag and took them away. They were using the exclusive channel of the imperial authorities, so no one else would notice the agency personnel boarding the airship.

This airship is relatively small, and it runs a special line opened for other ministers of the empire to meet the emperor.

The engine roared at the parking lot and started to warm up. Sabins could see that there were also imperial civil servants undergoing layers of inspections and boarding the special plane.

The agency director suddenly felt something strange.

"Are there any other airships to the health resort?"

"There is another ordinary flight in half an hour, but not many people will take it."

Sabins changed the itinerary on the spot: "We won't take this flight, we will take a regular flight."

"But the carriage over there is on time."

"As long as it doesn't delay the meeting with His Majesty, it won't be a problem." The agency director believed in his intuition.

Although he couldn't tell what was wrong now, he just felt the hair on his head standing on end. Sabins survives today in large part because of his trust in his gut.

The subordinates shrugged and accepted the sudden change of heart. Some agents understood the agency director's concerns: "There's something wrong with this airship? Do you want to search it?"

".Leave first."

Half an hour after the first airship took off, the second ordinary flight airship took off, and their routes were in the same straight line.

Over the empire, two airships exploded violently, leaving no survivors.

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