Mage? Spell Engineer!

Chapter 276 How to choose between two tasks

After the count got in, the car roared to life again. Rorschach couldn't help but wonder if the palace burned coal like other cars, where did the fuel for this palace come from?

It is indeed possible to exchange commissions for commissions, but it is a long negotiation process. With the poet's warning, Rorschach and the dwarf also cheered up to avoid being taken advantage of by the count.

"I can find someone, but it's rare to find a mage. I need you to do me a favor. Let's help each other." Elgin will definitely not say "mutual help" to the bards and dwarves. What do you mean? Identity What is my identity? The mage is pretty much the same.

He looked at the young man. According to the earl's common sense, the arrogant boy should be a low-level mage. Given his age, most of them are apprentices. If he can become a full-timer, he will have the capital to be proud.

Apparently he fell to the underground world relatively early, and he didn't know that there was a cost-effective spellcaster wholesaler called the "Empire Royal Academy of Magic".

Just when the count was about to speak, the carriage suddenly began to vibrate violently. The poet lost his balance and fell to his knees. The dwarf's fighting qualities were revealed, but Rorschach simply let himself float and grabbed the armrest.

Looking carefully, the four legs of the Earl's recliner were fixed to the car floor with rivets. He grabbed the edge of the chair tightly and yelled: "Be careful!"

A tentacle burst out of the window, followed by the second and third tentacles. They roughly opened the glass, crazily burrowed in, and slapped the furniture that was already on the verge of decay.

These tentacles were black and smelly. Rorschach looked closely and found that they were similar to the tentacles when he crossed the bridge before.

The most terrifying thing was the smell. The smell of garbage and old toilets rushed into the car, making my eyes water. Rorschach decisively added [air filter bubbles] to himself, and cast spells on the dwarf and the poet.

The Count fought fire with fire and took a sharp breath of smelling salts. Now the smell in the carriage was not unacceptable.

He is a ruthless person.

Rorschach's whole body suddenly erupted with cold air. Others felt a cold wind whistling past, and the exposed skin hurt like a knife. The dwarf seemed to have returned to his winter home.

The tentacles around Rorschach all froze and burst into pieces one after another, exposing all kinds of sewer dirt inside. Fortunately, it had become solid, otherwise the carpet that the count had worked so hard to collect would have been completely scrapped.

"It's water! It's the same as when we crossed the bridge!" Rorschach discovered the nature of this thing and sent the broken ice slag out of the window. However, the carriage was still shaking, getting worse.

The driver struggled to get up from the ground. He climbed into the front of the car and worked together to unleash the maximum power of the subway train, roaring and spewing out huge steam.

Instead of sending all the dirty stuff away, Rorschach collected some of the frozen parts as samples. The count had been lying on the chair unmoved, observing Rorschach's performance. He seemed only concerned about not falling out of the recliner and not worrying about the tentacles attacking him.

The train finally got rid of the attack from the "water" and stumbled into the next station to stop.

"It just saves me the trouble of explaining. You should all know that I patrol my territory through a loop formed by the rose red line and part of the gray line. What I just passed was an abandoned line that runs parallel to the main sewer line.

"There have been cases of water tentacles attacking cars in the past, but recently the water bodies have become more and more active, as restless as spring. Now I am always worried that the train water tanks are still there. Although I have noble authority and don't have to worry about tentacle attacks, but like you, Neither my other guests nor my poor loyal servant will live in peace."

"Can't the train be fixed at a certain station?" The dwarf's idea was very straightforward. It would be done without going to the problematic place.

"Idiot! It is my duty to patrol the territory!" Walking and walking on the train, traveling through the territory, may be the only job that Elgin can do to solidify his reputation as an earl.

"So investigating the cause of the violent sewage and solving it is what I hope you will solve for me. Accordingly, I will order the citizens to help you find someone. My order is still useful in the semi-submersible zone."

"Earl, the two things don't seem to be equivalent!" Freddy felt that investigating the dirty, troublesome and dangerous sewers was not equivalent to the Count's twitching fingers and mouth.

Elgin was unexpectedly easy to talk to: "Well, I have a second commission. Recently, I discovered that there are strange beliefs circulating among the people in the territory. Although I have repeatedly ordered not to carry out religious activities at will, some people still violate it."

This is Elgin's most taboo. Originally, with the authority he obtained from the Shadow City, any violation of the prohibition he carefully issued would be punished by the Shadow Land. However, somehow, the strange activities were still banned repeatedly, making the Earl feel his own power. Majesty is offended, as well as fearful.

If the rules of Shadow City fail, then he is a bad old man who can crush anyone's neck.

"If you can investigate those suspicious guys clearly, where they come from, who they believe in, and what they plan to do, then I am also willing to help. As long as it is related to the person you are looking for, I will sort out and submit all the information I get. .”

This was unexpected, Freddy thought it was a good deal and could work.

After all, finding one person is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but preaching is equivalent to broadcasting to a group of people, and finding it is much easier.

"I think I can accept the second commission." The poet quietly discussed with his employer. But everyone discovered that Rorschach had deserted:

At this time, Rorschach took out a small frozen sample of the "sewage body". He held it with the [Mage's Hand], heated it slightly and melted it.

Once activated, the "sewage body" resumed its claws and teeth, twisting under control and trying to get out as much as possible.

If liquids such as water have this activity, it would be really scary.

In Rorschach's [Arcane Vision], this small piece of "sewage water" also has a faint green aura, which is similar to an electric charge. Not only is it distributed on the surface, but after extending the small tentacles, the aura will be concentrated at the tip and become brighter.

He did a small experiment. When [Small Disintegration Technique] was applied, the tentacles were scattered, as if the "sewage body" temporarily lost its activity, and all the aura disappeared. But soon it all came back, again baring its teeth and claws.

"Do you have an empty wine bottle? It's best to have a stopper." Rorschach asked the count for an empty bottle and forced the "sewage body" sample into it, and then attached a blue light barrier to the inner wall of the bottle to prevent the sample from escaping.

After doing this, Rorschach said firmly: "We will take both jobs!"



The poet directly pulled Rorschach's sleeve: "My Lord Mage, are you looking for trouble? Aren't you in a hurry to find a teacher?"

Rorschach shook his head: "I think the teacher entered the Shadow City on his own initiative. She is also a spellcaster, so she should not be forced into a corner. And this time I came to Istani to investigate a cult organization, and now I seem to have a clue. ”

Freddy gritted his teeth: "You actually sent me away with just two gold coins. If you want me to be a guide next, you'll have to pay more!"

"Money is not a problem." So far, Rorschach feels that the troubadour is a good guide.

Rorschach held up a sample of the "dirty water" to the count: "Do you have a microscope? I need to analyze this dirty stuff."

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