Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 272 Dive

Why does this nonsense make no sense? Rorschach thinks these two commissions are very clever. For people who don’t know or don’t believe in the existence of Shadow City, they will only feel baffled, but those who know the true meaning can immediately understand the meaning of Rorschach and Singer. intention.

A missing person notice that does not know the name of the missing person naturally refers to the person who disappeared in the shadow city. Those who are familiar with urban legends and have good memory imply people who can travel through reality and shadow. They will not forget the name of the missing person and have certain resistance to curses. sex.

"Since I guessed your real commission, let's talk about the remuneration. Is the commission fee the result of combining the two?" The commission fee was quoted as a total of two pounds, which is very considerable.

"It's one pound for bringing us in. We really need to find someone. If you can help during the search, we are willing to pay the second pound." Rorschach said as he stretched out his clenched fist and opened his fingers to let the poet see the palm of his hand. gold.

"Okay. But before I take you in, I want to confirm one thing." Freddy stared at Rorschach: "You don't seem to know much about entering the Shadow Land. Are you sure you can come back?"

Rorschach was silent for a moment: "You don't have to think about this."

"Okay!" The poet extended his thumb: "Then it's settled!"

Freddy first led the two of them to buy a few bottles of wine and a few pounds of sugar. The price of sugar in Istani is significantly lower than that on the mainland. It does not produce these beautiful and delicious crystals, but large ships continuously bring them from the sea. The candy was wrapped in brown paper several layers and carried on the back of the dwarf. Singer and Rorschach followed the poet through the streets and alleys, and arrived at an abandoned well surrounded by residential floors.

"Are we going to dive into the water?" The dwarf's expression changed. It was probably used by residents to dump debris. Not only was there accumulation of rubbish, but it also emitted a stench, and there was no water at all.

"Children drowned in this well before. The residents thought it was unlucky and sealed it." Freddy shook his head: "It's an unfortunate incident. We originally had a better environment."

"Can't we go another way?" Zinglev lay on the edge of the well and looked in. When he stepped back, he realized that his hands were also stained.

"Of course, if you are willing to find a suitable bed in the cemetery and sleep with the original owner until you wake up at a certain time, you will also go to the Shadow City." The poet shrugged: "I haven't tried it, I heard about it. There are many strange and similar methods, which have been gradually explored by people in the cracks. If you ask the owner of any garbage tavern, he may be able to provide one or two methods, but he has never tried it himself like me. .”

The poet took out a jug of wine and poured the liquid into the well while singing a murmuring song praising the unknown existence.

The dwarf's big nose twitched, and he suddenly shouted: "Oh, this is the wine of the elves!" He quickly wiped his hands on his body, trying to catch the wine with his hands.

However, the poet poured everything into the well. There was obviously only one pot, but when he poured it into the well, it overflowed. He could not see the dirt accumulated before, only the clear wine. Looking inside, he could see the depth of the transparent wine. It's an abyss that leads nowhere.

"Is this the entrance?"

"Jump, you'll be there as soon as your eyes open and close."

Rorschach released himself a [Filtered Air Bubble] that could cover his whole body. He used [Messaging Technique] to ask Singer if he wanted to also provide protection, but the dwarf firmly shook his head and refused.

The poet picked up the piano and played another tune: "Goodbye, everyone, I will be far away in a hurry. I came in a hurry and left in a hurry. Why don't you let me go?"

When Rorschach plunged into the wine, he didn't smell any "special aroma" because of the filter bubble. He only saw the waves and vortices he set off wrapping people, and then there was a cold feeling, and his consciousness and body temperature were all absorbed. take away

Just when everything darkened, Rorschach suddenly felt a force pulling on him. It was Freddy. He was still playing and singing when Rorschach fell into the well, but now he arrived before Rorschach.

"Is this real life? Or is it just a nightmare? Open your eyes and look up at the sky!" The song continued, and Rorschach subconsciously looked up at the sky. He didn't see the sky at all.

At this time, they were standing on a mountain of garbage, surrounded by thin scavengers wearing spliced ​​fur. They were full of curiosity and fear, wanting to get closer but not daring. The sky, to be precise, was just a low, dense fog above Rorschach's head. The entire space was dim and dim, and the silhouettes of people and objects could barely be seen clearly.

They came out of the well behind themselves and did not wait for Singletary. While Rorschach was still raising his head, a loud roar pierced the dark space. The well became a mortar, and the dwarf was thrown out like a cannonball, streaking through the low fog.

By the time Wangtian boy reacted, the dwarf had already flown out of the range of [Mage's Hand]. Rorschach quickly cast a spell, and [Feather Falling Technique] hit the dwarf and successfully made him fall to the ground slowly. The little scavengers suddenly shouted "oh oh oh" and jumped for joy.

Are you cheering for my superb spellcasting? Rorschach did not expect that little men were also "experts".

"It turns out that you are a spell caster, no wonder you dare to break into the Shadow Land." Freddy shook his head: "But you must be in awe. In the Shadow Land, what greets the brave is not flowers and wine, but only coffins and ridicules.

"Like that disobedient dwarf, he must have secretly drank wine while traveling between the two worlds. The Dead Well gave him a small punishment! What a tolerant well!"

It turns out that the poet was praising this well at the beginning. The garbage mountain must have been thrown in by the residents of the upper world and fed a lot of food. Rorschach turned on [Dark Vision] and saw clearly these residents of the shadow city. They were very thin and small. He was almost crawling on the garbage heap, and the fur he wore was gray and sewn together in patches, probably from rodents.

The dwarf who secretly drank Gujing tribute wine stumbled to meet Rorschach and Freddy, but he was surrounded by short scavengers.

"What's going on?" Singletaryev was surprised. He was not nervous because he could feel that the people around him had no ill intentions, but were whimpering and wanting to communicate with him.

"Sorry, I can't hear you clearly."

After the dwarf finished speaking, the scavengers became quiet one after another. One of the older ones spoke an understandable word: "King."

At first, Rorschach thought they were similar to ordinary animals, but now they appear to be intelligent and organized. The poet clapped his hands: "I understand, Singlev, these rat men elected you as their king!"

Then Freddy explained to Rorschach in a low voice: "They are the Rat Whisperers. They probably thought Mr. Singletary could fly, and his size is close to that of the Rat Whisperers, so..."

So you have to show your loyalty? The loyalty of these little things is so worthless! Rorschach was speechless at the Rat Whisperer's hasty behavior. It turned out that the cheers were not for his spellcasting, but for Shingreev sent from the sky to become the king of the garbage mountain!

The dwarves hurriedly ran to the two of them, trying to get rid of these aborigines of the Shadow City, but they were much more flexible than the dwarves on the garbage mountain. Now the three of them were surrounded together, kowtowing to the newly appointed king under the leadership of an individual suspected of being an elder. bow down.

Freddy laughed when he saw the overwhelmed Singletary Ev. After he finished laughing, he said: "Aren't you looking for someone in the Shadow Land? In the Shadow City and even the Storm City in the upper world, rats are everywhere. And a rat whisperer who can communicate with rats is of great use!"

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