Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 265 Exhibition of the Conquered

"Why are you here?" Rorschach was a little surprised.

Singletaryev scratched his fluffy beard: "I came to Istany to try my luck after leaving Valois. I originally wanted to go back to my hometown, but our confederation and the Kingdom of Istany were a bit complicated some time ago. There was a small friction, so the direct line was broken.”

"Then shouldn't you leave here quickly? You can go to the empire first and then continue north." Rorschach felt that since the two countries were at war, Singarev, who had too obvious characteristics, should not remain in the enemy's territory.

"I'm an adventurer! I'm still gold-level!" Singlev emphasized his identity again: "Just show it to the note. As for the others, the humans here are infected with the bean sprout disease and are very indifferent to the outside world. , even if I am a dwarf, he is just pointing his nostrils at me and speeding away."

For you, there should be no one here who doesn’t look at people through their nostrils. Rorschach thought it was good to meet Singletary by chance in a strange place, although he didn't expect that the place he met was not an adventurer's guild or a tavern, but a museum.

The other visitors were gentlemen and ladies, and indeed they almost turned their nostrils to the suspicious combination of one tall and one short.

The dwarf looked at the white dragon skeleton and marveled: "My friend did not lie to the dwarf! There is something really wrong here. The nameplate is wrong. They are not a pair."

"Then what's their relationship?"

Zinglev's brain ran for a while: "They are my friend's second uncle and aunt respectively, so, so" he came to a conclusion: "They are definitely not a couple."

Singer's circle of friends was so strong that Rorschach silently recited the mantra "Dad's father is grandpa" in his mind and came to the conclusion: "They are siblings or brother and sister."

"Oh yes, oh no."

"That's right." Luo Xia was very confident.

But Singletary pointed out a blind spot: "Master Rorschach, I understand what you mean, but there is a question. Dragons lay eggs. Is it possible that they are in a nest and hatch out of their shells at the same time?"

What kind of bully are you? Rorschach wanted to say something else, but the next exhibit made him silent for a while.

The dwarf followed Luo Xia's line of sight and saw: "What a girl!"

The exhibit is no smaller than a keel and is a complete specimen of a dragon's vascular network. Of course there is no injection molding technology now, but the dragon's vascular tissue has high enough resistance. The creator of the specimen should have directly poured it out of molten aluminum. The finished product is now a bit gray, and it should be a dense layer of oxidation on the aluminum surface. membrane.

The thickest aorta is as thick as Rorschach's arm. These silver-gray "branches" are layered and intertwined, allowing people to imagine a complete white dragon.

Very beautiful, very expensive (for the price of aluminum in this world), very

The subsequent exhibits are still related to dragons, and the various organs soaked in formalin are very complete. Muscle fibers, stretched fascia and tendons are on display for visitors to see.

"No dragon skin?" Luo Xia always felt that something was missing, and he only realized it when he saw the "portrait" of a white dragon depicted in an oil painting.

"My eldest young master, dragon skin is more expensive than aluminum, and it is also a material for making magic supplies and high-quality protective gear. I will definitely not put it on display."

The white dragon should be the "treasure of the museum" and the most attractive part to ordinary tourists. Going deeper, the theme becomes elves, the Gray Elves of Isle to be precise.

"It's really like cramping and peeling off skin." Luo Xia finally saw the complete set of the treasure of the museum.

"Primitive ethnic groups struggling in muddy swamps." This introduction made Rorschach feel a little uncomfortable.

Regarding the gray elves, Rorschach saw the wool fabric. The patterns on it could vaguely distinguish the ocean, mountains, forests, and various animals. They were hung and paved on the wall as handicrafts. The curators have carefully arranged it from ancient times to the present, and you can see that the elves went from breaking stone tools, grinding stone tools, to bronze and rough iron tools, and then stopped abruptly.

The introduction to each exhibit attempts to be objective, coldly introducing where it comes from, its presumed use, and telling how miserable these primitive elves are. From the condescending words, Rorschach could feel that he was watching a civilization that was declared to have "not entered the civilized era".

What is worthy of praise is a set of crystal vessels. The transparency of the crystal itself is not good. Each piece is covered with traces of drilling and is processed bit by bit. There are also wax figures that restore the scene of fishing and hunting. These gray elves see They look the same as other elves, at least in the eyes of an "outsider" like Rorschach. However, they are covered in furs and wield crude weapons, which is incompatible with the elegance that elves should have in the mainland's stereotype.

The exhibition also introduces the bloody sacrifice, with more wax figures recreating the scene, paint splattered with blood, and all members surrounding the high priest, a female figure draped in a long green shawl and wearing a crown made of a deer's head.

A real male elf skeleton is displayed aside, and the broken skull shows that he suffered fatal injuries during his lifetime.

There is a green and white marble slab in the sacrificial vessel. They were divided into small pieces and then spliced ​​back together. The green texture was carefully arranged into various patterns, like a totem.

In Rorschach's impression, it is somewhat similar to the symbol system left by the elf village in the Black Forest.

Rorschach recalled the manuscripts deciphered by Professor Poincaré and tried to retrieve and compare them. The stone slab itself was mutilated and stained, which Rorschach believed resembled the runes symbolizing "life".

A male voice with a smooth tone interrupted his thoughts: "You stayed in front of the Danu Stone Slate for a long time. Are you admiring it, or did you discover something?"

Rorschach looked at the owner of the voice. He was an elf, slightly taller than himself. Unlike the barbaric gray elf wax figure in the exhibition, he has a handsome face, dark-toned fabrics with dark lines, small metal decorations that are eye-catching but not out of place, and his clothes are worthy of being seen by gentlemen and ladies from Queens. Can't fault it. Rorschach's eyes glanced at the fingers tapping his cane, which was adorned with a silver ring in the shape of a crow's skull.

A playboy.

"No, I just think it's more distinctive, and the patterns are a little fascinating."

"That's a pity, I thought you read something from it." The man announced that he had overestimated Rorschach's reading comprehension ability: "You are not an Istani, otherwise how could you be dressed like this, and even Dwarf companions.”

Am I dressed strangely? The boy was wearing regular clothes purchased by the Holy Kingdom, and his jacket was a nice-looking indigo color, which Rorschach liked quite a bit.

"Yes, it is precisely because I am a tourist that I came to visit the museum. In my opinion, this building is a showcase for Istany."

The man became more interested: "So what do you think of what you have seen so far? Please focus on your thoughts on the Gray Elf Exhibition."

"It's very detailed, just like the white dragon specimens in the main exhibition hall." Luo Xia considered expressing his feelings since entering the museum: "It's just that one is a specimen of a powerful creature, and the other is a backward civilization that was dissected and displayed to curious people. Visitors watch.”

At least judging from the condescending introduction of the exhibits, this is not the Gray Elves actively and confidently showing their culture and history to the world. Rorschach seemed to think of a group of robbers breaking into other people's homes, violently snatching away interesting things, digging up the graves where their ancestors were buried, and stealing the antiquities in the temple. The theme of the two exhibition halls can probably be summarized as " conquer".

Rorschach had a vague sense of déjà vu and indignation.

"Your idea is very special." The elf finally took off his gloves and expressed his intention to shake hands with Rorschach: "I am one of the curators, Benedy Conchi. If you don't mind, you can call me Bendy. .”

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