Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 266 Danu Clan

"Rorschach." "Singlev, a gold-level adventurer."

Seeing that the other party was an elf, Rorschach couldn't help but ask: "I saw this exhibition trying to prove to visitors that gray elves are a barbaric and ignorant people. Won't you and your compatriots be offended?"

Benedy put on his gloves after shaking hands with the two of them respectively: "Mr. Rorschach, you have discovered the problem, but you don't understand Istani and the elves." He showed an exaggerated smile: "For most elves, What you just said is offensive. To the elves on the main island of the kingdom, we must not be compared with the gray elves. Those barbarians on the Isle of Air also have another name, 'swamp elves', or more bluntly: mudbloods .”

When he said this, Benedy's relaxed and cheerful expression calmed down: "The exhibition has deviated from my original intention. So far, you have discovered the problem. You two are not old characters in Storm City, so you don't know that I am an actor. "

"Aren't you a curator? Why are you an actor?" Singletaryev didn't like this bean sprout.

"Mr. Dwarf, interrupting others is not being blunt, it is rude." He simply looked at Rorschach and said: "Most people on the island of Istani don't understand their neighbors on the island of Air. After the conquest, they just treated it as a plantation." Garden, eating the food grown by the gray elves, despising them for only drinking alcohol.

"I'm an actor, and I'm quite famous in the theater, so I used my connections to organize this exhibition about the gray elves, and asked celebrities and powerful people to lend their private collections to everyone. It's a pity, it's a pity, the influence of one person is insignificant after all. , this is what is presented under the leadership of 'professionals', it is all prejudice and ignorance."

Rorschach could only express regret for Benedy's sentimentality. Compared with the failure of the other party's efforts, Rorschach was more concerned about the information revealed: "Mr. Benedy, you just said it was the 'Danu Slate', and 'Danu' is "

"The native deity of Air Island, the mother of the gods." Benedy briefly introduced the myth of the Gray Elf, a standard legend of a female creator. The goddess Danu has many descendants, all of whom have divinity and divine power. They can travel through the fog and draw strength from nature. The Gray Elves once mainly believed in and served the Danu Protoss.

"At the end of the mythical story, Danu and his descendants were defeated by the gods from the sea and disappeared. There are still people among the gray elves who believe that Danu will come back to save them. As for the gods who ran out of the sea."

"Is?" Benedy was referring to the god of oceans and storms.

The actor put his finger in front of his lips. His upper lip was so thin and bloodless that it was almost invisible: "Exactly."

Could Danu be related to Mother Earth? The characteristics almost matched, and Rorschach hesitated whether he should go to El Island.

As if he could read minds, Benedy immediately asked: "Do you want to go to Air Island and see it with your own eyes? I advise you not to do this. The kingdom is strictly guarded against people running into its granaries and muddy back gardens. Come on, especially for non-citizens, you don’t want to be detained on charges of being a spy, right?”

After Benedy took out his business card, Rorschach took it and saw that it was "Detective Agency".

The actor told the Master: "If you are very interested in the Gray Elf, you can come to me. As long as it is not a performance or rehearsal, I will always have the address on the business card. If not, please go to the 'Golden Harp Theater'. Everyone from the elderly to children knows this." its."

Singletary squinted and snorted: "You are not a salesman who buys tickets, are you?"

"No, you seem to have got the wrong business card. This is the detective agency." The three of them have already walked to the entrance of the museum. Today is a working day and it is noon. There is no one else coming and going, so the three of them are standing at the main entrance of the museum. high tower.

"That's right." After the heavy topic was over, the elf returned to his frivolous posture and look. He picked up the business card and turned it over. The gilded name was Benedy Conchie, who he introduced himself: "Actors can play countless professions. And I am better at playing detective, even to a professional level. If you don’t believe it.” Benedy looked at Rorschach again:

"Oh, you're a spell caster."

Zinglev was a little curious after hearing this. Rorschach did not show any signs of being a spellcaster and was wearing normal clothes.

"Look, Mr. Rorschach is holding the head of the cane tightly now. But you are a young man who walks quickly. First of all, rule out its function of supporting you in walking. Your clothes are in the Valois style, but not fancy, and match the style of the cane. The pattern and temperament are different, excluding the decorative function.

"So it's self-defense? But after Mr. Rorschach entered a nervous state, the way he held it was neither the starting hand of the gentleman's self-defense technique nor the handle of a rapier, so I only thought of one possibility. It could be a staff. I would like to ask you, why are you suddenly so wary of me?"

Rorschach did not relax and was ready to go. When he approached the elf in front of him, he suddenly felt the abnormal flow of ether. Although [Arcane Vision] did not detect it, he still noticed something unnatural from the man who called himself Benedy. He had been causing slight disturbances to the environmental ether.

Without Rorschach's mastery of the ether and close proximity, it would be difficult to detect this slight dissonance.

In Rorschach's knowledge, the other party is either a spellcaster or has a special item that can cover up the magic aura. In addition, this person was a little too enthusiastic and proactive compared to the Istani people, which inevitably aroused Rorschach's guard.

"You are not an ordinary person."

Rorschach pressed his thumb on the pattern of the cane head, and Benedy gently touched the crow's head on the ring.

"I told you from the beginning, I am an actor. There is also an obvious fact, I am an elf. In addition to the power system called 'Druid', elves have other inheritances, such as 'actors'.

"Okay, I have revealed so much to you on the territory of 'Great Yis', which is enough to prove my sincerity. Because you have a righteous heart that surpasses those civilized gentlemen, I am happy to become friends with you. Looking forward to seeing you again, Rorschach Mage."

Benedy left a trace of his back coolly, and walked down the marble steps like a tap dance into the crowd of hurried pedestrians.

Rorschach looked at the business card front and back and put it into the storage ring. Instead of following down the stairs, he turned back to the museum.

Singletaryev went to the museum mainly to see his friend's relatives, and now he has accomplished his goal. He didn't know what else to see inside: "Master Luo Xia, what are you going back to do?"

"Copy the patterns on the stone slabs and similar pictures and texts on other vessels."

After doing this, Rorschach was led by Singletary to a "Cindy's Mama" fish and chip shop for dinner. The proprietress's waistline and temper were second-to-none, and the taste was really good. Rorschach discovered that the shop The unique skill is the sauce, and the diced pickles are the finishing touch.

After they had finished drinking and eating, the two parted ways. Singletary had to go to the Adventurer's Guild to find a short-term commission to mix up some money to buy wine. Rorschach doubted whether the dwarves' current state of being "hanging on the wall" could pay for the travel expenses of the Istani-Empire-Dwarf Confederation.

As soon as Rorschach stepped into the hotel, the receptionist's eyes lit up as he looked at the door: "Master Mage, can you do us a favor?"

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