Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 269 Shadow City

The two sat down in front of the fireplace. Rorschach was sorting out the information about his arrival in Storm City. He refused to drink at this juncture and just held the wine glass. The temperature in his palm gradually warmed up the cold wine.

"It's very difficult to find a person in this city." Rorschach thought of other possibilities: "And it's not necessarily in Storm City. I can only say that the last trace I can find is here."

After hearing this, Benedy crossed his legs and relaxed in the armrest of the single sofa: "It sounds like we need to do an impossible thing, and we can't post the target lady's missing person notice all over the street."

The missing person notice inspired Rorschach: "There is no missing person notice, but since the Iron Crown Knights are looking for her, there is probably a wanted order." Rorschach could not imagine what taboos Caroline would violate in Istani. being traced.

"Yes, it's a good idea. Especially if you don't know what kind of trouble that lady caused." The elf stood up and took out a collection of newspaper clippings from the bookshelf. It was filled with collected criminal information, as well as a wanted order and a warrant. Dossier after file.

Rorschach was a little confused: "At first, I thought your main job was an actor, but now it seems that you are a detective." The other party first identified himself as a curator, and then introduced him as a well-known actor. At this time, he showed He has been paying attention to various cases in Storm City for a long time.

Could it be that he is also a host, writer, folk singer, oil painter, cobbler, silversmith, and goldsmith?

Benedy's eyes did not leave the document: "Maybe in your eyes, actors and detectives are not related, but both professions have a foundation, which requires you to be good at observation, especially observing people. Next, should you act or explore him? The truth depends on whether I am on stage or in the office."

Seeing that Rorschach was idle, Benedy handed out a stack of files and asked him to help find it: "I haven't seen your teacher yet, are you sure her name is 'Caroline'?"

"Yes, yes, do you need me to report the spelling?" This was the second time Rorschach heard similar doubts, and his tone increased.

He kept looking at the cases collected by the detectives and found that many of them were disappearances, followed by murders.

In the majestic royal capital of Istani, public security is not very good.

"That's not necessary. I have a grammar education and am proficient in Common, Ancient Yabob and Elvish."

Yet two well-educated men gained nothing.

"There are many disappearances in Storm City?"

"Most of them are unsolved cases." Benedy put away the information: "Many people claim that their family members and friends are missing, but there is no trace of the missing persons on the surface, including identification. Ah, and your current The situation is different, at least you still have the letter to send to the missing person.

"These people who reported the crime were judged by Strandfield to be schizophrenic or otherwise abnormal. It's such a buzzword. In short, everyone thinks that the missing people are imagined. Who has suffered psychological trauma, split personality, structure A character is by your side."

Sterling Field was originally the settlement of nobles from the Sterling region in Storm City. It is now the office of police detectives assigned by the royal family to investigate criminal cases.

No! Rorschach stood up: "The information about Ms. Caroline will indeed be erased! My letter is an exception."

how to prove? Rorschach thought of a way.

"Borrow the bathroom."

Benedy pointed in the direction: "Please."

Rorschach entered and locked himself in a small space. He took out the reply letter from the Imperial Academy of Magic and tried to cast [Reversal Ray] on it.

After a moment of distortion, the handwriting of "No such person found" turned into a puddle of distorted traces, and the original message could not be distinguished.

But this proves that there is magic that distorts the information about Caroline, and it can be terminated by the [Reversal Ray]!

Rorschach waited for a while, but the traces did not change again. He took out the reply letter from the Tower of Stars and cast the same spell. Rorschach had seen the original form, so when the ray acted on the letter, Kano's original words appeared verbatim.

The boy waited in the bathroom for a while, but the letter was not tampered with.

He went out with two letters and tried to show them to Benedy.

"Is your stomach feeling bad?" The detective poured himself some more wine during the break. He frowned as he stared at what Rorschach showed: "So are these two pieces of paper related to our commission? I'm sorry. I can't see it."

Rorschach took it back and saw that it had been tampered with again!

Damn it, he told Benedy that the information would be erased.

After hearing this, the elf stood up from the soft sofa, closed the curtains, made sure that no one else in the corridor heard the conversation between the two, and closed the door: "Since you have encountered the same situation as those 'mental patients', we can talk about it. Those disappearances.

"According to my guess, most of them fell into the shadow of this city. The Knights must also know, but usually everyone is unable to do anything to let the unlucky ones get lost in this land.

"Those who have fallen have been cursed and become anonymous. Do you know what anonymous people are? His name can no longer appear here. In other people's memories, he will be replaced or blurred. Only a few people are gifted. , are immune to the effects of the curse and are aware of the sudden disappearance of friends and relatives. However, others will only regard them as crazy.

"Many people who reported the crime couldn't accept it, and then they became really crazy."

"But my letters were not denamed."

"So you are also outstanding among people with extraordinary talents. What should I call you? 'King of Madmen'?"

Rorschach felt that Benedy was telling him a cliched urban legend in a serious tone: "I can't believe it."

The elf put down the wine glass and showed an annoying smile, and the smile gradually became weird: "Then if I say that I am also one of the 'Mad Kings', I can invite people into the 'Shadow City', do you dare to try?

"The area of ​​Shadow City overlaps with our Storm City, and there is a larger space underground. You can even see wonderful biomes! If it were not cursed, it would make people unable to return and be trapped. If the world forgets it, it would be great to develop it into a tourist attraction.

"Since you are not affected by the 'Expellation Curse', maybe not only can you return to the earth, but you can also bring your teacher Caroline back."

Rorschach and the elf looked at each other, staring into each other's brown irises. Rorschach couldn't capture anything from his eyes and expression, perhaps because Benedy is an actor.

"If I agree, will you come with me?"

The elf shook his head quickly: "Not now, there is an important performance coming soon. Don't worry that I will forget you as a client after you enter the Shadow City. The Shadow City will be open to me. There is someone who remembers you in the above world. Isn't it? Is it better? When you disappear too, maybe I can still remember you and find ways to get people."

Rorschach found it funny and stood up. This time he was ready to leave: "Do I need to pay the consulting fee?"

"It seems you don't want to continue the commission." Benedy shrugged regretfully, showing naked signs of performance. In fact, he didn't care at all: "Master Rorschach, you will still come to me, just like I said this morning, We'll meet again. Let's settle the fees together then."

"Then you are going to lose me as a customer." Rorschach put the business card handed to him by the elf on the coffee table in the living room and left quickly.

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