Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 264 The last vacant room

Since the airship crossed a certain boundary between the straits, the climate has changed wonderfully. By the time the passengers realized it, they were already in the clouds and mist, arriving in the southeastern area of ​​Istani.

Storm City, this city is named after ancient adventurers called it "the place where the storm leads us to". The official name inherited from the Yabo language should be "Ventbols".

Nowadays, everyone calls it Storm City in common language. Let the old scholars and the court argue about that awkward ancient name! In fact, if there were frequent storms in the cities of the Istani Kingdom, it would be difficult to grow to the scale it is today. It would be more appropriate to call it a "fog city".

But who cares?

The airport that Rorschach saw had a different style from the Holy Kingdom and the Empire. It was a messy and bold super transportation hub, with the airship platform built on the sea. The island nation did not welcome the flying behemoths traveling to the mainland. The Istani stopped these airships at the mouth of the Tamas River, requiring travelers to come down from the sky and then go upstream to the royal capital.

"Proof." The customs clerk was a half-elf. He was slender and his voice was cold and lazy. He secretly expressed his impatience with his thin lips when Rorschach took out his identity document.

However, Rorschach's identity was interesting enough, which made the half-elf raise his eyebrows: "A mage from the empire practices for a year at the Tower of Stars in Valois?"

"Yes, is there a problem?" Rorschach activated his mage badge.

Purple light illuminated the half-elf's pale pupils. He seemed to have gotten something hot and quickly stamped Rorschach for entry.

"No problem. Have a nice trip."


Fortunately, the distance to Storm City is not far. The Tamas River may be the river with the worst water quality that Rorschach has ever seen in another world. As the ship goes up, the foam on the dark river surface becomes more and more. When the density of domestic garbage reaches its peak, the captain yells at the passengers at the top of his voice. : "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Storm City!"

The first thing Rorschach did after entering the city was to stay in a hotel. He chose the hotel closest to the magic guild. Its customers were all wealthy people, and the corresponding decoration and supporting facilities satisfied Rorschach.

However, there was a slight difficulty in the check-in process.

When he entered, the lobby manager greeted him with a smile and took Rorschach's luggage naturally. Since none of the valuables were in the box, Rorschach accepted his services.

Manager: "Great, we have the last available room."

At the same time, the front desk said: "Sorry guest, we have no available rooms."

ah? Rorschach did not expect that the manager would give completely opposite answers to the waitress at the front desk.

"Don't we still have that room?" The manager whispered to the front desk and opened the record book.

"But the guest didn't check out."

"She didn't come back two months ago! The deposit is long gone. Our store is for business, so we can't keep it for that woman forever."

The front desk was still hesitating: "But that guest is a mage. What should we do if he comes back and causes trouble for us?"

"Isn't this guest also a mage?"

Didn't you control the volume of your whispered conversations? I heard them all! Rorschach was about to get his luggage back: "If it's full, I'll find another hotel."

"No, guest. It's like this. There is still a room that the guest has not checked out. We have reserved it for the last guest for two months. Now we will clean it and make it available for you to stay in."

"no problem?"

"No problem!" The hotel was afraid of the eccentric spell caster. Even if the guest did not check out after missing, the manager and the front desk did not dare to vacate the room. Until today, another spell caster came to stay at the hotel.

Seeing that Rorschach had not yet made up his mind, the manager quickly added important information: "I'm afraid there are no vacancies in other hotels you want to go to. There are many people coming from the Holy Kingdom, and they have already occupied all the high-end hotels in Storm City, and so is our hotel. in this way."

It seems that there are many nobles or other timid guys in Valuana who brought their families to Istani. Unexpectedly, the changes in the Holy Kingdom would affect his hotel, and Rorschach did not want to have to travel all the way. Accepted the last available room.

He drank tea in the hall and waited for a while, and finally arrived at his destination after receiving the notice.

The boy got the key and opened the door to a nice suite with floor-to-ceiling curtains, thick carpets, a fireplace, a bathtub and other facilities. Rorschach sniffed carefully. There was no special smell, only a citrus aroma, probably from the detergent.

Fortunately, there was no case where the previous guest disappeared and his body was found under the bed/in the bathtub/in the cabinet.

"Okay, let's reserve ten days first." Luo Xia paid the deposit, letting the manager breathe a sigh of relief. Ten days is the deadline set by Rorschach for himself. He is worried about the construction of the Mage Tower without the supervision of the owner, and needs to rush back to Bain as soon as possible.

The window was opened for ventilation, but a somewhat pungent smell hit his face. In fact, Rorschach's nose started to feel uncomfortable from the moment he got off the ship and stepped into Storm City. Now the air pollutants sent by a demonic wind have hit the mucous membranes even more.

"Ah sneeze!"

It seems that the [air filter bubble] needs to be permanently installed.

After putting away his luggage, Rorschach thought about his next move.

How to conduct an investigation? Rorschach himself had no clue, but the travel guide in the room inspired him.

"Istany Museum?"

Rorschach got the address and introduction to the museum, which displayed many archaeological discoveries, animal and plant specimens, strange-shaped creations, etc. In this world of gods and miracles, the information contained in cultural relics is likely to have supernatural elements. Due to the mass extinction of the symbolic realm after the collapse of the old empire, in a sense, "the older the ancient, the stronger" is also correct.

“It’s still early, let’s start at the museum!”

Rorschach set off in a taxi. The street scene in this city was even duller than that of the Imperial Capital. Especially the people's clothes were mostly black, which made Rorschach uncomfortable with the style of the Holy Kingdom.

In Valuauna even the sans-culottes were more fashionable.

Rorschach finished complaining in his mind and arrived at his destination. The museum was built in the stone architectural style of the old empire. The base of each doorpost was engraved with Hercules, who carried the entire palace.

The widest main exhibition hall contains the most visually impactful exhibits - the skeletons of two white dragons.

Their very existence is a legend.

The skeleton was carefully hung in the center of the exhibition hall, with the huge skull hanging high, as if ready to emit a deafening roar at any time. Each of their bones shone with an icy luster and was as colored as pearls.

All visitors will stop breathing for a moment when they see these two skeletons, one large and one small, because they can feel the fear of being shrouded in the sky by a white dragon just from the lifeless objects. The gesture restored by the curator is lifelike, with the outstretched bone wings and hollow, deep eye sockets making people shudder.

But what Rorschach felt most deeply was the aura of death conveyed by the skeleton. Creatures as strong as dragons, the embodiment of natural laws and power, cannot escape death, and their remains are made into specimens by creatures weaker than them.

He noticed that there was an explanation board hanging in the air, and Rorschach frowned: "A pair of white dragon companions, donated by the Tower of Storms." Can't the explanation board be placed on the ground? Looking up is exhausting.

Rorschach moved while thinking, wanting to see the details of the keel from other angles, and then successfully bumped into someone. He raised his head and felt that he had bumped into a "child".

"Feel sorry!"

Rorschach lowered his head and realized that the other person was a dwarf.


"Master Rorschach!?"

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