Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 268 Iron Crown Knights

Percival didn't wait for the front desk staff to take out the key and open the door. He kicked open the thin door panel, trying not to give the people inside time to react.

The three knights swarmed up and rushed into the room as quickly as possible, assuming a fighting posture in a small space.

However, it was very quiet, and the figure of the annoying mage could not be seen at all.

The detective brought the front desk and manager over.

"Where are you?" Percival faced the lady, trying to be as nice as possible, trying to embody the qualities of a knight.

The front desk trembled: "He checked out."

"Why didn't you say it!" It turned out that he was competing with the air, and Percival felt that he had been fooled.

"You didn't ask?" The lady at the front desk was about to cry for the second time today.

"Please Mr. Inspector, please take the lead in searching the room, and we will check the register." Percival went downstairs with the two brothers with a sullen face.

The manager watched the clerks rummaging around and rummaging through boxes and cabinets. He sighed: "Another customer has run away. There is something evil about this room. Let's change it into a storage room in the future."

"Break directly through the door." Rorschach put away Balan's Pearl, confirming the knight's hostility.

Rorschach's choice was to go to the nearest magic guild. In a sense, the guild's residence was similar to the embassy, ​​and it was even a better place of refuge for mages.

Of course, Rorschach is still a law-abiding tourist and has never caused trouble in Istani. He was more concerned about the whereabouts of Teacher Caroline, so he came to the guild to try to find the teacher's whereabouts.

"Hello, I need to find a mage: her name is Caroline, a younger lady with brown hair. She comes from the Empire but is a Valois." Rorschach added: "I am her student, because I have never accepted I didn’t receive a reply, so I wanted to ask the guild if there was any news about her.”

"Please don't worry. When did she enter the country?"

"About December last year, she came to the sea near Istani to observe meteors."

After listening to Rorschach's description, the staff took Rorschach to the reception room and brought several boxes of files. However, Rorschach and the staff searched together, and there was no information about Caroline staying in the guild, and there was no information about her name at all.

"Your teacher has no entry record, or has not been to the guild to handle business since entering the country."

"It's impossible. I sent letters through the guild's transmission system before, and she received the earliest letter."

The staff was very patient: "Maybe your teacher has returned to the Empire? I suggest you try to contact the Empire now."

It was a solution. After Rorschach calmed down, he not only sent a letter to the Royal Academy of Magic in the empire, but also sent a letter to the Tower of Stars to inquire. It was an urgent letter sent. Rorschach sat in the guild's reception room for about an hour before the first letter arrived.

"Master Rorschach, you have a reply." The staff waved the paper tube and opened it for Rorschach.

When Rorschach took it, he saw that it was a reply letter from the Imperial Academy, but the text on it was unexpected. It said "No such person found".

How can it be? Rorschach read it again and again, but the words would not change, which meant that there was no teacher Caroline in the academy.

"Did you write the wrong name when you wrote the letter?" The staff member's eyes have changed. He is not uncommon with crazy mages. In his opinion, Rorschach is the type who appears normal but actually has brain problems.

"Absolutely not."

When the reply from Tower of Stars arrived, Rorschach opened the envelope himself and spread out the paper:

"To Rorschach:

"Mage Caroline has not returned to the Tower of Stars. Since her original purpose of coming to Istani was stargazing, you can contact the Tower of Storms and the Tower of Time to find her. If you still have no results, you can seek help from me.


Although there was no answer, Master Kano gave Rorschach some peace of mind. However, when he put his hand on the table, the handwriting suddenly changed!

"The handwriting of the letter has changed!" Rorschach grabbed it again, and the text read "No other mages have visited the Tower of Stars for communication recently."

In short, the name "Caroline" was erased.

"What are you talking about?" The staff member became more and more convinced of his judgment. In fact, he also knew that there was another possibility - there was magic that caused the target that the mage was looking for to disappear, but this possibility meant trouble. As long as he continued to pretend to be deaf and dumb, it would not involve too much.

Rorschach realized something was wrong, and he collected the two replies: "Can I take them with me?"

"Of course, you have paid." The staff sent Rorschach out of the magic guild.

Will the Iron Crown Knights still cause trouble for me? Rorschach looked at the foggy city and had an idea. He stopped a cab.

"Master, where are you going?"

Where to go? Since the guild is of no help, and the Tower of Storm, Tower of Time and other magic towers are not in Storm City, where should I go to get reinforcements? Go to the Adventurer's Guild to find Singarev and other adventurers? Rorschach looked at the mysteriously tampered reply and had an idea.

"Go to the address on the business card." Rorschach handed the small piece of paper Benedy left him to the coachman.

"Okay, sit tight."

Benedy's "office" is his residence, an apartment with a moderate income that can support long-term rental. It is a bit old, but well maintained.

The landlady who opened the door for Rorschach was wearing an apron and a huge anti-scalding hand.

"Benny, you have a business!" The landlady is happy to see that the tenants have income, and is also willing to open the door for Benedy. This way she can keep track of the prosperity of his business and increase the rent at the right time.

"You're lucky young man, Benny is free right now."

"Thank you." Luo Xia was a little anxious and hurriedly changed her shoes and came in.

A faint burnt smell wafted out of the corridor. The landlady exclaimed, "My pie!" and disappeared into the corridor. Rorschach closed the door.

"Master Rorschach? I didn't expect to say goodbye so soon." When Rorschach walked into the living room, Benedy was reciting his lines with a script, so Rorschach saw that the handsome elf was still in acting mode.

He surrounded himself with a tablecloth, used simple props and a cane to pretend to be a sword, and walked on tiptoe on the carpet with his head held high. Just like a prince.

"I need to find someone, someone who is being tracked by the Iron Crown Knights." Rorschach didn't know whether he could trust this elf, but first he could test the Iron Crown Knights. From their interactions in the morning, Rorschach learned that the elves were dissatisfied with the kingdom, at least complaining about the gray elves, and their last words were also somewhat cynical. Testing his attitude toward Istani's affiliation with Her Majesty's Knights will determine whether Rorschach can ask the "detective" for help.

The elf's performance stopped: "Pursued by the Knights? Mr. Rorschach, you are new here. I guess you don't understand the power structure of Istani?"

"What does this have to do with my commission?"

Benedy poured himself some amber wine, and the wine just reached the bottom of the glass: "The Iron Crown Knights are one of the twelve knights in the kingdom. Their knight captains form the Round Table Council, also known as the Supreme Council. The House of Commons, other nobles, and electors form the Lower Council. In other words, in this hunting game, you have to race against the rulers of Istani. The knights are not useless like the spies of Strand Field. "

He also poured the same amount of wine for Rorschach: "Interesting, I will accept your request!"

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