Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 271 Release Commission

Rorschach arrived at the Adventurer's Guild hall early the next day. He wanted to find Singletary and make sure he wasn't recruited by another employer.

Compared with other places, the most striking feature of Istani's Adventurer's Guild is that it has many maritime commissions. Although Storm City itself is not close to the sea, it is the most beautiful place after all. All kinds of strange talents gather here, and there are many commissions to search for sea treasures and serve as escorts for ocean-going fleets.

There was no drink in the hall, only a bard strumming the strings and playing tuneless tunes. His mushroom head was so long and fluffy that even if he covered his ears, he couldn't tell whether he was an elf or a human. Others are painted in a much more sinister style. Some adventurers are missing arms and legs, which are replaced by wooden stakes and iron hooks, and some are wearing eye patches. The above are all retired sailors.

"Drake Ship Group, a royal franchise. Recruiting a number of adventurers who have a certain amount of force and will not get seasick. Applicants with sailing experience will be given priority. Required to participate in maritime battles, salary negotiable." Franchise? Rorschach stared at the largest recruitment order on the wall and didn't understand the scope of the recruitment business for a while.

Then he figured it out: maybe the pirates were openly recruiting people in the Adventurer's Guild and running a franchise, which meant that Captain Drake was one of the "Shichibukai".

Around this recruitment order, there was a group of men discussing enthusiastically and eager to take the test. Most of their clothes were shabby and they were not only handsome and gentle, they could also be called big and rough, and fierce. Rorschach quickly identified the dwarf who stood out among the ruthless people.

He patted Zinglev on the shoulder and made a silencing gesture in time.

The dwarf opened his mouth wide, but he suppressed the cry of "Master Rorschach". Rorschach used [Messaging Technique] to tell the dwarf to talk somewhere else.

There was no alcohol in the guild itself, but there must be a tavern next to it. The two ordered breakfast and chose a corner to sit down. Rorschach said first: "Are you going to apply for a job as a pirate?"

The dwarf shook his head seriously: "I will always be an adventurer! But it's not bad to go to other seas by boat. You can land on hot islands and visit continents that no other adventurers have set foot on."

Suddenly, the boss served breakfast for the two of them. The two portions had the same content, and were both bistro toppers: sticky beans stewed in tomato sauce, two fried eggs, sautéed mushrooms, slices of bread and a bit of fried bacon. And light beer - a little alcohol is more hygienic than water that has been sitting there for who knows where.

No one would approach them now, and Rorschach began to talk about the "City of Shadows".

After hearing this, Singletaryov didn't even care about the meal: "I've been wandering around in the foggy world for so long, but I didn't know there was such a fun place!"

"Singer, it's not fun at all. It is said that once you enter it, your name will disappear from the outside world, and you may not even be able to return to the real world." Rorschach also didn't know that "Shadow City" is a part of the real world and is controlled by some kind of force. Isolated, or is it itself a region outside the real world.

Obviously the latter is more dangerous. If it is easy to be isolated by supernatural power, then he is confident that he can use magic-breaking magic to escape.

"Okay, you're right."

"So that's it. Now I have to go to this mysterious place, and it's best to have a companion. Are you willing to go with me? I'm willing to hire you and pay a commission worthy of a gold-level adventurer." Rorschach took out a The small leather bag makes a solid sound when thrown on the table.

"Master Rorschach, why are you so polite? I am an adventurer, and I just want to look for opportunities in dangerous places that ordinary people dare not go!" Saying this, Singletary took the bag with his short, strong hands. come over.

He opened it and saw that they were all brilliant gold coins that were in good condition and had not been twisted. There were old Valois gold coins and imperial eagle coins. The golden light made him squint his eyes. Considering that Singarev is an international person who travels around the world, Rorschach also saves himself from exchanging more Istani gold pounds.

As a client, Rorschach took the initiative to step forward: "Since you are an adventurer, follow the rules. I'll hire you. Everyone has to eat and live." To be honest, I don't have much confidence in entering the Shadow City. The biggest guarantee is Rorschach. The agreement with Kano: If Rorschach does not write to him again within ten days, it means losing contact and asking the master to save his apprentice.

The agreement could not guarantee the safety of himself and his companions during the period. If Kano arrived late, he might have to find the body of his good apprentice in the sewers of Storm City.

Not thinking about these bad luck, Rorschach stretched out his hand: "That's it? Do you agree?"

"Of course!" The dwarf and the mage held hands.

There is another problem, Rorschach doesn’t know how to enter the Shadow City! He would never look for Benedy, and he couldn't let that suspicious elf lead him around.

Out of caution, Rorschach asked Singletary to pay to publish two commissions:

The first is a missing person notice, looking for a young woman with brown hair, a teacher by profession, wearing a long linen skirt when she disappeared, and her name is unknown.

The second is the recruitment of the expedition team. You must be familiar with Storm City, familiar with various folklores, and have a good memory.

They were all signed by Singlev, with Rorschach hiding behind the scenes.

Compared with the guilds on the mainland that take a commission from the commission money, the adventurers here specifically charge the adventurer's registration fee, the data registration and storage fee, and the client's page fee. In other words, the more you spend, the more money you spend on the page. The larger the area occupied, the longer the stay.

The guild staff looked at the bulletin board, took off the expired commissions, and posted theirs.

"I have been an adventurer for so many years, and this is the first time I have issued a commission!" Singletary thought the process was very interesting. He once wanted to add money to buy the largest page, overshadowing the Drake fleet, and was defeated by Rorschach. Stop it firmly.

Now it's time to keep a low profile. Rorschach lowered his newsboy hat.

Someone came after a while, and it turned out to be the troubadour that Rorschach had noticed from the beginning. He was holding a small xylophone in one hand and holding two pieces of commission issued not long ago in the other hand.

"I think I am the person you are looking for." The troubadour's eyes were clear. His mushroom head had very neat bangs, which covered his eyebrows. As Rorschach approached, he discovered that the poet had Eye-catching front teeth. "My name is Freddy Reiner. If you guys are willing to visit the nearby pub at night, you will know that I can sing well and am also good at various pianos."

Well, a guy with a lot of personality.

"Singlev, well, the one who signed it is me."

The previous pseudonym was used again: "Heisenberg." Rorschach's gaze was slightly deflected by his front teeth, and he returned his gaze to the other person's eyes: "We don't need musicians. How can you prove that you can complete the commission?"

"The world doesn't need musicians, but it can't be without music! Well, back to the topic, because I know you are going to the shadow world of this city, right?" The poet Freddy waved two pieces of paper: "A lot People who have ever wanted to enter the mysterious and dark place of reversal and sent two nonsense commissions to hint their intentions, you are the first one."

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